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It is funny how furious people are getting with any criticism of this release. I have just been reading through some equally lol comments on Youtube. People getting called 'cunts', etc., for saying it is a bit underwhelming or lame compared to his previous stuff. Which it is.


The most amusing angle the fanboys are taking now is saying that whoever doesn't like it clearly doesn't understand it, and is only a passing electronic music fan, probably more used to straight trance, etc. LOL. The people criticising it have mainly been those who are long term life long fans, mainly in their mid-30s, early-40s, who have been into electronic music since they were born, probably through parental influence, or whatever, and definitely know what they are talking about, so that dismissal of their opinions is clearly wrong.


Anyway, glad the fanboys have something to sperm all over, but lol at it being really a case of The Emperors New Clothes, and basically a bland noodle fest that sounds tired and just simply not that good.


The comments made by those who had heard it pre-release, of it being 'quite good' were taken as a joke and turned into a bit of a meme, but they appear to have been basically spot on.


The utterly devastating release, which would have made Drukqs look like the in-game music of Ape Escape, just didn't happen. In fact, that is what Syro reminds me of a fair bit; the ingame music of a slightly Indie turn of the century PS1 game.

oh for fucks sake shut the fuck up already, you've made your point, stop fucking banging on about it. nobody gives a shit what you think mate, just fuck off yeah?

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i just dont understand why the people who hate it keep posting and posting about how much they hate it.


I never post on stuff i dont like, and if i do ill just do one post with my opinion and move the fuck on.


LemanRuss is obviously and attention seeker, nobody payed attention to his first post so he had to keep posting so people notice him.


But at the same time, people are giving people like him so much attention by replying to his posts.


Syro is awesome :aphexsign: bye

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He's trolling because fanboys are funny with how easy they jizz over stuff. I sort of agree with some of his sentiments but I like the album and he was being a bit of an arse about it.


It is what it is.

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Seriously though, no one mentioned earlier, who else got these? I didn't get stickers or bag though just CD, LP and these.


I didn't get whatever that is. I got a circular sticker with the Aphex Twin logo on a green background (at least i think it's a sticker, haven't tried peeling it), one of those hard plastic drop cards with the deep web URL on the back, and a card to redeem download on bleep.com

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Thanks Chesney.


I think all this anger is coming from the fact that all these fanboys know that it is not really very good, and this has kicked up all kinds of strong emotions in them, especially after the long build up in the media. I come along and tell them straight, and they then vent all this anger onto me with direct insults, name calling etc. That is all good, and to be expected, so I dont really mind.


As someone else said, they will calm down soon and be more rational.


Glad to see Limmy can see the reality of the situation too. Always been a fan of his opinions.

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i didn't like minipops that much in the beginning but man it's an amazing opener for a buttfucking awesome album

i am so happy!! :music:

Thanks Chesney.

I think all this anger is coming from the fact that all these fanboys know that it is not really very good, and this has kicked up all kinds of strong emotions in them, especially after the long build up in the media. I come along and tell them straight, and they then vent all this anger onto me with direct insults, name calling etc. That is all good, and to be expected, so I dont really mind.

As someone else said, they will calm down soon and be more rational.

Glad to see Limmy can see the reality of the situation too. Always been a fan of his opinions.

i'm sorry but if you'r not trolling you got shit in your ears

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Yeah, I'm not sure any recent release from this genre has generated this much rage and anger (mainly from those who like it against those who don't so much.) I've seen a bit of that before, but never on this scale. Those who aren't so keen on it seem to have actual reasons as to why they might not be feeling it, but many of the others don't offer much in terms of a way in/new thoughts.


Most of us WANT to like it because it's been so long, but I myself become more disappointed with it the more I listen, so I should probably stay away from here. I get that people want to just want to talk about how much they enjoy a release in peace (although it'd be good to read more of that without the insults and one liners. It can actually do good, like inspire others to see the record in a new way. 'The Wire' review sort of helped in that regard, although one can help it if they dislike combinations of sounds!)


The album just seems way, way too tame after the first two tracks. It only gets a more hectic in terms of tempo, but sound/meloldy/feelings-wise all the juicy weirdness and strange Aphex emotional punch seems to be stuffed in the first two! (Although they're still very accessible.) What is it with all these 'classic' artists throwing such cheeseball shapes? Enough retro-gazing already!



Edited by Lianne
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I have to say that the bass is not as pronounced as i'd like. It's kind of too contrasting in frequencies and the high freq's are mainly splurts, gurgles and pops. It's better when you have listened to it a lot and you know the lines as you can conpensate/enhance with your head voice. Might be why people don't warm to it straight away. Like the bass lines are hard to follow first go.

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Is anyone who pre-ordered the Syro vinyl via Bleep still waiting for it, like myself? Seems odd to me that WATMMers in the US and Canada have already received their records and mine hasn't arrived yet, although I live closer to UK..

Yep, me. I'm still waiting.

me too

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OK, here are some questions for you, regarding Syro, which for me, and I am sure you, form part of the charm and excellence of Aphex Twin.


On Syro...


-Where are those tingy, verby sharp hats he is famous for which flick you inside your mind?

-Where is the musicality on the level of the piano parts of Drukqs?

-Why is there a cheesy looped birds-chirping-in-the-garden sample behind the piano on aisatsana?

-Where is the on-the-edge-of-control, red hot full of electricity production with a devil may care attitude to convention and stereo? Syro is the opposite of this.

-Where is the arrogance of putting a giant hum behind the beats like at the start of Acrid Avid Jam Shred, or even more so, Ventolin?
-Where are the huge otherworldly synth lead motifs, and why have they been replaced with that acidy noodling thing he does now?

-Where is the track long development of ideas and emotions?

-Where is the loneliness, and the sadness displayed in ICBYD?

-Where are the absolute next-dimensional chemical bangers like Come On You Slags, Start As You Mean To Go On, and Wax The Nip?

-Where is the 'I have no idea how he made this' feeling?

-Where is the feeling of being bourne along on a vast and rapid sea of hallucinogenic electonics through the dark British countryside?

-Where are the heart wrenching strings of 4?

-Where is the fucking sheer velocity and car door panel vibrating resonance of Girl/Boy Song?

-Where is the mind warping bleakness

-Where is the hyper detailed poise and balance of Vordhosbn?




Fucking nowhere in Syro, that is for sure.


To cockily ape the comment of someone on at me for this, just up there in the posts...


If YOU can't hear the stuff missing from Syro, then you not only have shit in your ears, but you are devoid of any real emotion, and are running purely on the dullest of fanboy juice.


I shouldn't judge though; I guess a lot of you think music is just a 'who is the best at DSP' competition, which Syro is probably not too bad at.

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Thanks Chesney.


I think all this anger is coming from the fact that all these fanboys know that it is not really very good, and this has kicked up all kinds of strong emotions in them, especially after the long build up in the media. I come along and tell them straight, and they then vent all this anger onto me with direct insults, name calling etc. That is all good, and to be expected, so I dont really mind.


As someone else said, they will calm down soon and be more rational.


Glad to see Limmy can see the reality of the situation too. Always been a fan of his opinions.

my guess is you will be banned within a month, hopefully less as you are clearly a troll, very probably a dupe of a previously banned member.


i think you should leave right now and go and play Warhammer in your Mom's basement. seriously, leave.

Edited by BCM
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Yeah, I'm not sure any recent release from this genre has generated this much rage and anger (mainly from those who like it against those who don't so much.) I've seen a bit of that before, but never on this scale. Those who aren't so keen on it seem to have actual reasons as to why they might not be feeling it, but many of the others don't offer much in terms of a way in/new thoughts.


Most of us WANT to like it because it's been so long, but I myself become more disappointed with it the more I listen, so I should probably stay away from here. I get that people want to just want to talk about how much they enjoy a release in peace (although it'd be good to read more of that without the insults and one liners. It can actually do good, like inspire others to see the record in a new way. 'The Wire' review sort of helped in that regard, although one can help it if they dislike combinations of sounds!)


The album just seems way, way too tame after the first two tracks. It only gets a more hectic in terms of tempo, but sound/meloldy/feelings-wise all the juicy weirdness and strange Aphex emotional punch seems to be stuffed in the first two! (Although they're still very accessible.) What is it with all these 'classic' artists throwing such cheeseball shapes? Enough retro-gazing already!





I agree with this whole-heartedly, especially the part about those who like it getting butt hurt more at those who don't, without actually giving any real back up to their opinions, while those who don't like it are able to give plenty (and then get fucking hammered for it, but with no counter to their arguments).


And yeah, it definitely is way too tame. Well put.

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Look, I am a massive Aphex Twin fan. Have been since I was about 13 when I bought SAWII (in 1994). Bought everything I get my hands on, saw him live, etc etc. and completely fell in love with everything he did. I adore the hugeness of his ideas, his totally unique vision and approach, and his seemingly endless exploration of sound, emotion and journey, through a mysterious and dark world he has created entirely in his own mind. An utter genius, and my all time favourite. Genuinely.


But this new album, displays nothing of what I fell in love with, and nothing of what made him massively and hugely pan-galactic in his sheer artistry and ability to paint an emotive world in your mind.


I have started to list the things missing in Syro in another post, to show that I am not just out on a troll mission, and to validate my opinion with reason. I would have thought this would count for something.


If it really is the case of, if you are not a complete unquestioning fanboy you are not welcome on WATMM, then I will happily leave you all to it, and just listen to all of his music without bothering to engage with other people into it.


Feel free to tell me to fuck off again and call me a cunt, if that makes you feel better, but I think I have at least given reason to my thoughts on Syro and have not handed out any direct insults to anyone which can't be said for everyone else replying to me.

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Look, I am a massive Aphex Twin fan. Have been since I was about 13 when I bought SAWII (in 1994). Bought everything I get my hands on, saw him live, etc etc. and completely fell in love with everything he did. I adore the hugeness of his ideas, his totally unique vision and approach, and his seemingly endless exploration of sound, emotion and journey, through a mysterious and dark world he has created entirely in his own mind. An utter genius, and my all time favourite. Genuinely.


But this new album, displays nothing of what I fell in love with, and nothing of what made him massively and hugely pan-galactic in his sheer artistry and ability to paint an emotive world in your mind.


I have started to list the things missing in Syro in another post, to show that I am not just out on a troll mission, and to validate my opinion with reason. I would have thought this would count for something.


If it really is the case of, if you are not a complete unquestioning fanboy you are not welcome on WATMM, then I will happily leave you all to it, and just listen to all of his music without bothering to engage with other people into it.


Feel free to tell me to fuck off again and call me a cunt, if that makes you feel better, but I think I have at least given reason to my thoughts on Syro and have not handed out any direct insults to anyone which can't be said for everyone else replying to me.

you don't like it. that's fine.

what's not fine is blanket statements like "if you think it's good, you're wrong".

that just makes you look like a cunt.


music appreciation is a 100% subjective thing.

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