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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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I smoked weed for the first time last Friday. Didn't care for it.


Why is that?



It was just really hard to think straight. I would keep forgetting what I was just thinking about and trying to say. It was mostly frustrating.


But I suppose if I were just doing it alone and watching a movie or something, it would be fine.

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I smoked weed for the first time last Friday. Didn't care for it.


Why is that?



It was just really hard to think straight. I would keep forgetting what I was just thinking about and trying to say. It was mostly frustrating.


But I suppose if I were just doing it alone and watching a movie or something, it would be fine.


Possible you dosed too high for your first time?

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I smoked weed for the first time last Friday. Didn't care for it.


Why is that?



It was just really hard to think straight. I would keep forgetting what I was just thinking about and trying to say. It was mostly frustrating.


But I suppose if I were just doing it alone and watching a movie or something, it would be fine.


Possible you dosed too high for your first time?



Definitely possible. I was like four or five beers deep by that point and they had one of those volcano vaporizer things.


I'm going to try some edibles next, though.

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Be careful with edibles, they're deceptive in my experience. Typically I'll have a cookie or something and it takes a while for it to hit, so I'm tempted to have a quick toke or eat more. Bad idea lol.


I get a lot more of a tactile, body high with edibles. I don't get paranoid from edibles like I do smoking.


Hope you have fun with it!

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I smoked weed for the first time last Friday. Didn't care for it.


Why is that?



It was just really hard to think straight. I would keep forgetting what I was just thinking about and trying to say. It was mostly frustrating.


But I suppose if I were just doing it alone and watching a movie or something, it would be fine.


Possible you dosed too high for your first time?



Definitely possible. I was like four or five beers deep by that point and they had one of those volcano vaporizer things.


I'm going to try some edibles next, though.



lol volcano first time. I've been smoking since I was 12 and the first time I used a volcano was miserable (couple of years ago). You just really don't need that much weed anymore. It's almost all very potent. 1-2 hits is all you need unless you smoke regularly, or you are trying to work some shit out. It is a psychedelic so you have to take that into account.

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I've smoked weed everyday for the past 5 or 6 years (with intermittent breaks for pre-employment drug screenings, tolerance breaks, etc.) I love it. It makes me happy, relaxed, friendly, inquisitive, creative, appreciative of nature and art, and generally levelheaded.


It does not make me:

Depressed, angry, violent, anxious, physically impaired, unmotivated, alienated, regretful, hungover, a danger on the road, or addicted.


In my time habitually smoking I've also earned a bachelor's degree, landed a nice job in my field that I love, dieted and exercised my way into the best shape of my life, worked toward my artistic and musical ambitions, maintained healthy personal relationships, and laughed my ass off the whole way.


And yet if I get caught with over an ounce on me I could go to jail. America is a strange place.

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Dude you need to eat some shrooms immediately

Actually I don't. What I need to do is change my lifestyle. That's why I'm preparing to leave my current sedentary location and go on a journey to South America. I'm not ready yet, though. I'm going to a job interview on Wednesday, so I'll hopefully have enough money saved up by next summer to head off. :biggrin:



Yeah, I have contemplated suicide many times in the past. Right now I'm just sort of waiting around for death, and that's the way it's been for a while.

this will be a great post to read in the morning to start a brand new day

Whatever makes you happy.



Yeah, I have contemplated suicide many times in the past. Right now I'm just sort of waiting around for death, and that's the way it's been for a while.

I appreciate your honesty, man.


Depression is evil. Robert Sapolsky said that "basically, depression is the worst disease you can get."



Don't worry, I'm done with depression. Right now I'm just sort of apathetic toward life and everything else. It isn't quite depression, just indifference. I decided that since I'm going to die anyway, I may as well stay alive until I die naturally. Maybe there's a reason why I haven't died yet. Thank you for the concern, though. It means a lot. People weren't as concerned during the worst times.



Dude you need to eat some shrooms immediately






Mushrooms really are as magical and therapeutic as all of its many advocatates suggest. Drillkicker, track some down if you can, man. They break your deeply-ingrained pattern of negative ideation and give you a huge, literally life-altering dose of perspective.


Also, consider checking out a psychiatrist. (Currently, I'm on a low dose of setraline. I haven't had a major depressive episode in a long time.)


But whatever you do, don't resign yourself to thinking that "well, this is just my personality, I guess." You didn't reason yourself into depression, and you can't reason yourself out of it.

A friend of mine took shrooms in California a few months ago. The way he described it doesn't sound very pleasant, and it completely changed his entire personality. He's now against any hallucinogenic drugs, so I'm not sure that's what I want. I don't trust anything external that promises spiritual hapiness, anyway. That's something that can only be found alone.



Also, @drillkicker, depression, mostly a physiological problem. Get healthy, supplement properly, exercise. Depression will diminish greatly. Heavy and purposeful supplementation is a good way to begin to overcome this issue. You can build from there with altering nutrition, if necessary, and then once in a more stable healthy state you can begin exercise. Other good options for starting and maintaining this process are regular visits to the sauna and cold shock therapy, be it cryo or ice baths.


If you are going to use psychedelics to disrupt deep depression and suicidal thoughts you need a guide/chaperon/friend while you do it. Please don't do it alone.

Thanks for the advice. I've been considering vegetarianism for the psychological benefits, but I'm also a bit unsure of what to eat to adequately substitute meat. I know pasta is not the way to go, since it only worsens depression. What exactly do sauna and shock do for the mind that helps it? I've never heard of doing that to treat depression before.


I'm not exactly depressed, by the way, I just feel somewhat pointless and unsure of what to do with my life.




I'm perfectly fine with the way my life is. I've been emotionally stable for once and that's more than I could ever wish for.

Right now I'm just sort of waiting around for death, and that's the way it's been for a while.

Sounds like a blast, man. Whatever you do, don't smoke pot. You might accidentally enjoy yourself a little.

It's a bit too expensive for me. I'd smoke marijuana with pleasure if it were free and easily attainable, but it's neither of those things. None of its benefits are anything that will bring me closer to spiritual hapiness, though, so it isn't worth spending time and money acquiring, at least not the time and money that it currently demands.



Also weed is about 1000x better without alcohol. Alc's actually a surprisingly shitty drug considering how popular it is.

I wish more people would smoke marijuana instead of drinking alcohol. High people are much more fun to be around than drunk people.

Edited by drillkicker
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Up until about 10 years ago, I could actually smoke casually. Like I'd just have a massive nug on my desk, surf the web, make music, and just have nugs on my desk; wouldn't even care to smoke. Somewhere along the line- and I just realized this now- smoking up went from being a wholly social activity, to being a solo activity. After that shift, I leaned towards going into permastone mode when I've gotz. Even if I smoked socially after the shift, it was still in permastone mode, where we'd all smoke all day long.


So now it's actually somewhat painful if I haven't smoked but've just run out, or if I'm gonna pick up in a month, that whole waiting time can hurt. But then sometimes it's like, nah iz cool without. Makes me realize how powerful simply not being "bored" is. (this is why storytelling is so powerful)


But as mentioned by others-- if one's personality can handle it (responsible with life and all that shit, not gonna start sucking dick for spliffs, etc.), then it's definitely great to have an infinite supply. BUT, I know people who smoke regularly but not often, so it can work. It's hardcore training for me, though, and to me, that's some ninja level shit. I believe the ninjas called it... "DISIPRIN"


My grandfather used to grow, and my father started smoking it at 8 (EIGHT was it?, fuck that sounds ridiculous...)... so if DNA has anything to do with anything, then well- my DNA definitely understands the plant. (funny random sidestory- my dad smoked ganj before tobacco, so when moving to Cali from Hawaii and first trying tobacco- smoking ganj the only smoking he knew- he reacted, "Hey... This doesn't work." ...Rest In Peace, you crazy literal motherfucker.)

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yeah i just like it too much. i cant stop thinking about it if i have it. unfortunately it becomes its own thing, rather than using it to enhance a thing. i moderate with "break mode" for months. when i pick it up again its good, but when i go back to break mode its good too.

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after being a stoner for more than 20 years, i forget to smoke. the memory. so therefore it's self regulating. did i already say that before? thanks for the reminder, topic!

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30 years in January 16


i've found its associations with certain types of human that'll hold you back more fully than almost any kind of of green


i couldnt do it all day everyday doe, thats just like greenalchys pissed as fuck on special brew at 10am equivalent and never advisable

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