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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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didnt a famous Beat once claim everyone should get high for the next ten years?


doing my best, Mr Ginsberg

I'd be shocked if ONLY one Beat said that


But of course the Beats knew that blazing ganj a-most e'ry day was only one ingredient in the medicinal stew

The Beats leaned heavily on comparative mythology and meditation and Taoism and civil disobedience and art and (radical 60's models of) psychiatry and mental health and LSD


I don't think any drug can do all the heavy-lifting on its own

(I was about to say Ecstacy, but fuck, everyone knows people who have done E 80 times and haven't matured one iota...so perhaps not even that)


Even heavy psychedelics don't necessarily point you in the right direction...if someone is committed to guilt, shame, dread, pathological nostalgia, or resentment, it's certainly not a given that LSD will disabuse that person of their hang-ups...

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...plus there's the fact that drugs tend to fuck certain people up, the people who aren't easily disposed to playing around with them probably should leave well enough alone.

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Weed has really helped me with self-analysis

My models/conceptions about myself, the world and what a human being is have completely changed in the last year or so...very strange feeling, almost like waking up one day in an alternate universe that looks identical to this one, but with different clockwork running under the surface


Very well put

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  • 4 weeks later...

medical marijuana passed in Ohio, but you still can't smoke it, wtf.  Oil and Vaping legal though so whatever.  but 2 years!  dayuum



When you smoke too much and think you're a Gundam:




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Yes! Amen to kratom. I love the way it doesn't really make you high, just clears the mind and allows you to enjoy all the simple things in life, in a way one could before alcohol, weed etc.

Plus more energy and productivity.

Only downside is the tolerance the body quickly builds up for the stuff, requiring regular breaks in use.

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I feel like weed makes me notice things about sound and the way that frequencies interact that I wouldn't notice otherwise. My autistic detail-oriented side goes into overdrive and I can obsess over making noise-ish music where a few frequencies laid on top of one another create microrhythms or something and I build up from those rhythms. I'm not explaining it very well, but is this common? Or am I just high and believing that I can hear details better?

Edited by drukqs
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Experienced the same sort of thing myself. I also feel that listening to music on weed has allowed me to 'carry' that same super-intense analysis over into when I'm not stoned, like it was a little skill set that I first unlocked by being stoned. Especially with relation to being able to focus on just one element, whether it's the bassline or the tambourine in the right channel or whatever, and focus on it with that kind of laser-esque clarity you have when you're baked. Obviously it's not the same experience as listening stoned but I do think weed can really help you develop those skills.

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My ritual lately has been to get stoned at 9-10pm and then listen to my (current) favorite composers and read analysis of their stuff and try to extract conceptual tools from them, and then try to apply those tools...


I think half the battle of being a creative person is simply becoming aware of things...like if you listen to piece and its internal logic is a mystery to you, but then you study it and gain some understanding of it, then now you can apply it in your own music...and weed seems to facilitate that to a huge-ass degree

Edited by LimpyLoo
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medical marijuana passed in Ohio, but you still can't smoke it, wtf.  Oil and Vaping legal though so whatever.  but 2 years!  dayuum





There's something quintessentially Ohio about this. They introduce one thing that sounds really cool, but turns out to not be that great. I doubt the physicians there will have the same kind of exuberance in prescribing medical cannabis as the western states. At least you'll be able to get edibles.

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"Where are you from Willard ?"



"I'm from Ohio, sir."



"Were you born there ?"



"Yes, sir."



"Whereabouts ?"



"Toledo, sir."



"How far were you from the river ?"



"The Ohio river, sir ? About 200 miles."



"I went down that river when I was a kid. There's a place

in the river.. I can't remember... Must have been a gardenia

plantation at one time. All wild and overgrown now, but about

five miles you'd think that heaven just fell on the earth in the

form of gardenias...

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My ritual lately has been to get stoned at 9-10pm and then listen to my (current) favorite composers and read analysis of their stuff and try to extract conceptual tools from them, and then try to apply those tools...


I think half the battle of being a creative person is simply becoming aware of things...like if you listen to piece and its internal logic is a mystery to you, but then you study it and gain some understanding of it, then now you can apply it in your own music...and weed seems to facilitate that to a huge-ass degree

at the same time, I remember when I was doing music while high, I thought I was onto something and the next day I always realized it was still shite.



listening to music while high on weed or even better, on psychedelics, is incredible and to me have always been a way to confirm what I like.

for example, if I think I like a artist, getting high and listening to that artist will often make me realize whether or not its really good. its like I feel sober im another person, and high some parts of myself are more in tune with what I really feel. sober seems more around what I think, getting high helps me connect somehow. ime, we really shouldnt trust what we think when high

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"Where are you from Willard ?"

"I'm from Ohio, sir."

"Were you born there ?"

"Yes, sir."

"Whereabouts ?"

"Toledo, sir."

"How far were you from the river ?"

"The Ohio river, sir ? About 200 miles."

"I went down that river when I was a kid. There's a place
in the river.. I can't remember... Must have been a gardenia
plantation at one time. All wild and overgrown now, but about
five miles you'd think that heaven just fell on the earth in the
form of gardenias...

Ah si, the old river, she giveth and she taketh away.

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My ritual lately has been to get stoned at 9-10pm and then listen to my (current) favorite composers and read analysis of their stuff and try to extract conceptual tools from them, and then try to apply those tools...


I think half the battle of being a creative person is simply becoming aware of things...like if you listen to piece and its internal logic is a mystery to you, but then you study it and gain some understanding of it, then now you can apply it in your own music...and weed seems to facilitate that to a huge-ass degree

at the same time, I remember when I was doing music while high, I thought I was onto something and the next day I always realized it was still shite.

Maybe it was shite because you only worked on it for a day

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medical marijuana passed in Ohio, but you still can't smoke it, wtf.  Oil and Vaping legal though so whatever.  but 2 years!  dayuum




Weird, I remember there was some drama about the ohio legalization situation, like celebs blocking out other growers or somehting. . Maybe thats why it's so backward seeming?


"And yet it has driven a wedge into the usual pro-marijuana coalition, in part because of language in the measure that would restrict virtually all large-scale marijuana cultivation to 10 designated farms.

The owners of those farms? A random bunch, including Nick Lachey, designer Nanette Lepore, NBA legend Oscar Robertson, NFL journeyman Frostee Rucker, a pair of President William Howard Taft’s great-great-grandnephews and twenty-some others — who, not coincidentally, are the same folks bankrolling the campaign, and stand to become very, very wealthy if the measure passes."




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Experienced the same sort of thing myself. I also feel that listening to music on weed has allowed me to 'carry' that same super-intense analysis over into when I'm not stoned, like it was a little skill set that I first unlocked by being stoned. Especially with relation to being able to focus on just one element, whether it's the bassline or the tambourine in the right channel or whatever, and focus on it with that kind of laser-esque clarity you have when you're baked. Obviously it's not the same experience as listening stoned but I do think weed can really help you develop those skills.

QFT, well said. that's what I've experienced too. pretty neat innit

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My ritual lately has been to get stoned at 9-10pm and then listen to my (current) favorite composers and read analysis of their stuff and try to extract conceptual tools from them, and then try to apply those tools...


I think half the battle of being a creative person is simply becoming aware of things...like if you listen to piece and its internal logic is a mystery to you, but then you study it and gain some understanding of it, then now you can apply it in your own music...and weed seems to facilitate that to a huge-ass degree

at the same time, I remember when I was doing music while high, I thought I was onto something and the next day I always realized it was still shite.

Maybe it was shite because you only worked on it for a day



This is probably the case.

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