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Future Brown on Warp WTF?


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what are you guys talking about nothing has been Warp material in the past 15 years ?


What´s with , AE, BOC,Plaid, APHEX, Jackson and his Computerband (Smash), SP, Oneohtrix Point Never, Battles !!......



dont exaggerate pls.


Oh and the Future Brown record is total shit :diablo:

3 likes on a page with over 300.000 followers is telling:




they do not even seem to care and continue spamming this mess

lol that must be weird for the "social media team"

woooooaaaaa u cited Jackson and His Computer Band!!! Do u like Glow? I love this artist & his two LPs!


FateBrown ooops FutureBrown is relly shit.

I took the risk to get into it by listening and am almost drowned me so there was mess musically i was starting to lose myself in the outrageous sounds but i managed to escape by pressing stop after the 7th title as I could not go this sound abyss... Warp wants to pollute our ears? I've shit in my ears now... Thanks Warp! To be continued...

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also some reviews: http://warp.net/news/future-brown-reviews/
my favourites so far.

“Forward-thinking, the future is here.”
The Music, 4.5****

“It feels like a genuine next-generation moment.”
Rolling Stone, 4****

If this was released in 1985 i would have understood that kind of hype, but its 2015 and its on warp and the press goes nuts. soo wtf is going on ??

and btw: I listened to the whole LP

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Guest rostok

Warp have made the error of mixing nerd music and hipster music. All they need to do is split the label into 2 divisions and we wouldn't have this problem. Plus then we could see which of the two is holding the other up financially.

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Guest Barung

people in ghettos been making some of the best music out there with cheap as fuck gear and these guys are trying so hard to get a forward thinking post-trap bullshit sound, memphis street mixtapes back in the 90s were way more "future" than this pretentious bourgeois trash





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people in ghettos been making some of the best music out there with cheap as fuck gear and these guys are trying so hard to get a forward thinking post-trap bullshit sound, memphis street mixtapes back in the 90s were way more "future" than this pretentious bourgeois trash






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They almost seem manufactured to me. I haven't heard the music, but they seem way too picture perfect. Which is fine I guess but not really what I'd want to see on Warp. Not going to be losing sleep over it though lol.

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is warp paying reviewers now?


sounds like it as these reviews do not describe any aspect the music really has. more like "pay x for generic review z"

edit yeah I was right the article is pretty much copy paste:



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They almost seem manufactured to me. I haven't heard the music, but they seem way too picture perfect.



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if you wonder what they are doing "live"



Having fun, probably.

Look at all those happy faces.




I have no strong feelings about them being signed to Warp but musically, this is the issue for me. I don't really get the impression these guys are even that into their own music, except in some sort of weird abstract 'look at our aesthetic' way. Listening to stuff off the RDJ soundcloud dump, for instance, you can picture him just blissing out, getting into wee grooves, and just getting off on the whole music-making trip. This Future Brown stuff (and, granted, I'm probably not the target audience for this gear at all, but whatever) feels cold and empty, soulless. You get the impression that with RDJ, Legowelt, Dilla, or whoever, you could just burn one and have a fun evening listening to records. I don't get that feel with these guys. It's like a party I'm not cool enough to be invited to but wouldn't want to go to anyway because everyone's too cool to dance. Was experimentally listening to some PC Music earlier and I get the same vibe. Music's supposed to be fun and take you to magic wee places, whether it's glitchy cerebral stuff or smokey head-nodding beats or classic soul that makes you want to shake your pieces. FB just leaves me cold and bored. They sound bored.


Also, that Rolling Stone interview talks about 'hip-hop's current creative drought', which I think says it all really.

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people in ghettos been making some of the best music out there with cheap as fuck gear and these guys are trying so hard to get a forward thinking post-trap bullshit sound, memphis street mixtapes back in the 90s were way more "future" than this pretentious bourgeois trash







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This album isn't as bad as we're making it out to be but everything surrounding the music just makes it an easy target.


Brb, gonna go blow my trust fund on some Hood By Air tees and Telfar man-skirts

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