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Social Media's Effects On Our Minds & Lives


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On 1/28/2023 at 4:14 PM, J3FF3R00 said:

The best part of this video is 8 seconds before the end when the facebook and instagram follow links pop up :emotawesomepm9:

haha , this,  and the very end : SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE

... ok jokies, anyway, this vid is still a clever summup fore some.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I always imagined (hoped?) that as the bullshit on twitter etc reached saturation level, that people would just write-off social media as an information source, and revert back to conventional news or even community word-of-mouth. 

But no, seems like we're doomed to sleepwalk into a world where you end up against the wall for denying that the sky is orange

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4 hours ago, zazen said:

Honestly, it's probably the phones - by Noah Smith (substack.com)

The most plausible explanation for teenage unhappiness.


hmm.. idk..it's probably more complicated than all this.  social media. yeah.. of course.. but the world, life, modern life etc..  i don't know if kids can be painted w/one brush like that and the graphs lining up conveniently w/phones and their usage seems a bit lazy.. 

not that i doubt impacts of social media.. it sucks it's awful etc.. but maybe reality is even worse? 

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it's also at least partly an increase in reporting. these things are much more talked about - and recognised internally - now than previously.

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43 minutes ago, usagi said:

it's also at least partly an increase in reporting. these things are much more talked about - and recognised internally - now than previously.

and some people say this is a deliberate attempt to prep people for what's coming so it's not a surprise or at least lessens the shock.. others say it's doom scrolling and doom is the money maker or something. 

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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

and some people say this is a deliberate attempt to prep people for what's coming so it's not a surprise or at least lessens the shock.. others say it's doom scrolling and doom is the money maker or something. 

It’s scary either way. My kids are growing up in a strange world.

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31 minutes ago, Extralife said:

It’s scary either way. My kids are growing up in a strange world.

it's always been strange it's just really really strange and hyper tracked/located etc.. but it's probably different as a kid than an adult looking in. i mean.. their normal is just different. who knows wtf it'll be like in 10 years and what value the very online will have. 

edit.. it's bots all the way down sir


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  • 2 weeks later...

modern brain worms are not the same old brain worms

it's not that people used to know what's true, and it's not that people never knew what's true. in the old days, some people knew how to parse journalism, and media consensus set the worldview for most. the info ecosystem was just simpler.

modern brain worms are different. consensus is different. consensus can be gamed, and actors are out there trying to knock things out of consensus and trying to get things into consensus.

that's how the brain worms get you. you look for confirmation and you find it

that's why the inescapable solution is to evolve norms where we teach individuals the skills to assess info

  • try to prove yourself wrong
  • compare reporting from differing sources
  • resolve discrepancies

accuracy is not easy when talking about disputed info

Edited by trying to be less rude
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most of social media has shifted to messenger-groups like telegram or whatsapp. you can even measure how close certain friends are to you as if you are allowed to join their local friend group on a Messenger 

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Shock! Horror!

Im back on Facebook. Hah! there’s still my old posts on there from over a decade ago. Things like if facebook is your eyes and ears to the world then I’ll pop and chop them into pieces!! Hah fuck it. Couldn’t give a monkey’s. Next patient!!!

After a decade of not fishing I’ve recently dusted off my rods and reels and got back into it, I knew I would so thankfully I never sold thousands of pounds worth of gear. My clubs have private Facebook accounts so it’s quite cool being a member of that as we discuss all things piscatorial. I have no interest in having anything to do anyone else. All my close friends from school are still my friends today and apart from one who moved up north, see them throughout the year. Chris, Mike, John, Gary and Matthew (there’s two Matts). I do not care about about other mongoloids!!! No. Refuse/resist.

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this went down like a ton of bricks both for tiktoi boi and wrinkled ancients grilling him.


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