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What Are You Having For Dinner


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Little off topic here since I'm not having it for dinner yet, but I have a question before I dedicate myself to making something...


I have like 7 pounds of boneless pork loin. It seems pretty fatty for what it is, not as lean as people claim loin usually is. I want to make carnitas, and the place I go doesn't usually have pork shoulder.


If I slow cook this (as carnitas) am I going to end up with some terrible bullshit? The cut I have isn't crazy marbled, but there's a pretty significant amount of fat around it. It's been a long time since I bought pork shoulder so I can't really visualize the comparison when I check it out.


Any tips are appreciated. :) Gotta find something to do with all this pig.

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I've only ever regular-roasted a pork loin, for 1hr - 1hr 30mins say. It's easy to dry out, there's very little fat inside the meat (the stuff on the outside isn't that important), probably not ideal for slow cooking.

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Thanks caze. That pulled pork I posted about earlier on this page was from the same cut and it turned out amazing, fell apart when you looked at it, so I dunno. Might still give it a try, we'll see

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FISH PIE. With pastry not mashed potato. :datboi:


Also had a bottle of beer which for some reason exploded like a bottle of champagne and went everwhere, was a disaster.

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bison cheeseburger on sourdough, kale salad w/ berries, feta & balsamic


for dinner #2 - as many slices of almond butter & jelly smeared toast as I can cram into myself before I run out of bread

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Had chicken, chorizo and pea risotto last night with a twist. Decided to use a hot jerk seasoning on the chicken before adding. It was truly amazing. Gave the whole thing lots of heat and a beautiful dark brown colour. Highly recommended. I'm going out to get more seasoning this morning to do a BBQ with it later. It's so tasty. This one:



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  • 4 weeks later...

 It's so tasty. This one:




This stuff is great, doing jerk chicken and rice n peas tomorrow. It's a bit too salty though, a thing I've noticed in Jamaican food in general, don't need to add any extra salt at all.

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A roughly hewn sheeps head!


Once I had silently stalked the pathetic, bleating, bungling beast into a soft, squidgy patch of marsh land. I ripped the fuckers throat out and tore the sleepy head of it's sleepy shoulders!


First I clawed out its eye balls and sucked them down whole like juicy slimy oysters!


Then I licked the torn flesh of the neck, slavering like a hells leech on the entrails of blood!


Then I began munching my teeth and delving my snout up into the cranium of the fucking jumbuck!!!!


All that was left was fur, bones, and the bleached white moon skull!!!!


Yeahhhh!!! Yeahhhh!!!! Yeeeahhhhh!!!


The sheep was fucked!


The sheep was shit outta luck!!!


Hardwired to self destruct!!!!!!!!!

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I have become an America's Test Kitchen addict, and have made several of their recipes - all are simple, easy, and proven effective and tasty.


Whoa. This looks amazon.

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