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Will BOC Release A New Album?


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I do think it’s funny how twoism thinks Joyrex is a snake oil salesman or some kind of conman with tricks up his sleeve and a forked tongue. I’d enjoy that if that was me, being able to upset all of them. Most delightful :diablo:

Edited by beerwolf
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3 hours ago, mister miller said:

can anyone update me on what twoism is saying? their site is tough to navigate tbh...

to summarise:

the hell interface youtube banner was updated a few months back to an image of the pioneer plaque with a turquoise hexagon, so obviously it's been twoism'd to death. i think today marks the 18th anniversary of the last time pioneer 10's signal was received, so they're all convinced we're getting a new album within the next few hours lol

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4 hours ago, Friendly Stranger said:

To be fair it’s like 2 people driving the conversation. 

Yeah probs Mike and Marcus's kids. Or ‘The Brothers’ drinking pals. What a hoot!

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If you remember TH had a pretty well thought out marketing campaign before the release. I seriously doubt that Warp would let them simply release an album. If we get a new BOC album, it will be slowly hyped up over 3 or so months I think.

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25 minutes ago, Dpek said:

If you remember TH had a pretty well thought out marketing campaign before the release. I seriously doubt that Warp would let them simply release an album. If we get a new BOC album, it will be slowly hyped up over 3 or so months I think.

That was an absolute frenzy and I still have mixed feelings about it. I wouldn't mind a simple "here is an album right now" release for the next one


if there is a next one

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15 hours ago, beerwolf said:

I do think it’s funny how twoism thinks Joyrex is a snake oil salesman or some kind of conman with tricks up his sleeve and a forked tongue. I’d enjoy that if that was me, being able to upset all of them. Most delightful :diablo:

All because of my April Fool's Day joke ten+ years ago - funny how they seem to hold a grudge...

6 hours ago, Dpek said:

If you remember TH had a pretty well thought out marketing campaign before the release. I seriously doubt that Warp would let them simply release an album. If we get a new BOC album, it will be slowly hyped up over 3 or so months I think.

This. Anything BOC does is going to have massive promotion behind it. You will NOT see a surprise release from them (at least if it is released on WARP).

Now, something self-released (that doesn't constitute anything in their contractual obligations with WARP), that's another story...

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Did you guys know that the Op-z by Teenage Engineering has the plaque image hidden under it's battery? Pretty cool cocidence considering everything that's going on..

I am color blind but the Op-z looks similarly colored to turquoise, or cyan (to my eyes)...

I swear I'm just as clueless if not more clueless as to what these things mean, maybe its just false pattern recognition.. But it sure as hell is fun!



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I had a dream last night where mysterious figures were sneaking into bedrooms at night and leaving 4-track cassettes of new BoC material. It was a very telephasic experience and indeed evidence of imminent new BoC material.

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I do not think there will ever be another. Just don't see it happening. Just don't think making albums/music is something they get excited about, just my thought/opinion but after 7-8 years, I just have no anticipation anymore. The time between 96-06 they did a lot but now doing 1 a decade, I just don't think they care. Do they owe WARP 1 more via the contract or something? Hope I'm wrong but if by end of this year still no news, then I'd say that's that..

Edited by sexagon hun
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5 hours ago, sexagon hun said:

I do not think there will ever be another. Just don't see it happening. Just don't think making albums/music is something they get excited about, just my thought/opinion but after 7-8 years, I just have no anticipation anymore. The time between 96-06 they did a lot but now doing 1 a decade, I just don't think they care. Do they owe WARP 1 more via the contract or something? Hope I'm wrong but if by end of this year still no news, then I'd say that's that..

I thought it was just quality selection and much refining.  Rather than churning out every piece of dross they make [nor retiring].  ... I wont point any fingers for who does such churn, lest peeps mistake prolific artists as churning out all/any passable dross.

Does feel weird that the largest portion of soffmi muhod's releases only came since boc's last though.  Even had notions of removing everything from bandcamp, replacing it with what would effectively be a best-of from all the releases. ( ... Nohhhh... shant betray the concepts, certainly not just to fantastically hang on boc's coat-tails.  soffmi's a child [of music], not a clone [of boc]. )

... Maybe there's a causal relationship... soffmi muhod stops... boc release will come.  Okay.  The strained jymg kega is the last.  Until boc release again.  ?  That'll help share the apparently limited new-releases energy from this part of the world.  And If boc do release, I'll cite this as the reason why.  lol.

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2 hours ago, KovalainenFanBoy said:

mental health issues prevents at least half of boc from living a normal life let alone release an album


That's not really something you should be saying, especially since you have zero insight into their lives...

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