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Coronavirus COVID-19


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interesting.. they're working on a vaccine for all corona viruses.. so one vaccine to take care of current variants and any future variants. 

trying to stop all pandemics 'forever'


interesting story about the technology of it as well. 

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6 minutes ago, cwmbrancity said:

Rimming is winning

Listen, what you Welsh and your sheep do in the privacy of your own homes is no one's business at all.

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On 4/8/2021 at 1:54 AM, acid1 said:

Felt like I was the last person on earth but I got my vaccine today.

I don't mind getting covid and I understand thats a risk after being vaccinated but its my understanding I won't die now if I get it. Thats a big plus for my daughter's future.


Nah don't worry, im still under 40 and relatively healthy so probably won't see a vaccine until June / July.

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1 hour ago, toaoaoad said:

Yeah I was really biting my tongue when I saw that "last person on earth" bit.  I'm surprised tho, I thought the UK was going at a pretty good speed?  I mean, better than Canada I would have thought for sure. But the timeline you describe sounds a lot like ours. 

Yeah we are going at a good rate to be fair. It started at oldest / most vulnerable first, then working our way down through the ages. All over 60s have now been offered the jab, as well as critical front line staff etc. Over 50 invite going out from today, slightly ahead of schedule.

It does seem to be the one thing that the govt have done pretty well at 

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NJ recently opened it up to "overweight" which they define as BMI > 25 (lol) and I'm 25.1 so I'm getting my shot (JnJ) on Wednesday. No appointments in central NJ but tons in south jersey where the population is more sparse & republican.

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6 hours ago, Nebraska said:


weird to agree with senator john neely kennedy of louisiana

6 hours ago, auxien said:

my (dumbass) Senator :catsalute:

he is one of the senators up for reelection in 2022, and he is an utter buffoon. 18 months is a lot of time to move public sentiment. i bet he sees a tough election.


can't wait for vax. push the good word so we don't look back on this as the early times before it mutated. that's one thing about this whole vaxxer deal, there is tangible risk to letting the virus be out there. we're better off tamping it down as much as possible. the vax is fine. you will be fine. covid on the other hand kills people, and it's already mutating into more dangerous forms.


people smoke street weed out of soda cans but won't get a vaccine.

Edited by very honest
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I got my second shot on Wednesday and I’m feeling fine. Sore arm and a bit groggy the next day but that’s it.  Anyone who has the opportunity to get the vaccine and doesn’t take it is a complete idiot. That’s not my opinion, it’s just how it is.

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12 hours ago, toaoaoad said:


This business of prioritizing age groups has been subject to reevaluation lately, as 20-40 year olds are the ones spreading it the most, and getting significantly sicker from it in higher numbers than we thought was probable a year ago, and there has been some talk of prioritizing that age group a lot sooner. 

the evaluation of ages and infections will be continuous, of course. age is still considered the major factor, and i guess age was settled on as a way to manage administering injections some time ago. it will also have been known that variants will try to mutate to find new / better ways to succeed.

i believe you might see acceleration in transmission rates and generation of new variants within age groups typical of those likely to socialise in pubs and clubs, perhaps more so than those in other places reopening in the UK as of yesterday, now that things are moving on here, as they’re busier with crowds relaxing.

people do think they’re safe if they’re young, and there’s clearly a misconception you’re simply safe outdoors, or in having certain behaviours on occasion but not consistently. lots of odd ideas around all this last year, and we’ve not escaped it with time or with vaccination rates either. another wave likely incoming in the UK now.

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Just got my first shot, and my arm doesn’t hurt or anything- I was expecting it to be painful, I normally hate needles, but I barely felt it. Waited around 15 minutes before they would allow me to leave and still feel fine now, an hour later. I was a little worried that they didn’t do it right or something, but then I realized I was just being paranoid. I had covid a few months ago and the shit was weak, so I really just got the vaccine for society- plus everyone in my family has got it already. I normally bitch about the flu shots and avoid getting them every year, but this seems different, and like it’s our responsibility to get vaccinated.

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had an appointment scheduled this morning at Walgreens for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. the news comes on talking about the pause, and it was a confusing hour or so wondering if I should still go ahead. Walgreens finally called and cancelled the appointment. no worries, I booked one of the 2 dosers at Kroger for tomorrow morning.


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I heard about the j&j news right after I left meijer. Luckily, mine was Pfizer biontech, but I guess they would have probably canceled on me too if it was johnson.

Does anyone else always get the sepultura: biotech is Godzilla song stuck in their head when they see biontech? Off topic for sure-I also read this book one time with a character named “getaway” and could it get the song from arrested development season 4 out of my head.

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1 hour ago, zero said:

had an appointment scheduled this morning at Walgreens for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. the news comes on talking about the pause, and it was a confusing hour or so wondering if I should still go ahead. Walgreens finally called and cancelled the appointment. no worries, I booked one of the 2 dosers at Kroger for tomorrow morning.


I have an appt. for JnJ vaccine tomorrow, haven't heard anything yet.  I kind of want the JnJ vaccine, why couldn't they have waited 2 days to pause? :wtf:

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2 hours ago, randomsummer said:

I have an appt. for JnJ vaccine tomorrow, haven't heard anything yet.  I kind of want the JnJ vaccine, why couldn't they have waited 2 days to pause? :wtf:

I'd imagine it'll get cancelled. my appointment was for 10am today, and I got a call at 9am letting me know it was cancelled. I too was really hoping to just get the one and done vaccine, but whatever. 

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I've read that this whole hullabaloo with the JJJ vax really equates to less than 1 in a million chance of blood clots. Chances of getting hit by lighting are 1 in a million.

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15 minutes ago, J3FF3R00 said:

I've read that this whole hullabaloo with the JJJ vax really equates to less than 1 in a million chance of blood clots. Chances of getting hit by lighting are 1 in a million.

"those people would've gotten blood clots anyways"

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Just got a cancellation notice.  I wonder what the incidence levels of clotting were for the other vaccines...

Now, should I wait a little and see how long the investigation will take, or sign up for a Moderna / Pfizer?  Probably shouldn't wait, but I was really hoping to get JnJ.

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12 minutes ago, toaoaoad said:


I get this angle, but let's remember these vaccines are brand new science; our understanding of getting hit by lightning dates back to the beginning of human history lol. "One in a million" based on a very limited number of cases, in a limited amount of time, vs. "one in a million" based on all of recorded history, to me are not the same thing.  It's a good thing they're being cautious. 

i was being sarcastic. i wonder if the incidence of blood clots in people w/the JnJ vaccine is any higher compared to people who haven't gotten the vaccine? 

i didn't have a choice of which vaccine to get. i got the pfizer. i get my 2nd jab thursday. 


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I had a choice in that I could look around to different places and start the appointment process to see which vaccines they were giving out.

It seems that all of the people who experienced the clotting adverse events with the JnJ vaccine were female, ages 18-48.  Could possibly be hormone related?  I'm hoping that in the FDA meeting tomorrow they will decide to continue to allow males to get the JnJ vaccine.

Edited by randomsummer
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5 minutes ago, randomsummer said:

I had a choice in that I could look around to different places and start the appointment process to see which vaccines they were giving out.

It seems that all of the people who experienced the clotting adverse events with the JnJ vaccine were female, ages 18-48.  Could possibly be hormone related?  I'm hoping that in the FDA meeting tomorrow they will decide to continue to allow males to get the JnJ vaccine.

Indeed. Also think it's rather funny how hormonal anti-conception has similar risks for clotting, but no-one cares. Now when it's a vaccine and the world is watching, peoples pants are on fire. Might as well be cases of women still using anti-conception and a vaccine.

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