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5 hours ago, Mesh Gear Fox said:

^ that weed looks shite

also weren't half the people in WWF / WWE coked up


also also just waiting for the announcement that russia has mobilised their army to "bring stability to the world" or some shit. now is the perfect time for someone to start some shit.

been expecting this too, especially after all the oil drama started a month ago with Russia being the losing gamble there. they'll probably do something a bit less drastic than mobilizing an army but who knows with them... also not paying much attention to the news the last week so they might've annexed a few places for all i know :cat:

2 hours ago, iococoi said:

cant stop thinkin' about that wizards' duel in The Sword in the Stone...,metaphor galore



been too long since i watched that, apt

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7 hours ago, Brisbot said:

so you're saying that as long as I say "NO" to drugs I can still take drugs?

If you tell them "no", they should take no for an answer, no means no.  The more you no.


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5 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:


God I'm freaking out about India now. It's starting to spread there rapidly and on top of that their warring in Kashmir with Pakistan and genociding the Muslim population again.

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1 hour ago, goDel said:

That doesn't sound sympathetic to the pov of Honk Kong and Taiwan, imo. You expect they simply let China run over them?

Even if the governments don't formally go into some conflict with China, you'd also have the people. So yeah, you'd most likely end up with a conflict no matter what, I'd argue. People simply wouldn't put up with it. As they'd consider this as much an existential threat as this virus. Some even moreso, perhaps. (as their livelihood is at stake. some would rather be dead than to be locked in some china regime, i'm guessing. and i'm not suggesting this would be a rational kind of reasoning. generally speaking, i'm not expecting people to be behaving rational. i mean, remember those beaches in bondi? that's people reasoning from their own personal livelihoods. in short: yeah conflict.) O, and I'd argue China knows this very well. This wouldn't be the time to push extra millions of people in internment camps to learn about their place in that new chinese society. In the meantime, the resulting situation would greatly increase the risk of this epidemic getting out of control again. I'm not well versed in Chinese governments reasoning, but I suspect they can think of this themselves as well.

You are right in that I do find your argument very logical in a more general sense, just in my experience studying Chinese governance (and working in Asia-Pacific geopolitics and military capabilities) this is frankly one of the best opportunities they have ever had to push things a little and potentially take Taiwan back. If Taiwan isn't on their highest alert level right now, and over the next 12 months, they are kidding themselves. I don't actually think it will happen, as to me Taiwan has lessened in priority as China's interests abroad have proliferated (and hard takeover would've lessened as a strategy in recent times), but this is a delicate time in their relations and worth keeping a vigilant eye on. Sorry if I gave the impression that I thought they were done for, I just find their vulnerability a lot more heightened right now.

Edited by Roo
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God I'm freaking out about India now. It's starting to spread there rapidly and on top of that their warring in Kashmir with Pakistan and genociding the Muslim population again.
dude, why are you seeking this stuff out? you're obviously a person prone to freaking out, catastrophising and generally thinking the worst...maybe turn off the news for a bit and read a book or something? recommend it not being a book about the end of the world.
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at least they're not going to have any problems with toilet paper.

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44 minutes ago, BCM said:
1 hour ago, Entorwellian said:
God I'm freaking out about India now. It's starting to spread there rapidly and on top of that their warring in Kashmir with Pakistan and genociding the Muslim population again.

dude, why are you seeking this stuff out? you're obviously a person prone to freaking out, catastrophising and generally thinking the worst...maybe turn off the news for a bit and read a book or something? recommend it not being a book about the end of the world.

Piss off. You argue in bad faith and either you are an ignorant fuck or you come from a privileged background if you are not worried about any of this.

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8 hours ago, joshuatxuk said:


This describes nearly every interaction with my Ma, bless her

8 hours ago, diatoms said:

I Remember

that's where I learned about drugs

At school, Ha:)




I forget


it was a nice policeman

who opened the case with labeled & identified drugs

of every kind

to show us at elementary school

what to stay away from

but this sheltered mormon kid


Always Remember:)




Say Yes to Cannabis:)

But yes to roids 

Heroin Outfit has a certain ring to it though

Edited by cwmbrancity
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People eat poppy flowers? what?


I know what you can make with the milk from the seed pod, but why bring a flower round for all to see.

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23 hours ago, QQQ said:

how are people living on their own going to cope with this lockdown? i need genuine advice, im already going fucking mental. actually insane, not figuratively.


my "aphex nice" playlist is a good way to set a chill mood. went through his stuff selecting those really palatable, nice ones. 


acrid avid shred jam
alberto basalm
to cure a weakling child
goon gumpas
girl/boy song
yellow calx
bradley echoes
lush slow blips
sams car
19 slow early morning
4 voice solo 1 teac
18 elb2
23 pianox
27 leaving home-bradley
30 ms short
2 fogbeak
14 cornish spreek5b
14 floating
30 ms short
18 ssba
34 ibiza spliffs
blue carpet
custom break acid
dulcimer dub
luke vibert remix [future music remix]
14 07 b
19 ssnb
31 lifetrak2eqteac
avril 14 reversed music
girlboy ep-009 growth insta blonder
midi pipe2c
piano un10 it happened
gak 4
em2500 m253x
mt1t2 olpedroom
t16.5 madma with nastya
txt1+4 ds8 flingchords
xmas_evet1 n
i'm self employed
in the maze park
squidge in the fridge
101 rainbows ambient mix
turin track
avril 14 reversed music not 
manchester '19 - song at 59m15s
slo bird whistle
we are the music makers
analogue bubblebath
(cat 008'97-b1)
track #7 [5:50] (words and music)
get a baby
with my family
merry maidens
consciousness utopia
no cares
melodies from mars track 4
melodies from mars track 6
melodies from mars track 7
untitled (a2) [bradley] [7:44]
on the romance tip
mr frosty
jelly fish
eggy toast
upright kangaroo


Edited by very honest
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Piss off. You argue in bad faith and either you are an ignorant fuck or you come from a privileged background if you are not worried about any of this.
lol at me coming from a privileged background. and i'm not saying i'm not worried about any of this - definitely concerned for sure, but trying to keep some perspective and like yeah, NOT freak out. doesn't help anything does it? i'm of course following advice to socially distance and work from home etc, but aren't going out of my way to look for stories in the news which will make me overly worried unnecessarily. think you should do the same tbqh, no point shitting yourself up is there? what's it accomplish? bugger all mate.

also, why you insulting me? not necessary either, and only making yourself look silly.
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10 minutes ago, BCM said:

lol at me coming from a privileged background. and i'm not saying i'm not worried about any of this - definitely concerned for sure, but trying to keep some perspective and like yeah, NOT freak out. doesn't help anything does it? i'm of course following advice to socially distance and work from home etc, but aren't going out of my way to look for stories in the news which will make me overly worried unnecessarily. think you should do the same tbqh, no point shitting yourself up is there? what's it accomplish? bugger all mate.

also, why you insulting me? not necessary either, and only making yourself look silly.

Because I am in awe of your level of ignorance

and i'll never stop posting.

Edited by Entorwellian
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what ignorance tho? all I am advocating is that (mainly) you, but some others, calm down a bit and try to not totally freak out. how is that a bad thing? like, you want to be in a state of total fear all the time? what good is that going to do?

not saying that this isn't a serious issue at all, just don't believe that thinking the worst, and purposely seeking out terrifying news stories is helpful or achieves anything other than stressing yourself (and others) out, to no practical end.

if you can't understand that, maybe you shouldn't be throwing around the ignorant label quite so much.

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Just now, BCM said:

what ignorance tho? all I am advocating is that (mainly) you, but some others, calm down a bit and try to not totally freak out. how is that a bad thing? like, you want to be in a state of total fear all the time? what good is that going to do?

not saying that this isn't a serious issue at all, just don't believe that thinking the worst, and purposely seeking out terrifying news stories is helpful or achieves anything other than stressing yourself (and others) out, to no practical end.

if you can't understand that, maybe you shouldn't be throwing around the ignorant label quite so much.

Sitting there with your thumb up your ass is even worse.

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23 minutes ago, Entorwellian said:

Sitting there with your thumb up your ass is even worse.

You're being a bit of a cunt right now to be honest.

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Italy: Only 12% of “Covid19 deaths” list Covid19 as cause
Report shows up to 88% of Italy’s alleged Covid19 deaths could be misattributed



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27 minutes ago, hijexx said:

What are you doing to help? Serious question.

Donated $100 to the Share Food bank. Gave a box of n95 masks and hand sanitizer to the community home I'm working at,  doing shopping runs to the grocery store for other people and seniors in east vancouver twice a week. I would do more direct stuff but I can't afford to get sick, and if I survive it I'll be out there on the front lines. BCM doesn't give a shit that millions are going to die and that anywhere form a 1/5th to a 1/3rd of the population is unemployed. That is like Venezuela levels of potential social unrest.  Also that Western countries are engaging in Social Darwinism by killing off the old and weak. That is on par with Eugenics.


I'm freaking out about this because I am seeing how it is affecting the most vulnerable.

I don't want to see mass graves for the purpose of keeping a bloodthirsty economy going.


And yeah I am a prick and a douche and a fucking asshole and a piece of shit etc....

Edited by Entorwellian
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