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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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Alright then covid is less dangerous than the flu.

Vaccines are dangerous and we should not vaccinate anyone.

We shouldnt do anything about it.

Is that what you are truly going for? Sounds like denial to me. Denying something doesnt magically makes it disappear. We stop vaccines, we stop caring about this motherfucker it WILL still fuck people up.

If nothing had been done about this a lot more people would have died and suffered.

Is that the extent of the actions you argue for in the middle of a pandemic? I mean lol wth. May as well say you dont believe covid exist mate cause its not very much different.

What i dont understand behind all this talk is what the hell should we do then?? just let it infect everyone and act like nothing is happening? what the hell do you propose? doesnt make sense to me.

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Even with global coordination and vaccines and lockdown this virus is still causing massive trouble to human society. Imagine if near nothing was done. I dont get how you think this through. Please explain because it is beyond me. Cant you see the chaos it has caused everywhere?

Edited by thefxbip
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46 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

OK, I'll bite. I wasn't afraid because there wasn't a risk of the healthcare system collapsing.

For a paramedic, you make me wonder why you're pushing articles like earlier and now this flawed argument where you're implying the death rate is the singular most important stat to assess the risk of covid. How about the rate it spreads? Or the health risk for people not dying of covid? People can still can get f-ed without dying. 

But no, we're back at making influenza comparisons again. Great.

because between collegues, we talk to each other. We havent seen a covid patient in months... In the peak of the pandemie, I was still on the job and the covid units here were mostly empty and cinfirmed covid patients were still relatively rare (we still had to wear the damn suit half the time cause any sings of respiratory problem we had to imply that patient was covid infected so P100, visors, ect). Its also been well established that people who dies of covid have a average of 2.5 co-morbidities, something like 50% are vit d deficient, 80% of the covid cases that ends up in the ICU are overweight to begin with... I dont know if you understand where all this is going


Since the vaccination, death rates have increased. if you think vaccinate the whole planet every 6 months is feasible to contain the virus...


44 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

Alright then covid is less dangerous than the flu.

Vaccines are dangerous and we should not vaccinate anyone.

We shouldnt do anything about it.

Is that what you are truly going for? Sounds like denial to me. Denying something doesnt magically makes it disappear. We stop vaccines, we stop caring about this motherfucker it WILL still fuck people up.

If nothing had been done about this a lot more people would have died and suffered.

Is that the extent of the actions you argue for in the middle of a pandemic? I mean lol wth. May as well say you dont believe covid exist mate cause its not very much different.

What i dont understand behind all this talk is what the hell should we do then?? just let it infect everyone and act like nothing is happening? what the hell do you propose? doesnt make sense to me.

no, I do think we have to do something. The vaccine do seem to not really work as advertized. I know pharmaceutical are now looking into medications that help treat covid. There's also the situation with the nobel prize Ivermectin that show a lot of promising result in reducing mortality. Its a crazy situation, but its quite clear that the measures are failing, big time.


gibraltar are 100% vaccinated, death rates are at its highest? and chirstmas is cancelled for Gibraltar. again, 100% of the population is vaccinated


EDIT: ive just asked a collegue, he told me he did two covid patients during the peak of the third wave here 3 months ago and since then, did not have a single covid patient. IVe asked him how are the covid units he told me I dunno I havent been there since.

Edited by Ayya Khema
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12 minutes ago, Ayya Khema said:

There's also the situation with the nobel prize Ivermectin that show a lot of promising result in reducing mortality.

lol c'mon man. that shit was debunked already. the scientists won a nobel prize in 2015 (y'know long before covid-19 was a thing) as they were looking to treat infection from parasites. repurposing existing drugs to deal with covid has not worked at all, and led to stupid ass fuck nuts drinking bleach or what not. hence the need for the moderna/pfizer vaccines out there just waiting for you...

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That's not an assumption. That's a conclusion based on what he's said. Like 1 + 1 = 2. There have been plenty of healthcare systems in trouble (not enough capacity to be able to treat planned care because beds are filled with covid patients), but our mister here has talked to a colleague and therefore concludes that's all there is to it. O, and something about Gibraltar. Portugal has a high % as well. They seem to be doing better than the rest of Europe nowadays. 

...And so this useless nonsense about anecdotal arguments goes on and on.

A paramedic should know better, imo.

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1 hour ago, Ayya Khema said:

gibraltar are 100% vaccinated, death rates are at its highest? and chirstmas is cancelled for Gibraltar. again, 100% of the population is vaccinated


Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 98 COVID-19 deaths in Gibraltar out of 7,281 confirmed cases. There have only been four deaths since March, when Gibraltar reached full vaccination for its eligible adult population.


Online commentators have noted reports that Gibraltar’s vaccination rate exceeds 144.8 percent. However, that figure is the result of some news outlets comparing the number of vaccine doses administered relative to the population and does not reflect the number of Gibraltar residents who have been vaccinated.


Edited by brian trageskin
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2 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

A paramedic should know better, imo.

i've known a couple of people who were paramedics or became paramedics. they were not the brightest people i knew by any stretch of the imagination. caring/helpful maybe, but not bright: the training ain't long, it ain't terribly thorough, and they don't pay well and don't turn many away. being a paramedic is surely a necessary job and all power to anyone doing it, for sure. but they ain't even CLOSE to like a second year nursing student, much less a nursing grad or doctor or medical scientist or anything serious.

(at least in America)

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On 11/30/2021 at 3:19 PM, Nebraska said:




1 hour ago, auxien said:

i've known a couple of people who were paramedics or became paramedics. they were not the brightest people i knew by any stretch of the imagination. caring/helpful maybe, but not bright: the training ain't long, it ain't terribly thorough, and they don't pay well and don't turn many away. being a paramedic is surely a necessary job and all power to anyone doing it, for sure. but they ain't even CLOSE to like a second year nursing student, much less a nursing grad or doctor or medical scientist or anything serious.

(at least in America)

not here in canada, paramedic school is just as hard as being a nurse. in no way im saying im a expert or anything. 

but thanks for calling me stupid. I guess thats what people who cannot argue or have the ability to even debate do: insult. You guessed it, being smart is having the most degrees. your on the right track

Edited by Ayya Khema
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3 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

That's not an assumption. That's a conclusion based on what he's said. Like 1 + 1 = 2. There have been plenty of healthcare systems in trouble (not enough capacity to be able to treat planned care because beds are filled with covid patients), but our mister here has talked to a colleague and therefore concludes that's all there is to it. O, and something about Gibraltar. Portugal has a high % as well. They seem to be doing better than the rest of Europe nowadays. 

...And so this useless nonsense about anecdotal arguments goes on and on.

A paramedic should know better, imo.

I dont assume I have all the asnwers, im merely adding to the discussions. whats the most vaccinated state in america? Vermont. where in america is there the most covid  cases? you guessed it, Vermont.

whats the most vaccinated country in the world? Israel. Whats their data right now? I think they have over double the death rate as last year. oh, and they have been giving boosters for months now and already starting the 4th shot over there

Edited by Ayya Khema
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16 minutes ago, Ayya Khema said:

whats the most vaccinated country in the world? Israel. Whats their data right now? I think they have over double the death rate as last year. oh, and they have been giving boosters for months now and already starting the 4th shot over there

this is kind of misleading though. i mean.. "most vaccinated" is still only 62%


so, there's more than a 1/3rd of the country not vaccinated and i'd guess those are the people who are getting sick the most and dying. delta variant caused a serge yes? here's the death rate/totals in israel


active cases in israel are under 6000. 

in vermont, 75% age 5+ are fully vaccinated.

total deaths from covid in vermont is 413. cases are up but 7 day average is consistent with the last 6 months or so.. but in such a small state big swings on a graph can happen with a small amount of new infections which seem to have happened around thanksgiving. 


there's always more details in the data. it's just as important to figure who is getting infected.. vaccinated or unvaccinated.. hospitalizations vs mild cases (likely due to being vaccinated) etc.

so, we can reel off the headlines like "500% INCREASE IN CASES!!!" and people freak out but if the previous number of cases was one that only means there's now 5 infections.. the headlines get framed to get attention. but there's always more information in the details and it's important to have a look. 

vaccines have saved countless lives. that's a fact. 

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when delta cases were spiking here a few months ago and we were in lockdown to curb them, my one reprieve from the isolation was to go out once a day for about 20 minutes on a coffee run. one time while in line, this older guy sidled up next to me, no mask, didn't bother distancing, blabbing loudly at the barista who was already in conversation with me as he was making my coffee. he made a point of saying, unprompted, that covid wasn't as bad as people thought, that the response was overblown, etc. you can picture the type. except he was wearing a NSW Ambulance uniform and his van was parked outside. the guy whose job it was to ferry serious covid cases to hospital could not comprehend the situation beyond a surface-level view of current (not future) case numbers and conflating people who maybe had milder symptoms with people at greater risk.

plenty of people out there are well capable of being stupid in spite of being trained not to be stupid.

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2 hours ago, Ayya Khema said:

but thanks for calling me stupid. I guess thats what people who cannot argue or have the ability to even debate do: insult. You guessed it, being smart is having the most degrees. your on the right track



i never called you stupid btw. if your reading comprehension skills were any better you might not need me to clarify that. i called the people i've known who were paramedics average in their intelligence. they were also good-hearted people, which is imo far more important than their IQ.

and according to random internet people answering on quora, becoming a paramedic in at least parts of Canada can be pretty fucking easy, at least for the first level or two. higher levels do require some more training and clinics and stuff. if you've gotten to those higher ones, that's pretty cool, and good for you whatever level you're doing the job at, it's not an easy one. i hope you're helping people. 

the shit you've posted ITT speaks for itself tho. post some reasonable and serious things worth discussing and you might get some reasonable and serious discussion. posting sheep videos next to debunked pseudoscience low-effort bullshit from snake oil salesmen and you'll get reactions in kind.

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21 minutes ago, auxien said:

the shit you've posted ITT speaks for itself tho.

I mean, that GBNews clip. that was a good move really, posting that. it immediately tells everyone everything they need to know about where a person's coming from. I like not having to waste too much time on a pointless argument when you can just use the sources for a person's reasoning as an heuristic for binning the reasoning. this approach probably doesn't always work in every situation but in relation to internet covid quackery I think it works fine.

38 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:
2 hours ago, usagi said:



and saracens :cisfor:

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5 hours ago, Ayya Khema said:

I dont assume I have all the asnwers, im merely adding to the discussions. whats the most vaccinated state in america? Vermont. where in america is there the most covid  cases? you guessed it, Vermont.

whats the most vaccinated country in the world? Israel. Whats their data right now? I think they have over double the death rate as last year. oh, and they have been giving boosters for months now and already starting the 4th shot over there

You're not merely adding. You presented yourself as a paramedic. Active in healthcare. So regardless of this level of education argument that followed, you can at least talk from having personal experience in the field. Or so it would seem.

That's not merely adding, that's making statements with authority in my eyes. Then you link to some medical information (pre-publication) talking about side-effects from vaccines. Soon after that was debunked, you "merely" added more stuff. Something about Gibraltar. Some doc about adverse effects. And some other stuff. Meanwhile claiming you don't get counter arguments. Which, ironically, there have been a bunch. Most of them completely ignored. Or rather, used as an excuse to post new nonsense. Basically avoiding actual discussion.

Obviously, it is not up to me to change your mind. But calling BS when it's so obviously there just needs to be done.

I'm so sick and tired of these "I want to make a point so I've googled and found this piece of information supporting my beliefs" type of arguments about anything COVID related, I lost any interest in the subject. Mind you, not in the sense that I can't believe anything anymore. I've just made up my mind to mostly follow the officials. Which obviously is a novelty these days. But it's the best thing I've got. If everyone needs to just make up their own mind based on what they can google - pretending they can think critically and have enough expertise - we're lost as a society.

I'm not an expert. But I'm not interested to chase the internet in search of information to back up my beliefs.

You sound an awful lot like that guy watching Weinstein youtubes earlier. Not sure if you changed your account name. But it's bacially the same argument all over again. Shall we talk about Ivermectin again?

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7 hours ago, Ayya Khema said:

whats the most vaccinated country in the world? Israel. Whats their data right now? I think they have over double the death rate as last year. 

7 hours ago, ignatius said:

here's the death rate/totals in israel


let's make this even clearer for our friend 


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