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lol if it means he's great in the role then awesome...but 'moved to tears' really?


This is a little scary: 

clocks in at a whopping 160 minutes,

It's going to feel like it's 2049 by the time the movie's over









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lol if it means he's great in the role then awesome...but 'moved to tears' really?


This is a little scary:

clocks in at a whopping 160 minutes,
It's going to feel like it's 2049 by the time the movie's over








If you start watching it at 1809 it will be.
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yeah, i'm actually pretty optimistic. i don't believe it's going to be awesome. but not as bad as i'd expected. which was another turd of fan-service without a hint of an interesting plot. but there might be an actual plot in here.

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yeah, i'm actually pretty optimistic. i don't believe it's going to be awesome. but not as bad as i'd expected. which was another turd of fan-service without a hint of an interesting plot. but there might be an actual plot in here.


Chances are the plot will be typical contrived "elaboration" that desperately tries to add something to the original to justify the sequel's existence, but ends up contradicting or at best ruining some of the mystery of the original instead. Hard to escape that.


But my real fear has nothing to do with plot, it's that this movie will copy the aesthetic of the original only very superficially and completely miss what made Blade Runner great.

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lol if it means he's great in the role then awesome...but 'moved to tears' really?


This is a little scary:

clocks in at a whopping 160 minutes,
It's going to feel like it's 2049 by the time the movie's over








If you start watching it at 1809 it will be.




Edited by usagi
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Still never saw the new GitS, but from what I've heard on here it's probably for the best.

Doesn't seem to be a whole lot going on in that latest BR2049 trailer. But that's probably intentional, so as not to reveal major spoilers. If I go see this in the theater, then any beverages are out of the question.

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Still never saw the new GitS, but from what I've heard on here it's probably for the best.

Well the first half was real pretty. You're kinda missing out imo, as long as you're not looking for deep meaning or plot or whatever.


I'm less offended by all the nostalgia baiting remakes nowadays than I am by the endless milking of the Star Wars and Marvel universes with their legions of fanboys and arguments about whether the new load of trash sits nicely with all the existing old trash.


TLDR - you can't make a movie without half the internet taking a shit on it.

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Well it's strangely commendable, although I agree it can be off putting at the same time. As it can become a bit obvious where there's one standing out on screen because it looks like he tries way too hard. In secret I blame the writers for creating these swiss cheese plot hole stories for killing the business for method actors. The stories simply don't lend themselves for method acting. You cant method act the holes away. It just looks silly.


In the end though, it's prolly more about being a good actor, because method acting just doesnt imply good acting.

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