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I looked up Leto's IMDB because I really couldn't remember what all I've seen him in...I didn't really like Requiem for a Dream all around, but he was solid American Psycho. Don't remember him even being in Fight Club. I saw some of Girl Interrupted I think? I remember him in My So-Called Life? Lol. So I can't really dog on him much I guess. I dunno. His eyes sure are dreamy, at least.

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I looked up Leto's IMDB because I really couldn't remember what all I've seen him in...I didn't really like Requiem for a Dream all around, but he was solid American Psycho. Don't remember him even being in Fight Club. I saw some of Girl Interrupted I think? I remember him in My So-Called Life? Lol. So I can't really dog on him much I guess. I dunno. His eyes sure are dreamy, at least.


Panic Room.


yeah he's a bit of a cheeseman but I think he has acting chops.


edit: he got his face rearranged in Fight Club so maybe that's why you don't remember him.

Edited by usagi
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Don't remember him even being in Fight Club.

edit: he got his face rearranged in Fight Club so maybe that's why you don't remember him.


Yeah Brad Pitt calls him Pretty Boy before Norton turns him into a troll. Then he says he "wanted to destroy something beautiful."


Also Leto is the one that insists to Norton that "it's under control, sir" when he's starting to catch onto the real agenda of Project Mayhem.

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In the end though, it's prolly more about being a good actor, because method acting just doesnt imply good acting.


Reminds me of that anecdote. Think it was Al Pacino, got blind drunk for a role and on the set some other actor said "why don't you just do acting?" or words to that effect.

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More nonsense.

I watched this, being a fan of Dave Bautista. I know it's not from the film, but this screamed to me "tryhard" in that it was trying so, so hard to be Blade Runner, but (my opinion) not succeeding.


Still holding off final judgement until I see the film. Still feeling worried.

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Johan is out? Weird. Maybe he wasn't finding the film inspirational? ....or, just, good?


Soundtracks are traditionally done pretty late in the cycle of production in film, so this news coming out now isn't crazy. Obviously things weren't going well when they brought in Zimmer+ last month.

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In the end though, it's prolly more about being a good actor, because method acting just doesnt imply good acting.


Reminds me of that anecdote. Think it was Al Pacino, got blind drunk for a role and on the set some other actor said "why don't you just do acting?" or words to that effect.



Maybe you're just ironic as this kind of anecdote is put up too often, but afaik it's a Laurence Olivier vs Dustin Hoffman story





Dustin Hoffman has long been known as one of method acting’s most earnest exponents. A showbiz story involves his collaboration with Laurence Olivier on the 1976 film Marathon Man. Upon being asked by his co-star how a previous scene had gone, one in which Hoffmann’s character had supposedly stayed up for three days, Hoffmann admitted that he too had not slept for 72 hours to achieve emotional verisimilitude. “My dear boy,” replied Olivier smoothly, “why don’t you just try acting?” (Hoffman subsequently attributed his insomnia to excessive partying rather than artistry).


I rewatched the last cut of the original Blade Runner recently, didn't strike me as a great film once again. Cool visuals - but even those are overdone with a constant rain and lack of lighting in interiors, it's all just made to look cool and that's it in most situations. Deckard's superpower is his dumb luck, he could take out an army with this amount. Well, i guess it was sorta fresh against heroes of the time.

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I am far, far more excited by this than the movie - I got chills watching this!

Bonus: Music by Flying Lotus (the final product, not this trailer AFAIK)




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I watched this, being a fan of Dave Bautista. I know it's not from the film, but this screamed to me "tryhard" in that it was trying so, so hard to be Blade Runner, but (my opinion) not succeeding.


Still holding off final judgement until I see the film. Still feeling worried.

Why are there still analogue pay phones in 2048? lol

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I watched this, being a fan of Dave Bautista. I know it's not from the film, but this screamed to me "tryhard" in that it was trying so, so hard to be Blade Runner, but (my opinion) not succeeding.


Still holding off final judgement until I see the film. Still feeling worried.

Why are there still analogue pay phones in 2048? lol
They're making a comeback like cassettes
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