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Finally beat Prey on hard. Such a mad scramble for me at the end to avoid enemies. Technocrats were impossible until I figured out the Nullwave. Pretty enjoyable game.


Started on the Horizon: Zero Dawn expansion The Frozen Wilds. It's pretty sweet. More interesting side quests and harder enemies.

Hmm. Maybe I should try playing on hard next time I play. I find when dealing with larger Typhon, the Distruptor works well on Technopaths, Nullwave on Telepaths, and  shotgun/Q-Beam on the Nightmare. Then again, the shotty will solve most of your Typhon problems.



I definitely focused on the shotgun, which worked well for the Nightmare, but Technopaths would hit me with too much firepower before I could ever get enough shots off. Throwing up a Nullwave to start the fight made it easy though.



Just beat the Frozen Wilds expansion. Pretty great addition. I was surprised by how it wasn't just extra missions, but new styles of play as well.


I'm now going to trade Prey, Horizon, Uncharted and RE7 into Gamestop and get like $75 bucks in credits.


Either going to start on Deus Ex: Mankind Divided or Dying Light next.



I didn't struggle with the game at the end - I found it much easier at the end. I levelled up psychoshock and then farm nightmares and mass neuromods to level skills up. And make as many superfruits as you can so you always have full health and psi.


A high level psychoshock and a shotgun blast or two and nightmare goes poof

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Finally beat Prey on hard. Such a mad scramble for me at the end to avoid enemies. Technocrats were impossible until I figured out the Nullwave. Pretty enjoyable game.


Started on the Horizon: Zero Dawn expansion The Frozen Wilds. It's pretty sweet. More interesting side quests and harder enemies.

Hmm. Maybe I should try playing on hard next time I play. I find when dealing with larger Typhon, the Distruptor works well on Technopaths, Nullwave on Telepaths, and  shotgun/Q-Beam on the Nightmare. Then again, the shotty will solve most of your Typhon problems.



I definitely focused on the shotgun, which worked well for the Nightmare, but Technopaths would hit me with too much firepower before I could ever get enough shots off. Throwing up a Nullwave to start the fight made it easy though.



Just beat the Frozen Wilds expansion. Pretty great addition. I was surprised by how it wasn't just extra missions, but new styles of play as well.


I'm now going to trade Prey, Horizon, Uncharted and RE7 into Gamestop and get like $75 bucks in credits.


Either going to start on Deus Ex: Mankind Divided or Dying Light next.



I didn't struggle with the game at the end - I found it much easier at the end. I levelled up psychoshock and then farm nightmares and mass neuromods to level skills up. And make as many superfruits as you can so you always have full health and psi.


A high level psychoshock and a shotgun blast or two and nightmare goes poof



Man, I never even got the psychoshock ability. I also didn't understand how to get more than one superfruit. I did have a ton of medkits though. I also ended up with a ring I never used. Not sure what that was for.

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I was always afraid to install Typhon neuromods because the turrets turn on you if you do. So the only Psi power I ended up using was that Combat Boost or whatever one that slows time, which is quite handy against Mimics and Etheric Phantoms. It works exactly like the reflex booster from F.E.A.R..

Also the Disruptor stun gun comes in handy late in the game too, especially when Dahl invades Talos I with his military drones, and when more Technopaths show up.

And of course the Nullwave is useful against Weavers and Telepaths. Booze helps too when you're attacking Weavers.

Edited by ambermonk
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Anyone played Darkest Dungeon? I'm thinking of picking it up on Switch when it comes out.


I find it really frustrating. You'll watch your beloved high level party die because of a few bad dice rolls. It never feels like you're really in control. It's sort of the point, I really love the macabre atmosphere, but I got to the point where I just didn't feel like playing anymore because I never felt like I was making meaningful progress. Perhaps I'm just terrible at turn based combat, but it feels like a very difficult and very punishing game.

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Never played any Dark Souls game before but heard you guys talk about it so much over here I'll buy the switch version for sure. Can't wait to discover what makes this game so special ! agree to give the co-op a try though !

p.s. It's secretly a maze game crossed with the rhythm action genre


Think this (but with invisible walls)-




crossed with (during the battles) -




But modded with graphics from this -





100% correct!

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Anyone played Darkest Dungeon? I'm thinking of picking it up on Switch when it comes out.


I find it really frustrating. You'll watch your beloved high level party die because of a few bad dice rolls. It never feels like you're really in control. It's sort of the point, I really love the macabre atmosphere, but I got to the point where I just didn't feel like playing anymore because I never felt like I was making meaningful progress. Perhaps I'm just terrible at turn based combat, but it feels like a very difficult and very punishing game.



Word, I'm a huge fan of XCOM, so I'll probably try it out. RNG can be a bitch tho

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I suck at XCOM as well so there's probably a theme here. Biggest issue with DD is that you have to buy provisions beforehand - food, torches and shovels (both not technically necessary but will make your life a lot easier), plus usual healing/status items.


But if your party dies, not only do you lose them, their gear, you also lose all the gold you invested in provisions. And if you overpay and return with extra stuff you're only given a portion of what you've spent. It's really demotivating. There's a separate currency you can use to invest in the town for new and upgraded buildings which help out but early dungeons trickle small amounts of it out.


I don't know, I wanted to love it, really great dark and Lovecraftian themes, but it just wasn't for me.

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Anyone played Darkest Dungeon? I'm thinking of picking it up on Switch when it comes out.


I find it really frustrating. You'll watch your beloved high level party die because of a few bad dice rolls. It never feels like you're really in control. It's sort of the point, I really love the macabre atmosphere, but I got to the point where I just didn't feel like playing anymore because I never felt like I was making meaningful progress. Perhaps I'm just terrible at turn based combat, but it feels like a very difficult and very punishing game.



Word, I'm a huge fan of XCOM, so I'll probably try it out. RNG can be a bitch tho


Tell me about it. XCOM 2 is notorious for having your soldiers miss a shot even when the chance percentage is in the 90s. I never did complete War of the Chosen either, as I got my ass handed to me when fighting the Assassin at her hideout.

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Darkest Dungeon is the first indie game that interests me less on switch than it did on PC. Probably won't buy it again, it's a great game but not one I'm willing to play laying in bed/sitting on a toilet

Edited by StocKo
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Nintendo's gone full on Gondry, charming for sure, I bet those cardboard peripherals are going to work great once the Nintendo fanboys get their sweaty hands on them.

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Been playing Dark Souls 3 again lately, making my first attempt at a sorcerer run in a souls game... It's been a tougher start but my stats are starting to come around now. Pretty fun way to play, different tactics than the more melee builds, having to time spells, keep distance, manage mana etc.

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Been playing Dark Souls 3 again lately, making my first attempt at a sorcerer run in a souls game... It's been a tougher start but my stats are starting to come around now. Pretty fun way to play, different tactics than the more melee builds, having to time spells, keep distance, manage mana etc.


I usually find magic builds OP in Souls PvE but for some reason my magic character is still stuck at Aldritch, combination of high magic resistance and difficult to dodge attacks makes it real hard for me. And all the phantoms I summon are useless.

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Yeah the look of the delicacy of it from the demonstration video definitely gives me cause for concern for how long the objects created will last.

I think that's the idea that will make Nintendo millions...


Been playing Dark Souls 3 again lately, making my first attempt at a sorcerer run in a souls game... It's been a tougher start but my stats are starting to come around now. Pretty fun way to play, different tactics than the more melee builds, having to time spells, keep distance, manage mana etc.

Currently available for XBONE and PS4 with all the DLC for 20 bucks!

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Been playing Dark Souls 3 again lately, making my first attempt at a sorcerer run in a souls game... It's been a tougher start but my stats are starting to come around now. Pretty fun way to play, different tactics than the more melee builds, having to time spells, keep distance, manage mana etc.


I usually find magic builds OP in Souls PvE but for some reason my magic character is still stuck at Aldritch, combination of high magic resistance and difficult to dodge attacks makes it real hard for me. And all the phantoms I summon are useless.



I was suggested to do Aldrich last, I figured he'd be a fucking hassle as a mage, so I went to go kill Yhorm and the Dancer first, I'm gonna head into the Grand Archives to grab the crystal staff, then eventually I'll head to Aldrich when I can melt his ass with some 60 int soul spears.

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