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People are still talking Snowpiercer as a masterpiece and I really don't get it. I really don't. I know I've talked about this before, but it still baffles me that so many people have so much love for that film. Maybe I've watched too many Korean movies and therefore expected more than what I got, but even thinking about it as a non-Korean movie it's still a terrible movie.

Just watched this. What the hell? Am I missing something?

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the zero theorem - 3/10 - An embarrassment. Could only get through 40 minutes. Good luck everybody that sees this. The film is like a mash up between Dick Tracy and Pi. Some of the worst art direction and set design I have ever seen. No story either. Watching this film made me very sad.......

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the zero theorem - 3/10 - An embarrassment. Could only get through 40 minutes. Good luck everybody that sees this. The film is like a mash up between Dick Tracy and Pi. Some of the worst art direction and set design I have ever seen. No story either. Watching this film made me very sad.......



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Terry Gilliam is such a hit'n'miss director. Way more misses than hits. Actually, I only ever liked Fear and Loathing and 12 Monkeys. And you know what? Fuck Brazil.

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With the run he has had after making Fear and Loathing, I think he should definitely not be making the Quixote film or any others. Karma will finally catch up to him and he will die in a sandstorm. Good luck Terry!

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - 8.5/10 - I really really love this film. The effects work, acting, writing, shooting are all what makes for great film. I felt like I was there with the apes going through what society they had created up until that point. I truly escaped while watching this. The battle sequences were some of the most shocking I have ever seen. It felt like the opening of Saving Private Ryan, very disturbing and brutal. Very intense. I would have given the film a 9 if it weren't for the cheesey opening credits, but that is the only negative critique I have for the film.

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michael pitt is meets some french argentine chick at a party, takes pictures of her eyes, bangs her then loses her, then finds her again coz of "dem eyes". then something happens and he finds out there is another chick in india that has the same eyes. kinda silly but it sorta works- in a sci-fi kinda way. except this isn't sci-fi so this ends up being a better script than film

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Really interesting little film.



Gummo is a 1997 drama film written and directed by Harmony Korine, starring Jacob Reynolds, Nick Sutton, and Jacob Sewell. The film is set in Xenia, Ohio, a small, poorMidwestern town that had been previously struck by a devastating tornado. The loose narrative follows several main characters who find odd and destructive ways to pass time, interrupted by vignettes depicting other denizens of the town.

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Didn't know where else to put this.




I don't care for his acting, but the man does a lot to his body for his craft. Still hasn't been fat though.

this puts a huge strain on your heart, he will pay for it later. No doctor would ever endorse this for a film.
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yeah, those pictures for the fighter and the machinist, surely they could have just hired some really skinny guy. the 00's was filled with hyper skinny guys trying to fit into skinny emo and then hipster jeans, so it wouldn't have been hard.

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After all my moaning about him, i thought he was great in american psycho, probably his dislikeability to me made him well cast for the role. And the way he talked as batman didn't help, i liked him in the first half of batman though before the suit when the film went off the rails, during the training he was fine, nice plain old hollywood beefcake playin' his part, it's the beefcape that i didn't like. loooooooooooooooooool

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Well if all I had to do was train all day and had a personal trainer and dietist and millions of dollar I'd do that too

Are you saying that you do beyond what is necessary to excel at your current job? Because that is what the Bale pics show. There are hundreds of actors in film, and only a handful push beyond what is necessary. If you do not go hardcore at whatever job you do currently, please don't be fooled into thinking you would gain/lose 20 kg for your "hypothetical acting career".

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^ probably lots of spare time, personal trainer, dietist, coaches etc. and a good dose of determination & vanity.


He's an OK actor whos strong sides include an all American air of cool handsomeness and being an expert at expanding and contracting his physical body on demand.

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