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If you thought Gravity and Interstellar were completely improbable, this one's got them beat. Why do we need an announcement at the beginning of the trailer telling us what trailer we're about to watch?  I know what trailer I'm about to watch because I clicked on the name of the fucking trailer I wanted to watch! lol




who cares about improbable-- its a movie. but this looks like utter shite and j-law is horrible. weird tiny eyes

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This is actually a soft reboot of the shining. Pratt is the ships caretaker and ends up going crazy. Fishburn shows up late in the film and gets an ax to the chest, then Pratt gets sent out an airlock by Lawrence and freezes in the vacuum of space.

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Endless Poetry - Jodorowsky/10

The Untamed - Mexican Cronenberg/10

Personal Shopper - Medium/10

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went to the cinema today for the first time in 15 years. yes, the last film i actually saw in a movie theater was the first lord of the rings. it was about that time when broadband internet was becoming more available and affordable, so getting movies online for free made more sense. the major incentive for going to the cinema today was the "israeli cinema day" that precedes the israeli academy awards by a day, so the tickets for israeli films were subsidized and cost only 10 nis (2.6 usd). i was also anticipating that film and was curious about the modern cinema going experience.


the first thing i witnessed is the unmistakable evidence for the influence of american cultural imperialism - overweight, middle aged+ people hauling huge buckets of popcorn and drinks while squeezing in between the seats on the way to their destination. the film itself was the antithesis of a popcorn movie, all of the director's previous features were much more european festivals, left wing, chin stroking kinda films rather than something for mainstream audience.


i managed to shield myself very well from commercials on the media, so the 20 minute block of food commercials and trailers preceding the film itself seemed really obnoxious. i'm pretty sure keanu reeves talked about it before, but it's still amazing how literally every single trailer without exception has this mid bass-to-low bass sine wave sweep accompanying cuts to black before some significant part of the story is revealed (and as mentioned a few times before, trailers these days reveal pretty much most of the movie). that sweep appears regardless of the movie, be it some tender drama with fassbender about how he and his wife find a live baby in the sea, a whatever sequel to da vinci code or that laughable, paulo coelho-like film about will smith writing letters to death, time and love where half the actors of the hollywood take part. you can easily replicate this sound, just enter 120hz start freq, 20hz end freq and a duration of 2 seconds here and hit play: http://onlinetonegenerator.com/frequency-sweep-generator.html.


nevertheless the trailers were useful for me as a i had the chance to judge and compare the picture and sound quality to my home theater. the screen seemed like it was dirty or something, there were visible vertical stripes from top to bottom that were darker in comparison to the rest of the screen, but otherwise it was just okay, nothing remarkable, i definitely get a better picture with my plasma at home. the bigness effect was nice though, it left me wishing for a 60 incher to replace my current 50. sound wise they're really overdoing it with the subwoofers, when a voice of a male on screen gets lower it immediately sounds subwoorish and unnatural. the 3d sound positioning seemed better than what i get at home, in particular there's a sense of a sound present behind the actual screen that i noticed and it sounds quite realistic, i don't get that effect at home. sound quality itself overall was worse and less natural though, but then i labored over my system for like a year, researching and reading, testing and calibrating in order to get it all right, so that was a satisfying confirmation of the success of my efforts.


the were only about 20 people at the screening, all aged 50-75, but the hall was pretty small (~70 seats) and they made themselves noticeable and irritating enough: overreacting with gasps to not-that-dramatic moments (like when someone pulled a gun to chase for a robber), laughing more than the comic situations really called for, trying to predict what's gonna happen next and voicing their success with self importance when they got it right, getting sms's and calls, and googling things with their blazing bright phones. the elderly couple sitting to the left of me didn't know the hebrewdized expression "milfit" (MILF-like), so they googled it and read the description to their friends on the left who also had trouble with it, in the page they got the definition wasn't actually literal and was sanitized, it was defined as a "modern nickname given to an attractive woman of middle age", something like that. but the thing that really got me the most was the sing alongs. there were quite a few old and canonical israeli songs used in a somewhat cynical fashion, songs that those elderly viewers grew on i'm pretty sure, so literally everyone in the hall hummed along them, correcting each other on the words if they got it wrong, annoying but quite amusing nonetheless.


5 bags and a replacement thermostat module for the AC unit, it was borderline uncomfortably cold during the screening.

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the sine wave sweep is a weird one. my favorite edit is the staccato percussive cut to black used in tandem with a kind of rising metallic rush of noise, usually during a trailer where a big mechanical creature is revealed. also sometimes employed in the military wet dream sub genre when a group of people draw their weapons in tandem. if the group are terrorists, this cut to black is followed by a pensive piano figure presenting the "conflict" of the movie. "daddy's got to go to work" or whatever. 13 hours, lone survivor, that mark wahlberg bp oil movie (the terrorist in this case is the oil rig). 

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wow. this was.... generic. i'm sure everyone here knows the story: a group of 7 dudes band together to defend a small town. the problem is how they come together (doesn't really make sense- except for one guy).


next is the villain: he's not all that bad (at least i never got the sense he was). maybe it's a case where someone's reputation precedes them because in the film, everyone seems to think he's a badass but this is never translated visually for us to see.


personally, i wouldn't recommend this film at all. it's a very disposable movie with lots of quick witty banter back and forth supposedly illustrating how well the group get along and quick "one up" shoot out show off scenes because everyone has amazing shooting skills (except the native american, asian and fat guy who mostly use knives).


four bullet riddled churches out of ten

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this is a classic piece of luchadoras (female wrestlers) cinema directed by the auteur of mexipolitation rené cardona (el santo's go to director)


the sinister dr. orlak (carlos agosti) has designed a killer robot (el hombre zombie); but building an army of them to dominate the world, is too expensive. instead, orlak comes up with an idea of creating a gizmo that is able to control humans and turn them into automatons who can fulfill his twisted designs. to complete the task, he begins to kidnap brilliant scientists whom he forces to join him to complete the project.


one of them refuses and attempts to escape but is killed by the robot; that scientist turns out to be the uncle of the leader of the women's mexican wrestling team, the feisty gaby reyna (regina torné). gaby swears revenge on the twisted doctor.


investigating the disappearance of the scientists and helping gaby solve the murder of her uncle is inspector arturo campos (joaquin cordero) his bumbling assistant chava (héctor lechuga) and gaby's new best friend (who she literally meets a few minutes into the film before the two become the dynamic duo) gemma (malú reyes).


whilst investigating the case the two inspectors begin dating the two wrestlers


most of the plot is stolen from the episode 'return of the cybernauts' from the avengers tv show right down to the killer robot's design/makeup. the dames are surprisingly lovely with amazing figures and generous child bearing hips- not typical of female wrestlers of the time who were shorter and more muscular. 


i couldn't recommend this film more highly.


ten reverse leg locks and an elbow to the neck out of ten

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Welp, that was some trip! Had been avoiding watching this as i thought it was basically a Monkee's musical/docu....how wrong I was!
Surrealist psychedelic self-aware film making doesn't come much better than this. Seek out the highest quality version for maximum enjoyment :cisfor:



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All these sleepless nights. I suddenly turned 15 years younger, went to some parties in Warszaw, flirted with some girls, walked drunkenly around the city at dawn, went to some parties, flirted with some girls etc. Very nice, then the movie ended and I found myself once again old, cynical and tired, the rain was pouring down outside. Not so nice. 8/10

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