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I can't care how badly it may have dated, that's the nature of most comedies sadly, but the dance number that opens the film is fantastic. Do one Vice.

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Margot Robbie in a bubba baff.


edit -  I think I watched The Big Short back to back with Margin Call, which I remember liking v much more. 

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@ d-lo ; no not being irony, despite the ironies of the movie itself.

iFound the fake documentary/take-the-piss style of the flim totally congruent w. the subject matter of banking fraud in the sub prime housing market. the multilevel catastrophy of all these awful ppl & dismay  explained in an an ugly, unfolding tale of greed & srupidity via a jumpy, schizzed-out pomo steez was challenging. + iEven Lol'd a cpl tiems.

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Guardians of the Galaxy 2


They realised they're gonna make a ton of money off of it so went full Marvel - drawn-out final fight with never ending OTT cgi shit constantly going on, jarring shots clearly done for the 3d version, awkward product placement, older big name actors appearing for a few minutes for a six figure cheque. All in all fairly meh and reminded me why I usually avoid Marvel movies. Dollars to doughnuts says they'll have a Baby Groot short on Netflix by the time Christmas rolls around.


Also apparently Kirk from Gilmore Girls was in the original movie as well, I totally missed that


watch drunk or high / 10

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Guardians of the Galaxy 2


They realised they're gonna make a ton of money off of it so went full Marvel - drawn-out final fight with never ending OTT cgi shit constantly going on, jarring shots clearly done for the 3d version, awkward product placement, older big name actors appearing for a few minutes for a six figure cheque. All in all fairly meh and reminded me why I usually avoid Marvel movies. Dollars to doughnuts says they'll have a Baby Groot short on Netflix by the time Christmas rolls around.


Also apparently Kirk from Gilmore Girls was in the original movie as well, I totally missed that


watch drunk or high / 10


that endless burial thing@end + silly-vester stallone..dear lord

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Watched Touching the Void for the first time last night. It's a documentary/recreation of a mountain climber's incredible fight for survival in circumstances that would make most grown men just close their eyes and beg for the long sleep. It was reeeealy fucking great. 

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The Founder - somewhat dry but mostly entertaining dramatization of battle between Ray Kroc and the McDonald brothers over the restaurant chain. I've noticed the McD website's retconned history makes no mention of the brothers whatsoever. Erased from history.

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a blessing rather than a curse, perhaps


i miss their sausage, egg & biscuit breakfast thingy, essentially distilled saturated fats designed in Pentagon labs to directly clog the heart, merkin black-magic of the finest variety





On Moonlight Bay & By the Light of the Silvery Moon.....the result of bank holiday family compromises, the epitome of valium soaked 50's saccharine visions of healthy functioning family life projected back on itself earlier in the 20th century


Doris Day had all the physical traits of a v v fuckable lass, but in these filems her character seemed so so happy & outside of real world problems it was almost unintentionally tipping over into something much darker the whole time, but try articulating that to your Ma while she offers you another cup of tea and biscuits

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I've noticed the McD website's retconned history makes no mention of the brothers whatsoever. Erased from history.

except its on wikipedia

Erased from McDonald's corporate clown hype history then.

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Eraserhead, well... what can I say? except - is it a photograph of a mushroom cloud by his bed? If so, is the place they live in radioactive? That would explain (kind of) his offspring...


Lynched-up / 10

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