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Scarface is one of his shittier films, the original is good though.


I thought Sisters was great.

Edited by caze
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Scarface is one of his shittier films, the original is good though.


I thought Sisters was great.

Nonono it's the fact that it's so gaudy and over the top that makes it great, all the eastethics man! So much. Great! Haven't seen Sisters.

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Body Double, Scarface and maybe Dressed to Kill are the only De Palma movies I'd watch again. Even Blow-Out had me checking the progress bar every couple of minutes by the end. 

Edited by doublename
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Scarface is one of his shittier films, the original is good though.


I thought Sisters was great.

Nonono it's the fact that it's so gaudy and over the top that makes it great, all the eastethics man! So much. Great! Haven't seen Sisters.



nah, I have very little time for watching Al Pacino chewing the scenery.


this has much better aesthetics:


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Body Double, Scarface and maybe Dressed to Kill are the only De Palma movies I'd watch again. Even Blow-Out had me checking the progress bar every couple of minutes by the end.

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You're missing blow out, phantom of the paradise, raising cain and Carlitos way

I love body double, just got the new bluray of it, you need to check this out, sublime a/v, released by indicator

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From my complete amateur point of view I'd say that the Korean written characters don't translate well into what Hollywood you expect to see a Hollywood character do. The Korean actors in Okja are great and you except their performance and characters and blablabla. Tilda Swinton though acts like she's in Cromatie High School and she did the same in Snowpiercer. For some reason Jake Gyllenhaal kinda made it work on Okja, but his character could easily have been played by some excentric South Korean actor and none of us would have thought it was strange.


I dunno.


I guess some things just get lost in translation one way or the other.


i absolutely hated this film and so did my girlfriend. just didn't get tilda swinton's character- she was annoying as hell and took forever explaining whatever the hell she was saying in the beginning scene.


then- WTF was that? a hippo? looked nothing like a pig. stopped the film when that korean girl was playing with it in a field. it was like the director tried to make a hayao miyazaki type film but it lacked the magic of any of that directors films so instead this film goes with over-the-top acting which (i suppose) is supposed to come off as "weird" and "different" but really is just annoying


zero out of ten

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The Libertine


The Earl of Rochester is here to sleep with your wife, drink all your wine then leave a poem on the kitchen table telling you he would never meaningfully hurt another human being. Apart from maybe living in Stroud nowadays, it's amazing how the behaviour in late 1600s Britain has carried on. Loved it. 

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ghost in the shell - it's pretty amazing how something that is filled with cool, over the top sci fi stuff in every single second of the film can be so excruciatingly boring.

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talking about de Palma -- I recently watched Verhoeven's "Basic Instinct" ... I had avoided it for some reasons but then I saw it classified as a "neo noir" and thought that as a Noir fan I'm kind of obliged to see it ... well, more than noirish, it struck me as a de Palma Hitchcockian movie ...


ridiculous, "mathematical" plot with symmetries and reversals,  and boring softcore porn scenes one had to fast forward, but  I guess de Palma fans might like it. some nice cinematography and  dreamy score in classic style

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The rave scene was pure shite.

Remember that XL Chapter 2 Cd? That had the Rave is Rhythm track. I dont know bout you but im feeling alright! The Holy Noise track 'The Noise' had those big piano stabs that now sound so dated, the bleeps are alright tho.

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Life - not sure why this got such a bad rap, much better than Alien Covenant, wasn't even that much of an Alien rip-off like I'd heard people say.

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Life - not sure why this got such a bad rap, much better than Alien Covenant, wasn't even that much of an Alien rip-off like I'd heard people say.


Dayum, Covenant must be really shitty then (not seen it yet). Not a rip-off of Alien for sure aside from basic plot elements, but it was so shallow and unbelievable, it was basically sadistic porn of omnipotent creature fucking with stupid humans and in that nonsensical nature it was kinda fresh take on the genre.

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