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Slightly concerned that Lynch is still piling in new characters 5

Yeah I hope there's not too many more - It's an issue I always have with any series: Too many characters and I completely lose track what's going on !
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i'm afraid lynch might be going george lucas on us. just splashing any idea onto the screen hoping it will stick.


hope this will pay-off. but i'm having a hard time believing cooper looking at a statue of some cowboy will lead to anything of any importance.

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He appeared to be fascinated with the shoes (if you'll recall he left his own shoes in the Lodge outpost building thingy in space) so maybe there will be a (Lynchian) connection there. There seems to be a lot of mirroring between different settings.

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good spotting guys!


i'll keep my hopes up for now. 


the payoff will come *stares into the distance like new zombie coop*







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He does have some sort of 'help' from the 'other side' (the Lodge I guess) as is seen in the casino scene. Could this mean there is some purpose behind this which (or who) is leading him, or his brains merely acquired some special abilities (also detecting lies, etc)? To me it seems the former is more possible, which kind of goes along with this little theory I have. Dougie got sucked in the Lodge, and the One Arm Man told him he got tricked. Which means there is a some possibility that Major Briggs is involved in taking Dougie's body as a (temporary?) vessel for the 'bright' version of Coop. Before Coop went into the Lodge he was 'normal' Coop- embodying both good (Dougie) and dark (Long-haired Coop). But the 'bright' Coop never lived in this world (as 'Dark' Coop didn't) before so his 'soul' or 'part-soul' behaves like a child. Note that the 'Dark' Coop sort of behaves similary like Dougie (stiff walk, slow and rare talking, special abilities). They are both halves of the same person, the Original Coop. Which means, that probably Major Briggs was in on the whole thing all along, and tries to help the situation by kind of orchestrating the confrontation of both avatars so that the old Coop could be restored.



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evil coop has some really weird and unreal relationship with technology, remember how he typed complete gibberish on his laptop with some ridiculous and cartoonish user interface in earlier ep? i though it was just lynch poking fun at some hax0r tropes, but it looks like there's more behind it with the shit he pulled in ep5. pretty cool.

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good spotting guys!


i'll keep my hopes up for now. 


the payoff will come *stares into the distance like new zombie coop*







D'Oh I couldn't quite place his fascination with that figure but ... Of course - He just wants his Harry back !
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anyone notice that this guy is credited as richard horne?


also, when that one guy is getting the shit kicked out of him for letting cooper win so much at the casino, 3 girls walk in, stand by the wall smoking and just stare at him. those 3 look EXACTLY like the girl justin theroux is supposed to cast in mullholland drive


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That guy so looked like 80s-era Sean Penn. Regarding that spoiler, hell he had that pose for that image completely nailed regarding that connection. Totally didn't spot that on viewing !

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....the casino scenes with that quiet melodic drone composition is sublime and hope that gets an official release somewhere down the line

Fingers crossed it'll be on this: https://boomkat.com/products/twin-peaks-limited-event-series-soundtrack


Apart from the re-used music from the original run, all the music and soundscapes so far sound more like David Lynch's work rather than Angelo Badalamenti, in my opinion anyway.

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I missed the casino music. All casinos have an ambient sound to lull you in. I thought.


I recently OD'ed on phenibut nootropic and had total out of body experiences and it was very Lynch. Scary shit. Avoid.


Ive done all the drugs and never had hallucinations like this. 


Also, The actors are really good in twin peaks but their careers have been pretty bad. Where did they go all these years? 

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I missed the casino music. All casinos have an ambient sound to lull you in. I thought.


I recently OD'ed on phenibut nootropic and had total out of body experiences and it was very Lynch. Scary shit. Avoid.


Ive done all the drugs and never had hallucinations like this. 


Also, The actors are really good in twin peaks but their careers have been pretty bad. Where did they go all these years? 

Lara Flynn Boyle went to wherever the Event Horizon went...

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Haven't visited this thread since the new season started and I haven't read any of the new posts. I just dropped by to say that I really like this new season.

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Just finished watching seasons 1 & 2, and the movie. 1st time watching the series. Started with s3, 1st 4 episodes but stopped 'cause there was a lot I was missing by not following the earlier story. BUT still is Lynch so it was satisfying nevertheless.


Some questions!



I found season 2 hilarious. Full of cheesy stuff all along (some really annoying tbh, skipped most of it). And then the last episode, FLOL. For the fans in here, what went on Lynch's and the writer's head in that last episode?


Seriously. IMO everything that's great about Twin Peaks is comprised in the 1st season, Lynch directed episodes of s2 and the movie. That last episode is like a big fu to what became of the series those last episodes. Amazing. And it leaves everything in complete suspense. What was the reaction of the audience in the 90s?


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