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Nebraska that is fantastic, UK got the 4k scan this year by studio canal, decent extras, but seeing this I think I need to own a region 1 player. Criterion rock (the fisher king release blew my mind, sadly that's only one of the good ones they do! ) Gilliam's commentaries are the funniest shit ever but they're rare in the UK with pish discs. Let's get criterioned up with the label getting a more films here, they are being snobbish by selection.

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i have been told (but cannot fully advocate as i haven't figured out how to do it yet) but....


you need to watch the last two episodes.... simultaneously......... for the real ending.


That's already been debunked by the producer of the show, in the reddit AMA
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i have been told (but cannot fully advocate as i haven't figured out how to do it yet) but....


you need to watch the last two episodes.... simultaneously......... for the real ending.

That's already been debunked by the producer of the show, in the reddit AMA



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The Amira footy is my least favourite thing about this season. The 'look and feel' - NOT the cinematography itself.


There are ways of shooting digital AND retaining a nice aesthetic, but this camera obviously isn't the one for the job. The entire time it felt like I was watching one of those dreadful low-budget atrocities you occasionally see when flicking through Syfy/The Horror Channel, or one of those throwaway straight-to-video Christmas movies.


I'd rather Lynch jumped onto DSLR. It's not like the visual effects in TP are anything spectacular, anyway.

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Kind of funny but at the same time painful to see something as beautiful as twin peaks tainted by having that delusional scumbag in the same frame.

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Twin Peaks is really all about that time in David’s childhood when he tried to eat two Toblerones, one after another.

His mother, a buxom, homely woman with big blonde bouffant, had waggled her finger at him and said he could have the one Toblerone only. David knew that pestering would get him nowhere, and spent the rest of the day trying to impress his mother with odd dancing moves and talking backwards. His mother shook her head at David’s antics and told him to go to his room.

Little did she know that she was up against a most cunning mind, grinding away behind those baby blue eyes, analyzing and scheming. Except for that one time when he’d yelled to his mom from the barn “hey look mom I can fly!” before falling on his ass onto a haystack.

But this time he was onto something BIG: He knew where his mom hid a second Toblerone bar. It was in the pantry with the zig zag floor and the red drapes, up on the top shelf. He must obtain the second Toblerone, he wanted it! The nature of duality! The universe as two perfect triangular choccies!

Tip toeing across the kitchen later that night, his cheeky little face appeared behind the drape. Humming a simple yet hauntingly beautiful 3 tone melody to himself he scanned the shelves, there it was! “This Is The Treat” he whispered to himself.

Once in his room, an odd dizziness came over him, it seemed the closer the two Toblerones got to each other, the more intense it became. Eventually a blinding light flashed, momentarily illuminating the room. Little David blacked out and had a strange dream……  


David would never loose his sweet tooth, but vowed never again to touch a Toblerone. Instead satiating his cravings with cherry pie, doughnuts and copius amounts of coffee.  

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