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New Autechre EP - L Event


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AE are Gods.


Can anyone else name a single group who continually produces this much music, and every single release is as good as or better than the last one? Or a totally new spin that's good in its own way or not comparable


Most are like two good releases tops then the rest live in their shadows.


No other electronic group could top or sidestep Chiastic Slide, or Confield, or Draft, or Untilted, or Quaristice even, or Oversteps or fucking anything yet AE constantly does it.


They aren't human, they must be aliens


I almost want to start laughing then crying at just how ridiculously good they are

Beautiful Poem

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Nice, cant wait to get home from work and download!


seems like Autechre (or sean specifically) should consider doing an under the radar, mostly un-announced surprise self-release directly to their fans. If he's so concerned with making sure that any stores remove any preview clips of an album marketing by a rather large entity, why keep releasing things using the exact same model where this is absolutely guaranteed to keep happening utterly beyond his control as the artist? Seems like it would be endlessly frustrating for someone who has such an ana.... ahem 'specific' approach to previews/leaks things like that.

So sean if you're reading, why not do a release that will be a total surprise to anyone and no marketing entity or promotional campaign will have any chance whatsoever in ruining the surprise? You would be in full control of it. I can't remember a time where this didn't happen. (letting the cat out the bag earlier than autechre would have preferred). With the idea I'm suggesting, since only 2 people will be in the loop, the announcement could be a total surprise and have the exact effect they seem to want to have, no spoilers, no previews, just straight boom new autechre mother fuckers what are you gonna do.


I very much agree with this, don't get why more established artists don't do this. Sure there will be a few less sales but prob not much, most people who buy Ae I imagine are hardcore fans. And in some ways releasing in this way might get more buzz and press going once its out, so you get promotion without doing fuck all and you are guaranteed no leaks. Also if you self release no money needs to go to the middle man so you see a bigger cut of the £'s


But is weird people who have looked at doing this sort of thing (Radiohead, NIN) have since backed away form it so maybe there is more draw backs than what am thinking? but I cant really see them. If you already a big established artist surely its win-win. Wonder if the MBV album worked out well for them and if they would do it again?

Edited by kirm
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