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Richard D James SoundCloud - A Gift To The Fans

Guest crowndicey

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Guest kymppinetti


I really feel sorry for people releasing electronic music of the more experimental/braindance ilk at the moment... I can't tear myself away from these Aphex tracks to listen to anything else!

the one good effect is i think that Aphex throwing the gauntlet down like this will hopefully encourage electronic music producers to be more creative and playful. For the people who weren't aware of or who forgot that Aphex had such a diverse playful way of making music instead of just one way or a couple of ways i think this is a bigtime wakeup call. The net result i think will be certain electronic musicians, especially ones who have been heavily inspired by Aphex to loosen up and explore more (instead of just riding on one specific aphex style for example). I run an experimental electronic label and this dump has made me more excited about what im doing with the label than anytime in the last 5 years.

There is nothing threatening or bad about being overshadowed by the master, in fact i think electronic music as a whole would have probably been a lot more interesting the last 15 years if Aphex continued putting out music very regularly during that whole period. Instead what happened was the gauntlet of Analord caused thousands of people (mostly laptop musicians) to think they could buy analog electronic music hardware and be able to make cool shit with it, obviously this didn't happen but we're turning a corner now where a lot of the people who got into hardware in the mid 00's are now figuring out how to make really amazing stuff with it


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word to the suggestion of fl.ux. i'm a huge fan, used it for years, have it pernamently enabled (everybody always asks me 'why is your screen red?')

"why is your screen red?"

"because aphex twin"



what is flux?

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Pretend Analog! Analord era w0000000t!!!



I wouldn't be surprised if "Pretend Analog" was far older than 2005...


its the'...' that makes me think you know this as fact.



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i asked about this one, hope well get to hear it :-):



btw what does virtual analog mean? he used only vsts for this one?

Edited by indulin
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Used it originally at night as it stopped me not being able to sleep after being on the computer, but I find running it all the time makes just looking at a computer monitor way less harsh on the eyes and I feel less zoned out. Currently doing full time software development, could not do it without this running

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word to the suggestion of fl.ux. i'm a huge fan, used it for years, have it pernamently enabled (everybody always asks me 'why is your screen red?')

"why is your screen red?"

"because aphex twin"



what is flux?



software that reduces the blue light of your PC screen in sync with your local sunrise/sunset. Reduces eye strain and helps reduce computer screen influenced sleep loss as well (your body reacts to the blue spectrum of light from the sun or something that keeps you awake). the best solution is to just not use any screens before you sleep but flux is still very effective, been using it for five years (edit: don't think it's been out that long but certainly since 2011 or so) or so and it's been great, might be a placebo but the science is there at least. I definitely notice a difference when I use my TV or phone at night which don't reduce blue light at night.

Edited by WeAreOceans
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I found a great bit of software to download all tracks from a Soundcloud User / Soundcloud Playlist with one click. Gets the Highest quality version where available or the stream if not - including tags (but sadly not artwork). But I'm not sure if it's ok to post a link to it here? Google 'originaltechsolutions soundcloud playlist downloader' to find it.
Sorry if this breaks rules.

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word to the suggestion of fl.ux. i'm a huge fan, used it for years, have it pernamently enabled (everybody always asks me 'why is your screen red?')

"why is your screen red?"

"because aphex twin"



what is flux?



software that reduces the blue light of your PC screen in sync with your local sunrise/sunset. Reduces eye strain and helps reduce computer screen influenced sleep loss as well (your body reacts to the blue spectrum of light from the sun or something that keeps you awake). the best solution is to just not use any screens before you sleep but flux is still very effective, been using it for five years (edit: don't think it's been out that long but certainly since 2011 or so) or so and it's been great, might be a placebo but the science is there at least. I definitely notice a difference when I use my TV or phone at night which don't reduce blue light at night.


that sounds good

maybe it will help me sleep better because I am always using a laptop before bed

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word to the suggestion of fl.ux. i'm a huge fan, used it for years, have it pernamently enabled (everybody always asks me 'why is your screen red?')

"why is your screen red?"

"because aphex twin"



what is flux?



software that reduces the blue light of your PC screen in sync with your local sunrise/sunset. Reduces eye strain and helps reduce computer screen influenced sleep loss as well (your body reacts to the blue spectrum of light from the sun or something that keeps you awake). the best solution is to just not use any screens before you sleep but flux is still very effective, been using it for five years (edit: don't think it's been out that long but certainly since 2011 or so) or so and it's been great, might be a placebo but the science is there at least. I definitely notice a difference when I use my TV or phone at night which don't reduce blue light at night.



Going to try this out, thanks for the explanations. Should make the midnight F5'ing a bit less harmful.

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any skeptism i ever had in fl.ux was squashed when i *consistently* noticed a pattern of having turned it off for whatever reason, gone to bed, and then wondering why the fuck i couldn't get to sleep. it works.

i think i've played pretend analog about 20 times today. such a great track, especially the melody that comes in at 1:30

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I would love to have some of the soundcloud stuff on vinyl. It would be great if Warp released some of it but I kinda doubt it'll happen.


How about another Kickstarter? We could do a poll and come up with a tracklisting for a three LP set or something. I can do the sleeve art in MS Paint for free.


NB: the above is a serious question. I typed everything in font size 14 to prove my seriousness.

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I would love to have some of the soundcloud stuff on vinyl. It would be great if Warp released some of it but I kinda doubt it'll happen.


How about another Kickstarter? We could do a poll and come up with a tracklisting for a three LP set or something. I can do the sleeve art in MS Paint for free.


NB: the above is a serious question. I typed everything in font size 14 to prove my seriousness.

Was already proposed, I think there's very good arguments in the thread why it shouldn't:



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I would love to have some of the soundcloud stuff on vinyl. It would be great if Warp released some of it but I kinda doubt it'll happen.


How about another Kickstarter? We could do a poll and come up with a tracklisting for a three LP set or something. I can do the sleeve art in MS Paint for free.


NB: the above is a serious question. I typed everything in font size 14 to prove my seriousness.

Was already proposed, I think there's very good arguments in the thread why it shouldn't:





Oops, sorry about that... I guess I should F5 more than just this topic. :emb:

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No biggie, not everyone is constantly f5'ing watmm next to the soundcloud :)


I'm absolutely loving the last few tracks. Phonge into 5 7z has a very smooth transition, like someone said in the comments there, it's like a noisy intro. 24 ems-alias mgroove is one of my recent faves, full of MFM goodness and nostalgia. D14 - 26 Soahcie2 sounds like dirty ol' Bunker Records electro for some reason, should be way longer.


Pretend Analog Extmix 2b though, man... :music:


Also, remember when someone posted that 1/427 (or something similar) in the tags of that Aphex Twin soundcloud track and everyone joked about at it being the start?

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Has anyone listened to now all 180 tunes in one sitting .....or however many days it would take to listen to them all ?


I wonder what happens to you if you do ?


Does your hair turn red and suddenly you start making many alias's for yourself?


I remember listening to the first 112 in one sitting. Utopia all the way to Spiral Staircase. That was a fucking mission, but definitely one of my personal highlights of the year decade, so far.



I would love to have some of the soundcloud stuff on vinyl. It would be great if Warp released some of it but I kinda doubt it'll happen.


How about another Kickstarter? We could do a poll and come up with a tracklisting for a three LP set or something. I can do the sleeve art in MS Paint for free.


NB: the above is a serious question. I typed everything in font size 14 to prove my seriousness.


Yes to an official Warp release. No to an unofficial bootleg. I'd love to hear some of these tracks properly mixed/mastered for vinyl/CD/whatever. There's some stuff over on Soundcloud that I have absolutely no problem in regarding as some of RDJ's best material, and I feel like it desperately needs a ton of exposure.


Richard did mention early on that he'd explore the possibilities of properly releasing the best stuff, however his comment last night put a bit of a downer on the whole situation. "im puttin up the ones first that i would probably never release"


Tis a shame. Imagine PAE2b released as a single with a Cunningham-directed video. Panties would most def be shat.

Edited by valleyinaire
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In answer to a lot of messages:

hmmm..i think if there were some sort of poll or something, I would get the best of/faves mastered & pressed up/backed up.

I can make almost all of these tracks sound A LOT better, if I transfer them properly myself and then master them .
There are lots of other releases planned on Warp but it could fit in fine there somewhere.

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That's recently been added to his profile, btw. Time to start thinking just which tracks would come out on top then, lot to choose from.

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In answer to a lot of messages:

hmmm..i think if there were some sort of poll or something, I would get the best of/faves mastered & pressed up/backed up.

I can make almost all of these tracks sound A LOT better, if I transfer them properly myself and then master them .

There are lots of other releases planned on Warp but it could fit in fine there somewhere.


Haha, well this was unexpected. Just when I linked to that thread where a lot of people gave reasoning for not doing it: iirc mostly because lack of input from Richard or Warp, so this changes a lot...


Let's set it up then? Logistically it will be a pain to put 200+ tracks in a poll in watmm (I think there is a limit too?), but maybe Joyrex or someone has a way around it? It should be publically accessible with maybe a maximum amount of favo'ing?

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