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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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i just fully charge it but it still won't connect to the app... shit...

i have to try it with a different phone with a different android version or an iphone...


Ugh. Sorry you have to go through that. I've had some problems with android apps not working properly with devices as well. At least the app stuff is optional. It's still a good vape on it's own merit. The second temp is pretty much perfect to stay on if you're vaping flower.

Edited by Entorwellian
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Here in Alberta you can order online and have it shipped right to your door. 


The advertised quality (not sure if it is actual quality) is comparable to black market stuff, 25% thc, some high CBD varieties. 


I registered but will not buy online quite yet. Only thing I'm worried about is legal purchasing here somehow restricting my travel to the US, not sure if it's scaremongering or what but I've read it can. =/

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Here in Alberta you can order online and have it shipped right to your door. 


The advertised quality (not sure if it is actual quality) is comparable to black market stuff, 25% thc, some high CBD varieties. 


I registered but will not buy online quite yet. Only thing I'm worried about is legal purchasing here somehow restricting my travel to the US, not sure if it's scaremongering or what but I've read it can. =/



Buying online here will only affect your ability to enter the US if the border guard asks you if you've ever used marijuana and you answer yes. Also, don't post pics of yourself doing bong rips on social media, as they do have the authorization to compel you to open your phone (if for example they suspect you are lying about having used marijuana).

From a purely anecdotal standpoint, I have entered the US numerous times by land, including going to an ultimate frisbee tournament with a car full of hippies, and have never once been asked if I have used marijuana.

I have also never been asked entering after flying in to the country. I'm not saying it's impossible that you will be asked, but I imagine chances are low (presumably the frequency of that question being asked will increase in the short-term, while this is on everyone's minds).


Looking to invest?



Company owner is not a marijuana user or advocate - he's a businessman. If I had spare pesos, that's where I'd chuck em.

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  • 2 weeks later...


i just fully charge it but it still won't connect to the app... shit...

i have to try it with a different phone with a different android version or an iphone...

Ugh. Sorry you have to go through that. I've had some problems with android apps not working properly with devices as well. At least the app stuff is optional. It's still a good vape on it's own merit. The second temp is pretty much perfect to stay on if you're vaping flower.

yeah no worries that's mostly what I'll be using it for...

btw, an update for the app came out but still not working with my pax...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now that it's been a month since legalization passed and overall I think Canada did a good job (Ontario exempted), there are definitely some positives and a few negatives that I've witnessed.




  • Health Canada's cannabis information, for both recreational and medical, does a very good job at informing readers about the current research findings, allowable smoking and vaping locations, safety, symptoms it treats and potential health problems that can occur (cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome, c nerve fiber irritation from toxins and hot air, etc...) and even dosage and temperature recommendations for vaporizers. All the cited research comes from respectable journals and government websites. There is so much to learn on there that I've learned a new breathing technique and use far less cannabis than before now that I've learned to vaporize at lower temperatures (180-185 instead of 210) and cut down my consumption by a factor of 10! I'm probably only vaping 0.3-0.5 grams throughout the day and feel pretty high off it. This is coming from someone that was smoking 7 joints a day. They've borrowed a lot from the dutch model and it will be interesting to see what the research will reveal in time.
  • Far less anxiety with law enforcement and judgement. It feels weird carrying a water piece outdoors on the streets and sidewalk, but it's slowly starting to feel semi-normal. No one cares except for stingey geriatrics now.
  • Pardons for anyone who was arrested for possessing an ounce or less, and only a 200 dollar fine for most offenses.
  • The government weed ranges from alright to *very* good. I ordered two 3.5g containers of a cheap one (God bud) and a more pricey one (Shishkaberry). The pricey one was on par with the medical dispensery's stuff and was pretty powerful. The Godbud was the gov'ts version of domestic beer and was about 1 dollar more per gram than what I pay for my medical versions. It was a bit drier than I would have liked, had some shake at the bottom, and the taste was kinda so-so. It got me high, but that's about it.



  • It's a bit pricey relative to B.C.'s prices. It didn't make a dent in the black market. The legal cannabis ended up being a bit pricier because they have to send it to get tested in a lab. This also lead to some pot taking longer to process than others, and you can end up with pot that was packaged a month or two ago and can have an increase in thc degradation and more shake at the bottom. I think a good compromise would be to get the black market dudes to be allowed to apply for craft-weed licenses to compliment the government sales.
  • The only people that really benefit from legalization are white, rich people. since most outdoor areas have vaping and smoking being forbidden, as well as concentrates and edibles are not allowed to be sold. Consumption is mostly limited to private residences and there are no cannabis lounges really allowed to operate (No fuckin way am I going to sexpest Marc Emery's downtown.) Lots of the laws in place still make it easy to target minorities and the poor with some b/s, but the consequences are less severe than before.
  • Ontario fucked up in so many ways it's almost comical.
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I come from Kansas and Missouri, which have zero chill on this shit.


Missouri citizens voted yes on amendment 2 to legalize medicinal cannabis


it's starting to change in the midwest:)

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Anecdotal report here: I've smoked cannabis for a heck of a long time, and consider my self a very-heavy user (anywhere from 2-12 joints a day). I've quit several times and had not too many side effects, except for excessive dreams and mostly psychological. Fast forward to the last year that I have vapourizerd weed heavily (1-3 grams a day) for the past year and a half. I'm on my first t-break for this and I am having insane amounts of physiological symptoms. I never thought it was addictive due to the lack of physiological symptoms, aside from irritability and fatigue, but it's been pretty brutal this time around.


Within the first 2 days I was excessively going between hot and cold flashes, irritable bowel syndrome, sweating a gallon of water at night, intense dreams where I am waking up every hour, chest tightness, wheezing, itch in the back of my throat, and I think my inhalers are not working as well anymore. I was drinking about 12 glasses of water a day and my body still feels like it needs more. All of these happened at night time, whereas during the day I am mostly fine.I think the only benefit I've had so far is that I don't cough anymore and my mucus is more watery now than chunky before. I never had these when I quit joints and bongs. I haven't found anyone else who has experienced this on the internet. I honestly would have thought I had the flu or COPD, but I have no fever and the spirometry tests ruled out COPD for me as an issue.


I don't know if it is due to vaping or what but jesus christ marijuana addiction and withdrawal is a real thing.

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Thank you for the information. The ABV idea is a good one.


I measured my blood pressure and it is 160/90, even after drinking 12 glasses of water so its probably worse than that normally. I think titillating it is safer because holllly shiit this is nuts.

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Anecdotal report here: I've smoked cannabis for a heck of a long time, and consider my self a very-heavy user (anywhere from 2-12 joints a day). I've quit several times and had not too many side effects, except for excessive dreams and mostly psychological. Fast forward to the last year that I have vapourizerd weed heavily (1-3 grams a day) for the past year and a half. I'm on my first t-break for this and I am having insane amounts of physiological symptoms. I never thought it was addictive due to the lack of physiological symptoms, aside from irritability and fatigue, but it's been pretty brutal this time around.


Within the first 2 days I was excessively going between hot and cold flashes, irritable bowel syndrome, sweating a gallon of water at night, intense dreams where I am waking up every hour, chest tightness, wheezing, itch in the back of my throat, and I think my inhalers are not working as well anymore. I was drinking about 12 glasses of water a day and my body still feels like it needs more. All of these happened at night time, whereas during the day I am mostly fine.I think the only benefit I've had so far is that I don't cough anymore and my mucus is more watery now than chunky before. I never had these when I quit joints and bongs. I haven't found anyone else who has experienced this on the internet. I honestly would have thought I had the flu or COPD, but I have no fever and the spirometry tests ruled out COPD for me as an issue.


I don't know if it is due to vaping or what but jesus christ marijuana addiction and withdrawal is a real thing.

cbd oil

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@ Entor......if you've been a serious caner like you explained for years, you're likely encountering psychological & physiological withdrawal, compounded by the psychological disruptions excessive cannabis use can bring. Cannnabis can induce psychosis & even vaping that much shrubbery daily will come @ a cost, ie if your stems or balloons are coating up with use what do you think your lungs look like?


good news:


1stly - if the COPD scan came back all clear, thats a HUGE weight off, cos that shit doesnt take prisoners & is a beast to treat = phewwww


2nd - your sleep cycles have been disrupted for such a long ol' time, it'll take a while for your dream/REM patterns to re-adjust. Serious sleep disruption will exacerbate all manner of nocturnal (and daylight) "symptoms", so try to see the ultra-vivid dreams as a sign your mind is readjusting as your intake has stopped. It sounds horrid but it should pass. Cannabis is proven to suppress dream patterns when excessive long-term use is factor.


3rd - vapes all well n good, but if you're using an inhaler for a bronchial condition, that still means you're irritating your airway & lung lining continually. If stopping has eased the lung irritation & your inhaler use drops over the next few weeks, not to come the cunt but that's all the evidence you'd need to source another mechanism of delivery. The lower your tolerance, the less you'll need to get where you wanna be + cost effectiveness can't hurt


4th - ever decarbed &/or explored tinctures? I have mild asthma (mainly winter time) & had a fkn 'mare decarbing @ home due to odours & proximity of neighbours, but its fairly easy if aromas arent an issue @ home. If they are, Ardent do a wicked flask-looking thing that potentiates your botanical into str8 edible. If you do 2 runs (it runs on a real low heat setting), all the CBD & lesser mentioned cannabinoids will potentiate too. Point four to point seven grams twice a week = steady as you go.


hope this doesnt sound cunty, my brother gets through it at a similar rate to you & works an 80hr week & when he's quit b4, that night sweat thirst syptom you noted kicks in. Well worth getting a 2nd opinion on the gut/sweating cos none of us are getting any younger. A clean bill of physiological health supported by your health-care provider would ease your peace of mind a lot & allow you to explore other dosage levels, mild edibles or to quit altogether.


Take care out there.

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Thank you guys so much. I got the CBD tincture but haven't used it. Think a good month sounds like a plan to let everything heal up. It's been a week now and the sweats and chills are gone. IBS is starting to return to normal as well. The insomnia sucks but that's mild compared to the asthma attacks, which were frightening. They have tapered off a lot now and I gone my first night without having to use the ventolin. I was using my rescue inhaler 4 times a day on top of the two QVAR puffs  :cerious: . Yep its addiction alright.


The weed capsules and ediblesrock but they can take up to 4 hours to kick in. Tinctures seem to be hit or miss with me, even with the 'holding under the tongue' and I can't make my own because B.C. prohibits the sale of everclear unless you are a pharmacist or doctor. I'm going by health canada's guidelines now for medical cannabis with dosing. If i am vaping more than 0.15g x 3 a day, its considered heavy use (abuse) so I think keeping under that will be required now. If the attacks return then yeah I think edibles and decarb'd capsules are the only method to go.


On the plus side I'm more productive now that I have been in years.

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Place around the corner sells those but I haven't tried yet as I'm not sure they'll go well in my vaporizer. They'd probably get you pretty stoned.

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Thank you guys so much. I got the CBD tincture but haven't used it. Think a good month sounds like a plan to let everything heal up. It's been a week now and the sweats and chills are gone. IBS is starting to return to normal as well. The insomnia sucks but that's mild compared to the asthma attacks, which were frightening. They have tapered off a lot now and I gone my first night without having to use the ventolin. I was using my rescue inhaler 4 times a day on top of the two QVAR puffs  :cerious: . Yep its addiction alright.


The weed capsules and ediblesrock but they can take up to 4 hours to kick in. Tinctures seem to be hit or miss with me, even with the 'holding under the tongue' and I can't make my own because B.C. prohibits the sale of everclear unless you are a pharmacist or doctor. I'm going by health canada's guidelines now for medical cannabis with dosing. If i am vaping more than 0.15g x 3 a day, its considered heavy use (abuse) so I think keeping under that will be required now. If the attacks return then yeah I think edibles and decarb'd capsules are the only method to go.


On the plus side I'm more productive now that I have been in years.

You can use vodka for tinctures... A homeopath/naturopath I know uses it for his tinctures.

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I've had moon rocks, there's actual buds of weed inside them, so you have to smoke it in a bowl/bong.  It's weed dipped in some kind of rosin, either hash or wax, and then rolled in kief(spelling?).  It was more of a novelty, since it was the same price as wax for me.  And knowing now, I would rather have the pure wax.  But it was a beautiful sight to behold, breaking open one of those rocks and seeing the universe.

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