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I guess there are also huge amount of weird realtime reverb algos. Griesinger “figure eight” with pvoc involved, FDN variations stepping on chorus territory (latentcall) etc.

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I guess there are also huge amount of weird realtime reverb algos. Griesinger “figure eight” with pvoc involved, FDN variations stepping on chorus territory (latentcall) etc.


I found this when googleing Griesinger "figure eight"



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Anyone else singing We Will Rock You along to TBM2?



getting strong we will rock you vibes from TBM2 tbh











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5 hasn't had my full attention yet. 1 and 4 are banging though. It's a shame 0nset is probably going to make me avoid 2 for the rest of my life.


Massive LOL at anybody deluded enough to think that AE approach mainstream with this material. Do you want some advice on one thing that helps out with mainstream acceptance? 3-4 minute tracks. They're really helpful.

I agree with modey that this is some of their most impenetrable material yet. It's almost frustrating that it's so long and split into 5 parts, I like to get lost in one release for a while but now I have the agony of choice.


I hope this doesn't signify AE moving away from the album format permanently. I remember in a Quaristice era interview (regarding Quadrange I think) Sean saying something like the media is irrelevant, what's important is that the music reaches the listeners by some method. I'm happy with downloads but I love the idea of a 70 min max run time album. Even with streaming and downloading being so prevalent, I think there's something to be said for a solid, digestible hour of music.


Another thought regarding downloaded music and how it relates to the extended length of tracks like elyc6 0nset and eastre. Having an autechre store is fantastic if it gives AE a straight forward way to get their music to the listeners with less fuss. The cynical part of my brain worries that giving the artist freedom to bang out an extended jam with a 30 minute run time and then just upload that as a new release will lead to a lot of artists uploading long music with much less quality control over the track. This is especially goes with artists like Autechre who at this point basically have a strong enough fanbase that will guarantee their new material will always get bought, regardless of quality.

Now, I only really dislike elyc6 0nset and admittedly I think eastre could be 50% as long and be much punchier for it, the rest of the long tracks are cracking, so I'm not saying there's a dip in quality control. I just worry this sets a precedent of letting the artists be a little TOO self indulgent. Not that artists should pander to what fans want to hear of course, but you might enjoy jamming out on your equipment for half an hour, then decide to just eq the resulting record or whatever. As an artist like Autechre you know you've got a bunch of knob twiddly fans who will listen and appreciate it because they also like to jam out on their kit, or just enjoy trying to pick apart how sounds are made. There isn't inherently anything wrong with that of course, but I think that approach to listening can sometimes cancel out the visceral appreciation of just enjoying a piece of music. There are a whole bunch of people who don't look at music from a technical perspective, don't produce, and might find a track like elyc6 0nset to be a bunch of self indulgent wank. I'm not saying only people into production can appreciate that track though!


Anyway, my point (if I have actually have one) is that great art quite often comes from struggle and conflict. Not necessarily emotional struggle, but even sometimes something simple like being limited to a 70 minute CD run time I think can motivate artists to have to discard or edit tracks so that they can meet the maximum disk space. Perhaps sometimes this makes them be creative in how they select track order and can create a whole narrative art to a release? I dunno.


tl;dr: I don't like elyc6 0nset lol. And does giving artists the ease to release anything they like run the risk of there being too little quality control?


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In terms of this being accessible / not, my girlfriend, who finds most post-Tri Repetae stuff gives her a headache, is absolutely fine with almost all of this. There are definitely more grooves and melodies to stick on here than we've been used to for a while.

Of course it's still not even a remotely mainstream record in the slightest, its structure alone is enough to put most people off, but I get where people are coming from.


I'm trying to work out the logistics of making a nice box for some CDrs of this.

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I'm trying to work out the logistics of making a nice box for some CDrs of this.

Seriously why are you so hung up on physical? I just don't understand the temptation.

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funny, just today i thought about probably being spoiled forever by the vastness of this release, the more the merrier i say! and regarding quality control: trying to hold back with the praise a bit because it's still a bit early but... JUST LISTEN TO THIS SHIT, it's way up there with the very best they've ever done imo... still not getting the self indulgent jammy vibe at all. also good riddance to physicality, this shit is another plane anyway...

(i wouldn't suck anything up, believe me, eg i'm not a super-huge fan of quadrange, i'm just 100% convinced of this thing thus far)


edit: properly check out 5, might be the best of the bunch imo.

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elseq yo dick man, i got these cheesburgers man


ah, I see your hobbies are drinking, smoking weed, and all types of idm shit.

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funny, just today i thought about probably being spoiled forever by the vastness of this release, the more the merrier i say! and regarding quality control: trying to hold back with the praise a bit because it's still a bit early but... JUST LISTEN TO THIS SHIT, it's way up there with the very best they've ever done imo... still not getting the self indulgent jammy vibe at all. also good riddance to physicality, this shit is another plane anyway...

(i wouldn't suck anything up, believe me, eg i'm not a super-huge fan of quadrange, i'm just 100% convinced of this thing thus far)


edit: properly check out 5, might be the best of the bunch imo.

agreed. part 5 is the lushest, that spTh-spaces how V-freulaeux combo is fkn amazing


speaking of which, freulaeux is pretty much exactly the kind of fucked minimal tech I'm trying to make in my 0F.digital project, they beat me to it damnit :P

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I think you're doing 'people' short. People want to engage as long as they expect some sort of return which was worth the effort. When 'most people' listen to Autechre they either don't expect a return (as they simply can't imagine there being any), or believe the effort will be too big and the return too small.


In the end, behind all the rationalisations about what people think would be good music, it's mostly about making an emotional connection, imo. And what I often see happening is that these connections add a relational dimension. "If he/she can't connect with a track in the way I do, than there must be a disconnect between us as individuals (on some level)." One being labelled 'hipster' and the other not, for instance.


Which is understandable from an emotional point of view, but a load of rubbish if you think about it. I see it more as some sort of proto-religion really. If other people don't connect to music the way I do, there doesn't need to be any implication on the way I connect with those people, or any implication on the identity-level. But that's very much an 'acquired' mentality, I figure. And in some circumstances not a sociable one either, I'm afraid.


edit: @ignatius/lianne

Yeah this is a much more balanced evaluation.

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I listen to most of my music in the car nowadays so I really need to find ~50 minutes to drive around and listen to elseq 1 as a whole so I can move on to 2...

s a m e


Decided I'm doing this on my lunch break :D

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