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Coronavirus COVID-19


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1 hour ago, brian trageskin said:
1 hour ago, MIXL2 said:

we'll see if it makes a comeback this autumn, then we can worry...

or not


bitch, shut the fuck up. shut the fuck up so fucking much.

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They say someone at my workplace has a suspected case (there are a thousand or so people at my site).  They've told people to work from home if they want to.  I have to be in the lab, so I'm still here, though.

I'm guessing that within a few days they'll mandate that everyone work from home.

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1 minute ago, Entorwellian said:

Also follow up reports from China are saying that Covid is causing male infertility.


There is something about that here:



Hint: Out of my own experience with testing. This is imho recoverable for normal cases. It has to be a very sever case that your balls wont recover and a lot of viruses do that to male reproduction.

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1 hour ago, Psychotronic said:

The government can't stop it. All humans need to proactively go into public shutdown themselves and reorganize their lifes and the life of the people that surround them. Look at the data from Hongkong and Taiwan.


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3 minutes ago, Psychotronic said:


There is something about that here:



Hint: Out of my own experience with testing. This is imho recoverable for normal cases. It has to be a very sever case that your balls wont recover and a lot of viruses do that to male reproduction.

Wait. So you're saying your balls don't work anymore!? O_o

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3 minutes ago, Psychotronic said:


There is something about that here:



Hint: Out of my own experience with testing. This is imho recoverable for normal cases. It has to be a very sever case that your balls wont recover and a lot of viruses do that to male reproduction.

Lol I'm afraid to ask how did you go about testing it. taste test?

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14 minutes ago, Entorwellian said:

Lol I'm afraid to ask how did you go about testing it. taste test?

Don't be.

Normal testing in a lab. I got values from a lab in Germany after being severely sick for weeks and also data from a lab in Boston that shows normalized values months after. It's likely that i had SARS-1 (my own judgment). It never got diagnosed cause at the time i was in the US without health insurance as a german tourist. After seeing my data, i went into a whole phase of treatment, i even did try acupuncture. What helped out of the many things i did to get it back up to speed i actually don't know.

So anyways, all i'm saying is: This is a virus out of the family of corona viruses. They and others do that to you. Measuring data now in china does not say anything about possible recovery paths in the next months for cases that have been severe enough.

This is just a scientist asking for more money and the media picking it up and actually dropping it again.

Edited by Psychotronic
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9 minutes ago, brian trageskin said:


bitch you snidely mock precaution at the outset of a deadly pandemic that is likely to have killed many millions a year from now. now is when social distancing and government measures can prevent hospitals from being overrun to the point of having to chose to let the worse-off die due to a lack of resources, as is happening now in italy. why do you insist on people listening to you, when your message is one of ignorance and disregard? it's because you're a shit human and you should shut the fuck up

Edited by very honest
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@very honest i'm not preventing anyone from doing anything. had you read carefully my previous posts to damo, you'd realize i simply said i see no reason to worry too much in reaction to his headache, unless he has health issues or he's a certain age (which is obviously not the case), since the french government hasn't declared red alert or anything. remember our friend here is having a headache, not fever or dry cough or other typical corona-related symptoms (from what i understand). 

then my reply to mixl2 is me saying no one knows the future, figuring out scenarios and their plausibility is all that humans can do. one of these scenarios, among others, is this virus not coming back in a second wave, another one is it coming back but it wouldn't be that big a deal for whatever reason. so me replying 'or not' means we don't know the future, we simply know what the most likely outcomes are. and yes, the virus coming back is a probable scenario i believe.

i'm not saying i'm right about anything and i would advise anyone to choose what seems the safest solution for them and their relatives, and to follow the instructions and advice from their governments. hardly 'shit human' material is it? 


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