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Coronavirus COVID-19


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4 hours ago, bendish said:


you know, this is something I think we all assumed, but to see it written out like that really makes an impact:


Most troubling of all, perhaps, was a sentiment the expert said a member of Kushner's team expressed: that because the virus had hit blue states hardest, a national plan was unnecessary and would not make sense politically. "The political folks believed that because it was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy," said the expert.


and I completely forgot Kushner was also tasked with "solving" the testing issue. seems to me he's failed at every assignment that was handed to him by donald. only the best people...


It fell to Kushner and his group to develop a plan for nationwide testing.

Nothing ever came of the effort


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The Atlantic has a really good* article on how the immune system works:



* ie readable and is by Ed Yong who I *believe* usually does fairly trustworthy and in depth science journalism - but maybe a trained immunologist would disagree

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On 8/1/2020 at 12:18 PM, Rubin Farr said:

10 people in India dead from drinking hand sanitizer:


The US federal government during the Prohibition Era mandated that industrial alcohols receive toxic additives, effectively poisoning future supplies of bootleg liquor.

Just your daily history lesson. I think it was Methanol back then. 

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17 hours ago, rhmilo said:

The Atlantic has a really good* article on how the immune system works:



* ie readable and is by Ed Yong who I *believe* usually does fairly trustworthy and in depth science journalism - but maybe a trained immunologist would disagree

That article keeps some strange company. The title below it directly contradicts what's already been said above.


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COVID‑19 is an assault on America’s body, and a referendum on the ideas that animate its culture. Recovery is possible, but it demands radical introspection. America would be wise to help reverse the ruination of the natural world, a process that continues to shunt animal diseases into human bodies. It should strive to prevent sickness instead of profiting from it. It should build a health-care system that prizes resilience over brittle efficiency, and an information system that favors light over heat. It should rebuild its international alliances, its social safety net, and its trust in empiricism. It should address the health inequities that flow from its history. Not least, it should elect leaders with sound judgment, high character, and respect for science, logic, and reason.

How the Pandemic Defeated America (The Atlantic)

Edited by dcom
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One of my suppliers at work came by today with his wife, neither wearing masks (which I allowed since we're closed to the public today) - halfway through their visit the wife starts explaining to me that the pandemic is a political hoax and she just wants to go back to school (she's a fucking bus driver!) but the governor won't let her etc etc. 

Then she starts coughing. 

Fucks sake. At least a bunch of warehouse doors were wide open and I kept my distance. 

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25 minutes ago, ignatius said:

USA passed 5 million cases today according to johns hopkins.  just 17 days since we passed 4 million cases. also, brazil passed 100,000 deaths. 


As the confirmed cases in US are believed to be off by a factor of 10, we currently have somewhere in the realm of 50 million cases wandering around the US.  I cannot imagine what it will be like by Election Day.

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Just now, Rubin Farr said:

As the confirmed cases in US are believed to be off by a factor of 10, we currently have somewhere in the realm of 50 million cases wandering around the US.  I cannot imagine what it will be like by Election Day.

read one estimate that if things don't change there will be another 150,000 deaths by october.

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1 hour ago, Rubin Farr said:

Is IKEA really worth all of this?  Meatball fanatics?  Maybe it’s like McRib ?


Fuck no, but that's the American attitude.  I went to a brewery yesterday in Hershey, PA to pick up some limited edition beer, but I had to park at the outlet stores next door because they had free chargers for my car.  The outlets were fucking packed, people waiting in lines (not 6 feet apart) to get into Bath & Body works.  I would say about 20 - 25% of the people were not wearing masks.  Fuck this country.

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ugh.. fuckn religous wackos.. fuck these people. 




Hundreds gather at Portland waterfront, without masks, to see controversial worship leader

When asked about the lack of safety measures in the middle of the pandemic, people in attendance didn’t have concerns.




can we fine/arrest this religious asshole please???? 


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Just now, ignatius said:

ugh.. fuckn religous wackos.. fuck these people. 




can we fine/arrest this religious asshole please???? 


Far Cry 5 promises to be controversial, but not for the usual reasons - The  Verge

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  • 2 weeks later...

check all this fake news about coronavirus- it's like people didn't get the memo from big T


PHOENIX (AP) — An Arizona school district that had planned to resume in-person classes against the advice of public health officials is now backing off after teachers refused to show up.



The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill announced Monday that it was converting to all virtual classes after reporting 135 new COVID-19 cases and four clusters within a week of starting in-person classes for the fall semester — an outcome many critics feared when the university decided to reopen.


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no idea if this true but wouldn't be surprised. back int he day i knew people who paid for "pass" for their emissions test for car registration. 

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1 minute ago, yekker said:

How many people on here have caught covid? There's gotta be some cases by now.

My stepdad caught it but was asymptomatic and recovered in a matter of days without issue. I heard some former coworkers had it, but I'm not exactly sure who.

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my brother apparently had it in february. he was here with my mom visiting at the time. both of them had been sick with a respiratory thing like bronchitis. later he got tested and was negative but got tested for antibodies and was positive. my mom tested negative for both. they were on cross country flights to visit me. i don't know how i didn't get it if my brother had it while he was here. I was sick a bit after they left and knocked out but my immune system handled it which was nice since i'm on a chemo drug and that could've sucked. 

i know a few pople who had it. no one local. another friend in miami and a friend in texas who has a toddler and works from home. he lost his sense of taste/smell for like a month. both recovered fine. my friend in miami said it was like weird sinus thing but otherwise he was fine. 


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