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The Visit better end with this twist: the grandparents are just scaring the kids for lols (bonus points for mom being in on the plan)



I'd put money on this. Is there a vegas line yet?

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continue to be shocked at Watmm sleeping on ex machina, go see it guys. normally i dont shill for a movie this hard. try not to watch any trailers though, there are some odd very ending of the movie spoilers in many of the Tv spots going around right now

When it first came out in cinemas a lot of watmmers posted about it. Its good but not great IMO.

just saw this, nice yea but an extra notch of complexity between certain characters would have been great.


also saw this a couple of days ago. agree with decent but not amazing.


blonde dude's complete lack of of a poker face when faced with any line of questioning from bearded dude drove me absolutely insane



saw it follows last nite. ost was pretty awesome except for the few times that it sounded straight out of fez which kind of took me out of it. good performances all around from all the unknowns

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only thing that I found annoying was that Ava's character / scheme was quite obvious early on - the relation between her and blonde guy should have been more sophisticated. She's like a manufactured bad girl who quickly gets what she wants from the gullible guy, wow deep. Loved the dance scene.

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after hours.


has anyone else seen this film? almost feels like martin scorsese doing a david lynch movie.


yes, possibly my favorite scorsese.


joe minion who wrote this film also wrote vampire kiss. when i was in film school, we had an assignment to get a writing mentor and i choose minion. he was extremely difficult to track down and i had to stalk his ex girlfriend (who produced vampire's kiss)

Edited by Nebraska
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only thing that I found annoying was that Ava's character / scheme was quite obvious early on - the relation between her and blonde guy should have been more sophisticated. She's like a manufactured bad girl who quickly gets what she wants from the gullible guy, wow deep. Loved the dance scene.


stuff like the dance scene is what made it so enjoyable for me. The movie could have been played totally straight but with moments like 'WHo you gonna call ghostbusters?' 'what?' 'it's a movie' 'the ghost gives dan ackroyd oral sex' it took it our of the completely dour/sterile serious vibe most similar scifi movies have . It reminded me of a much better version of the conversational type of writing kevin smith does when he's at his best. but yeah the characters were not exceedingly deep, especially the main character

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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saw john wick about a week ago...

it was ok


i dont get why people were acting like its amazing


its dumb as hell but for what it is it was ok

a few of the plot points, i thought were pretty illogical and detrimental, and there was one particularly cringeworthy keanuism line in there that reminded me of, point break or something, kinda made me laugh. hard enough to take him seriously as a badass hitman as it is, but that line was kind of a joke. i was torn on whether it was the line itself or his delivery, but i think it was both. it's like as long as he's not talking, its ok, but sometimes he just has to go and say things


"People keep asking me if I'm back, and I didn't have an answer, but now I'm thinking, 'Yeah, I'm back!"





edit- basically i think if keanu is supposed to be playing a serious character, the rule should be to never let him say 'yeah' or 'woah', prob a few other words could go on the list

Edited by MisterE
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The plot and the characters are bullshit MrE, it's still a wicked film

Actually, the characters are cool now I think about it

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gonna give john wick a go later tonight maybe.....


i saw these japanese films Kaiji 1 & 2....based on the Kaiji: Gambling Apocolypse animes. They were really awesome! Stylish and thrilling, would recommend!

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gonna give john wick a go later tonight maybe.....


i saw these japanese films Kaiji 1 & 2....based on the Kaiji: Gambling Apocolypse animes. They were really awesome! Stylish and thrilling, would recommend!


read the rules

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seeing a Catherine Deneuve av made me think of Belle De Jour & Repulsion

Since you failed to mention the one person whom Catherine Deneuve always makes me think of, I'm updating my avatar in tribute for the time being. :cattears:


Also seeing this thread pop up again reminded me, why the hell have I not seen that 'Roar' thing yet, I need to get on that ASAP.

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Avengers 2 - 6/10 really bad, Paul Bettany saved it but barely.


Edit: the shot of Vision opening his eyes was cut, the six eyed version of Ultron on every magazine cover was no where to be seen. Hawkeye seemed to magically change clothes during intense battles. Whedon made several dick and anal sex jokes at Renner's expense. (We get it, he's bisexual) They don't paint the name of the manufacturer in big letters on every artillery shell. No one wondered what happened to Coulson, or mentioned there are 2 SHIELDs fighting each other. This was basically just a sequel to Iron Man 3, one of the worst MCU movies so far. They couldn't afford to hire any of the female leads from the other films. Cap and Stark are best buds at the end, but are trying to kill each other in the next movie? Oooh the irony...Whedon. There was no plot, just 3 action scenes strung together with tape.

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Also seeing this thread pop up again reminded me, why the hell have I not seen that 'Roar' thing yet, I need to get on that ASAP.

I watched it. it's total anarchy.

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Hot Tub Time Machine 2 - 8/10 Dumb as shit, but I couldn't stop laughing.

I watched this recently as well (probably posted already) but hell yeah this was fun as hell. I haven't seen the first one but the lols kept coming (tho it did start a bit slow/shit).
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Blade Runner (at the cinema) - 75/10


Watching at the cinema in a couple of days with my girlfriend who has never seen it before. Blade Runner is slow as fuck and it's so easy to simply stop it, so I thought it would be a good idea to watch it at the cinema

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Blade Runner (at the cinema) - 75/10


Watching at the cinema in a couple of days with my girlfriend who has never seen it before. Blade Runner is slow as fuck and it's so easy to simply stop it, so I thought it would be a good idea to watch it at the cinema



I like how slowly it starts - it gives you time to relax and settle into the world

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I'm surprised you didn't just decide to edit it down to the best parts in true Squee style.

+ film his own scenes to balance things out

Be right back...

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