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Michael Mann double feature of Thief and Heat


Both flix were stylish as fuck, but Pacino is awful in Heat, which felt way more dated despite being the more recent film.


Watched To Live and Die In LA recently. I think Mann functions best in the 80s setting. Movie was a mess but had tons of that Mann swagger and style. William Peterson mugging constantly wearing tight jeans and young Willem Defoe counterfeiting money. His later stuff just doesn't feel the same. Hard to pull off mullets with a straight face in the 00s.









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Boyhood - 7/10 for originality, but lacking in substance. I realize it was mostly improvised, but the real actors giving way to the kids as they grew older (the sister is Linklater's daughter) started to grate, life philosophy espoused from an 18 year old kid on what's wrong with the world made me groan.

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Drowning By Numbers 8/10




Zed & 2 Noughts was the first I saw by him, I thought it was great. Drowning by Numbers is probably my fav. Bad acting usually doesn't bother me that much if the atmosphere etc. are good, hadn't really noticed that tbh.

Anyone know if The Draughtsman's Contract is any good?



all of these & Prospero's Books are mint.


Drowning By Numbers got on my tits 1st watch, re-watched couple of weeks later & got completely lost in the madness in the best way.



zed & two naughts is probably my least favorite of all these, mostly because it's more about how it's made rather than what it's about. draughtsman's contract is magnificent though it's probably the most pompous and erudite of the lot. basically people walking around like peacocks speaking like "oh i do declare" while weird shit happens and nobody notices. it's a beautiful film to watch. drowning by numbers has the most wit and sagacity while prospero's books has the most guile (to the point of showing off). i'd also suggest 'goltzius and the pelican company' which (out of the dutch masters) has been the best one imo

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I'll have to watch Draughtsman's Contract for sure.

The Pillow Book was pretty cool too btw, what with the writing on bodies and stuff.


Didn´t know about that Goltzius film btw, lookin good.

Edited by th555
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Teorema: only having seem Salo as my entry point into Pasolini i guess i was expecting something a little more meaty than what i saw. The premise of Teorema (at first) is interesting: what if a mysterious man was able to seduce every single member of a close knit immediate family (son daughter husband and wife)? It's a setup for a potentially really great film but beyond the setup i was left pretty disappointed. Terrence Stamp is awesome, but his character exits the movie about halfway through leaving us to deal with the aftermath of how he affected the lives of the family members. Its cute to see how the 'visitor' drastically changed their lives but not enough to hold 50% of the film. 6/10


Is salo considered one of his more accomplished/fleshed out films? this had a way more minimalistic feel to it

No. Watch Accettone, it's by far his greatest accomplishment. Salo is dripping with his hatred and disdain for the Roman Catholic Church and was made purely for the purpose of pissing them off. It worked as the rumours are they had him killed. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/24/who-really-killed-pier-paolo-pasolini-venice-film-festival-biennale-abel-ferrara


sounds good. will check it out

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The new Terminator....Arnie has stepped off the set of Tim Allen's Home Improvement and began acting as the Terminator again. It's derivative blockbuster stuff, but I had to double take when I thought that J K Simmons was taking the psychologist's role then the film explained who he was. Who's getting more sentimental in the film? Sarah Connor or Arnie?



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my favorite part of miami vice is when collin takes some girl to get a mojito and it turns into a 30 minute scene of them boating to some remote island for what i can only hope is the best mojito in the universe

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fyi the new mission impossible was a passable film but the two best action sequences had been completely spoiled before i even saw the movie. first being the airplane thing which they had to show how crazy cruise is blah blah. but when i went to see jurassic park in imax they showed like a 7 minute car chase (best sequence in the movie) unedited without any context.


also i'd like to reiterate that jurrasic park was the worst movie that came out this year easily. worse than pixels and i didn't even see pixels.

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FYI Jurassic Park came out in '93, but I get what you're talking about.


Those seagull sized Pterodactyls with T-Rex heads is the dumbest shit I've ever laid eyes on.

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also i'd like to reiterate that jurrasic park was the worst movie that came out this year easily. worse than pixels and i didn't even see pixels.

agreed, shocking how many people i've encountered who liked it

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It's amazing that most people in North Korea have prolly not seen the original Jurassic Park, so you can show it to them as a documentary that happened a few years ago. Then in the same day, play them jungle and blow their fucking minds.

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Fantastic Four - It was alright, just fun to watch the computer graphics and think about superpowers and teleporters - I mean I didn't think it was the worst film I've ever seen - my friend thought it was awful

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just in case practically everyone didn't hate adam sandlers Pixels film enough already ..



cringe of the day

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