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wakefield poole's balls out epic- thought i was going to get blown away by this burned turned out not really being blown at all. it does that "early porn" thing of lingering for too long on people not really doing anything, not to mention how long things are drawn out.


but lord almighty does georgina spelvin look gorgeous 


five out of ten




a true masterpiece in erotica: jess franco's 1977 film about a woman engulfed in a world of voodoo (read as: dancing around naked) and a sinister murder mystery (random plot because you've really been ogling at nude dames dancing around) should be a-must-viewing in every household, not just for the top birds (karine gambier, nanda van bergen and ida tauler) but for the slick jazz music. the fact that the soundtrack isn't out for sale just proves we live in an incorrect world.


ten out of ten

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I'm gonna say something controversial... The Last Crusade is the best of the 3 Indy movies that exist. Crystal Skull doesn't exist.


I agree, and to say something more controversial the first one isn't even that good. 

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I'm gonna say something controversial... The Last Crusade is the best of the 3 Indy movies that exist. Crystal Skull doesn't exist.

I agree, and to say something more controversial the first one isn't even that good.

Woah woah woah... hold up...

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I'm gonna say something controversial... The Last Crusade is the best of the 3 Indy movies that exist. Crystal Skull doesn't exist.

I agree, and to say something more controversial the first one isn't even that good.
Woah woah woah... hold up...

Yeah, I can live with people liking Last Crusade better but calling Raiders anything short of great is bazonkers.

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<slight spoiler alert>


Wow i loved this film - excellent pace to it which is almost number one factor for me. The production design was outstanding, effects very decent, script pretty good and didn't descend into schmaltz too much (Gravity im looking at you!)... but it was there a little bit near the end but they played it well.


It was also very funny in parts as well as quite dark with a definite take on the idea of  non-consent done brilliantly well with JenLaw doing a very good job in the acting dept. Even the mans take on it was handled rather deftly with allusions to that uncomfortable idea of his nature overpowering social norms. 


I give it 9/10!
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toni erdmann - this is the film guys. the concept is simple - an exploration of father-career oriented adult daughter relationship in a contemporary context, but it's just so fucking fresh, ambitious and unpredictable that it feels like taking a breath of air after drowning in a sea of diarrhea of hollywood influenced comedy-dramas for years. it's an almost 3 hour long film, and as dry as some scenes are there's always some sense of purpose and an evidence of a very sharp eye of the director to the right details of people's behavior in social situations in all their subtlety and ridiculousness, which makes things constantly interesting and fun.

the hefty length also allows you to get to know the two main characters well enough. i kinda always hated/didn't quite understand this concept of character development in film or literature and why it's supposed to be important, but here it kinda makes sense because there's a sharp direction with enough time and context to see seeds of change and it's causes. of course that's assured by the incredible performance of the lead actress.

i read somewhere that the director is a big fan of andy kaufman, and it shows, there's this spirit of irreverence, subversiveness and affection of the absurd in the film, it's freaking hilarious but very organic and grounded to the contemporary issues that are in its focus, which results in some very poignant output to ponder about.

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Interstellar - Enjoyable film and would like to watch again, but not utterly outstanding for me.



Loved the part in the black hole with the bookshelves, beautiful!


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Watched A Pigeon Sat On A Branch - Swedish detachment with European history and a bit of philosophising going on. Pigeons appear in the constant tweeting of one and a dead one. Says it all about the film. Marvelleouso/10


Riff Raff - 1990 Ken Loach more Ford Sierra than the Porsches of London today. See it and think how similar we all are just some of us are in meaningless jobs now nearly 30 years on. PreVeganVeganAndBoxerShorts/10

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Papillon - Adventures of a resilient Steve McQueen in Devil's Island prison trying to escape. Dustin Hoffman's role as a well meaning dweeb is interesting. Personal 9/10 give it a watch get woke


Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - I had low expectations because I heard it wasn't good, but yeah this didn't really hang together as a movie. I love the series and most Lynch flicks though. 

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christine - a very solid and effective exploration (mostly due to hall's great acting) of this compounding, depressive downward spiral that everyone on watmm is familiar with anyway, despite some attempts to say something more it really offers nothing more than that. so paradoxically it's a good, well meanings and a kinda pointless film at the same time.

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Toni Erdmann - HAHAHAHAHA! Gerard Depardieu turns up at his daughter's flat in Bucharest and takes a huge shit on her front garden makes her think a bit. Great film. 

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I've never seen any of the Indiana Jones movies unless I did really young and totally forgot about it.


Raiders of the Lost Ark, ASAP

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