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for all Hallow' Eve itself - Don't Look Now


I saw the final scene (and only the final scene) way back on some 'greatest moments in horror' programme.


Would you say it's still worth watching the whole film, or has my knowledge of the ending completely fucked it?

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for all Hallow' Eve itself - Don't Look Now


I saw the final scene (and only the final scene) way back on some 'greatest moments in horror' programme.


Would you say it's still worth watching the whole film, or has my knowledge of the ending completely fucked it?



Yea, kinda...

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agree to disagree, there's so much to enjoy, the strange sisters who get involved one of whom is a seer of sorts, the editing (sounds bs but Roeg is on another planet with style), the synchronicities, the crimson tide....


would highly recommend Performance & Bad Timing, the latter is intensely creepy cos its not framed as conventional horror


Donald Cammel's "White of the Eye" is well worth hunting down too, v similar style, the protagonist is a sound system engineer so there's a weird sound design aspect + David Keith redefined insane...






In a similar vein, John Hurt plays an electro-acoustic composer in The Shout, almost parallel stylistically to the above works, infinite juxtapositions between his sound recording work & the madness around, plus Tony Banks did the soundtrack/effects, a lost British beast:



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Good Time -  This was quite good. Great score, like Tangerine Dream on acid. That, coupled with some of the visuals, made NYC feel super sci-fi. Glad it ended with a speck of hope, as it would have been brutally bleak otherwise.

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agree to disagree, there's so much to enjoy, the strange sisters who get involved one of whom is a seer of sorts, the editing (sounds bs but Roeg is on another planet with style), the synchronicities, the crimson tide....


would highly recommend Performance & Bad Timing, the latter is intensely creepy cos its not framed as conventional horror



lel...I must have been pretty drunk. I don't remember any of that. Was pretty bored by it.

My bad. I take full responsibility.

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most beautiful island - liked this a lot. it deals with this pretty worn out topic of immigrant money troubles in contemporary u.s, but takes  it into a very different and completely unpredictable place. it felt very polanski in how it followed a sole protagonist, and the gradual build up of mystery and suspense is something that you experience with her, not as some kind of distant observer. i always found this very engrossing in his films and this one emulates it very well. really liked the cinematography too and the general tightness of the script and the direction. there were a few obvious indie film student-like moves and somewhat excessive repetition of the same point in the first half, and some of the acting seemed quite amateurish in parts, but overall it was very gripping and the finale was very satisfying.

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finally got around to watching The Big Short. I liked it. I'd thought it would be a bit shitty possibly from reading some comments here, can't remember now. apart from some corny directorial decisions, it was pretty solid.

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Good Time -  This was quite good. Great score, like Tangerine Dream on acid. That, coupled with some of the visuals, made NYC feel super sci-fi. Glad it ended with a speck of hope, as it would have been brutally bleak otherwise.

(had a) GOOD TIME watching this last night,also...was always gonna check this out with OPN doing the score (which didn,t impress me when it was released,but works great in the movie),but the film is pretty tense and very funny at times,and it is a bit bleak too(felt terrible for the fairground security guard)-7.5/10 

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Good Time -  This was quite good. Great score, like Tangerine Dream on acid. That, coupled with some of the visuals, made NYC feel super sci-fi. Glad it ended with a speck of hope, as it would have been brutally bleak otherwise.

(had a) GOOD TIME watching this last night,also...was always gonna check this out with OPN doing the score (which didn,t impress me when it was released,but works great in the movie),but the film is pretty tense and very funny at times,and it is a bit bleak too(felt terrible for the fairground security guard)-7.5/10 



where'd you see it in the UK?

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wow this was so good. a guy suffering from PTSD stumbles into a north western town and refuses to co-operate with the local authorities. shit goes down i.e. peeps get killed. 


this is almost too good/ out of ten

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flashbacks, tree jumping, self limb stitching, ambush yeehawing, dog killing, cave lurking, blow yer town up cos they drew first blood


"it's a loooong rooooaaaad...."

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good time was thoroughly engaging and enjoyable. i always liked the idea of a film taking place in one night, it's a reliable way to get you to really understand and feel what the characters are undergoing, and this one capitalizes on this very well with pattison doing a really good job. the gaspar noe-ish neon shit with the really gritty and raw new york where every single person is physically repellent and fucked up in some way serves as a great aesthetic backbone, and our man lopatin in full zimbler mode is really taking it to another level.

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good time


this was kind of hilarious. i enjoyed it but it tries hard to be very grim and miserable and comes off ridiculous. i'm not familiar with the safdie bros so maybe that's their thing but i found myself laughing through most of this and i don't feel like that was the intention.


thor ragnarok


enjoyed this in spite of myself. still too long like every marvel movie but it felt more like a comic book than most of the stuff they've put out. the thor movies are probably the best marvel films outside of iron man for this reason. imo

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Starts off with stunning cinematography, almost nightmarish in places with what it depicts in India's underworld. Really beautiful work.


Ends off as a blase feel good movie. Thankfully not quite as "white saviour" as I feared it would be, but on the cusp.


the dark web,its out on blu-ray in a couple of weeks in the uk,but must be available elsewhere already


ah right... well, will have a gander....

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Good Time - started well but was uneven to the extent it became a bit pointless & when it ended was a tad annoyed i'd persevered


i liked when they introduced the black girl & the acid casualty, but both plot-lines went skewiff, the latter comically so & it became increasingly ridiculous


Pattinson (sp?) looking shell-shocked didnt have enough heft, which was a shame cos the relationship with the brother felt genuine and heartfelt


was the brother like match counting Rain Man, Billy Bob Thornton in Sling Blade & Jodie Foster as Nell ie: various other disabled characters played by fully-abled or whatever the term is?


google confirms he directed, soooooooo



The Man Who Fell to Earth - Nic Roeg & Bowie are the perfect companion pairing, if you needed someone frazzled to play an extra terrestrial visitor, all skinny & pale, watching multiple tv's, Roeg got the casting spot on. The editing style, the kaleidoscopic view of the US and the protagonist's tortuous journey into the human condition....immense. His gf, the lass from American Graffiti, is an attractive in a good wholesome counterpoint sort of way too, which increases Bowie's strangeness.

They truly dont make em like this any more/10

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Thomas Jane on the upcoming "The Predator". Had to post due to the plot.


“We play these veterans from like Afghanistan, Iraq war or whatever. But we’re all fucking crazy so we go to the VA hospital to get our meds. We’re all like shellshocked, PTSD…soldiers. We’re at the VA hospital and we’re in group therapy and of course, somebody flips out…this is backstory, I don’t think we really see this…somebody flips out and we all get arrested and get thrown onto the bus to go down to the hospital and they throw this other guy on the bus too.
And he’s a guy they’ve actually marked to kill him because he’s seen a UFO, he’s seen the Predator ships come down so they lock him up and throw him in with us lunatics. They’re going to take that bus, drive it down to a ditch and shoot us all just to get rid of this one guy. But, of course, we take the bus over and we’re all like “fuck that man, let’s go kill these fucking Predators ourselves” and we’re just crazy enough to believe that this guy really did see a UFO and there’s these aliens out there. So that’s kinda cool!”



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Thomas Jane on the upcoming "The Predator". Had to post due to the plot.


“We play these veterans from like Afghanistan, Iraq war or whatever. But we’re all fucking crazy so we go to the VA hospital to get our meds. We’re all like shellshocked, PTSD…soldiers. We’re at the VA hospital and we’re in group therapy and of course, somebody flips out…this is backstory, I don’t think we really see this…somebody flips out and we all get arrested and get thrown onto the bus to go down to the hospital and they throw this other guy on the bus too.
And he’s a guy they’ve actually marked to kill him because he’s seen a UFO, he’s seen the Predator ships come down so they lock him up and throw him in with us lunatics. They’re going to take that bus, drive it down to a ditch and shoot us all just to get rid of this one guy. But, of course, we take the bus over and we’re all like “fuck that man, let’s go kill these fucking Predators ourselves” and we’re just crazy enough to believe that this guy really did see a UFO and there’s these aliens out there. So that’s kinda cool!”





I hope the movie can live up to that description.

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fucked myself watching killing of a sacred deer last nite instead of holy mountain at the local art cinema. 


what a stupid fucking movie. though having seen a trailer for holy mountain now, i bet that movie's pretty fuckin' stupid too

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Jodorowsky, on a big screen too? i'd be publicly jizzing


just wait for the tower ascent, the Rainbow Room and all the Tarot flowing....it has aged well, 1 or 2 psychedelic aspects, plus Don Cherry helped with the soundtrack




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