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Glengarry Glen Ross, again. still great.



a v special film, sort of Death of a Salesman recast with colleagues/family switches & Jack Lemon is mfkn immense, he brings that older H'wood gravitas thru that character's fracturing & overall makes a lot of other flicks look bunk in comparison




yeh gonna watch that rn, trailer/excerpt thingie looks super:





I want to see this but I guess you can only stream BBC iPlayer if you're in Britain...




shouldnt take long for alternative access routes


theres a fair amount of repetition in the last act from previous work, but the focus on Syria, the manipulation of Gaddafi (hey you live by the sword Colonel....), especially the Sunni/Shia rebound of choosing suicide bombings as a more focused tactic built from Assad Snr's legacy in particular were haunting. The inability of Occupy and the Arab Spring to fully realize key objectives, the immersion of today's world in online realms (a much better critique of this element than Herzog's Lo and Behold). People think its style over substance, but there's masses of meat on these bones and the imagery, soundtrack and surreal atmospheres created thru editing key moments with delicious electronica, gives it real heft. He lances Putin's regime succinctly and Trump pops up every now n again like a bad orange penny. Good work.

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So many crap films have been released in the last few years. It's a wonder the cinemas haven't gone bankrupt. Why are people flocking to watch these films, are they ok? Have they been brainwashed or something? I'm a bit concerned.

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So many crap films have been released in the last few years. It's a wonder the cinemas haven't gone bankrupt. Why are people flocking to watch these films, are they ok? Have they been brainwashed or something? I'm a bit concerned.


i've wondered this very question myself, especially considering how expensive cinema tickets are. 

it's almost like people just want any excuse to spend money

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So many crap films have been released in the last few years. It's a wonder the cinemas haven't gone bankrupt. Why are people flocking to watch these films, are they ok? Have they been brainwashed or something? I'm a bit concerned.


i've wondered this very question myself, especially considering how expensive cinema tickets are. 

it's almost like people just want any excuse to spend money




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So many crap films have been released in the last few years. It's a wonder the cinemas haven't gone bankrupt. Why are people flocking to watch these films, are they ok? Have they been brainwashed or something? I'm a bit concerned.


i've wondered this very question myself, especially considering how expensive cinema tickets are. 

it's almost like people just want any excuse to spend money



Ya, also why don't the studios make films with smaller budgets that are still entertaining? I'm not talking films with .5 or 1 million dollar budgets but something with like 10 mil. that just has a really good script that audiences would enjoy




10 cloverfield lane


Much better than expected, I loved that it kept you unsure of what was actually going on for most of the film.


More films like this

Edited by Danny O Flannagin
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Ya, also why don't the studios make films with smaller budgets that are still entertaining? I'm not talking films with .5 or 1 million dollar budgets but something with like 10 mil. that just has a really good script that audiences would enjoy


there is no one particular reason but more a bunch of little reasons.


one of the biggest reasons is that right now EVERY studio wants or has a franchise they can capitalize on and rehash for a few years (except paramount who's star trek series has really failed to score record numbers and TMNT and transformers which just about make their budget back). so the idea is to pour a lot of resources/money into one film and bank on that making up for anything else you do (kinda like what music companies do with a particular artist) 


there's also the idea that bigger budgeted films make more money- because that's what people want to watch regardless of script. look at suicide squad's box office compared to the witch. or the latest fast and the furious compared to lights out or don't breathe. and mind you, while these were smaller budgeted films, they still had a major studio or production company distributing them- so we're not even talking about independent cinema opening at less than 5000 screens. 


also you have to remember: people have been served crap for so long they now love the smell and taste of shit.

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Ya, also why don't the studios make films with smaller budgets that are still entertaining? I'm not talking films with .5 or 1 million dollar budgets but something with like 10 mil. that just has a really good script that audiences would enjoy


there is no one particular reason but more a bunch of little reasons.


one of the biggest reasons is that right now EVERY studio wants or has a franchise they can capitalize on and rehash for a few years (except paramount who's star trek series has really failed to score record numbers and TMNT and transformers which just about make their budget back). so the idea is to pour a lot of resources/money into one film and bank on that making up for anything else you do (kinda like what music companies do with a particular artist) 


there's also the idea that bigger budgeted films make more money- because that's what people want to watch regardless of script. look at suicide squad's box office compared to the witch. or the latest fast and the furious compared to lights out or don't breathe. and mind you, while these were smaller budgeted films, they still had a major studio or production company distributing them- so we're not even talking about independent cinema opening at less than 5000 screens. 


also you have to remember: people have been served crap for so long they now love the smell and taste of shit.



I see, maybe my business model is more leaning toward that new hollywood shotgun approach of giving a bunch of aspiring filmmakers 500,000 dollars and seeing what they come up with. For instance, Easy Rider turned a crazy profit for what they spent on it. 

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What? Just about make their money back? I thought the transformers movies were among the most financially successful films of all time?

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What? Just about make their money back? I thought the transformers movies were among the most financially successful films of all time?

They make shitloads of cash and are basically review proof. They are also huge in overseas markets, which was why they filmed part of the last one in China. (Pronounced "Gina") lol

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So many crap films have been released in the last few years. It's a wonder the cinemas haven't gone bankrupt. Why are people flocking to watch these films, are they ok? Have they been brainwashed or something? I'm a bit concerned.


i've wondered this very question myself, especially considering how expensive cinema tickets are. 

it's almost like people just want any excuse to spend money




yeh 2016 has been shit for films innit.......

can't remember one really good film tbh, but also haven't specifically looked for indie/arthaus things.


last year had Mad Max and It Follows....?

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yeah i wish i knew how to penetrate and explore the current year indie / non hollywood movie scene a bit better


Film festival line-ups are a good indicator (Cannes, Venice, Berlin for more established international stuff or Locarno, Rotterdam for more experimental and low-budget, Toronto and Sundance works for North American names), at least it goes through much more competent filters than some Oscar bullshit and usually gives recognition to upcoming directors even on their debuts, mostly dead serious stuff of course, but it's a start.


I'm a bit out of the loop myself, though i saw a mention of a new Kelly Reichardt film here a couple pages back.

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What? Just about make their money back? I thought the transformers movies were among the most financially successful films of all time?


oh they were, but i don't think they did good business here. they made most of their moola overseas.


btw: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-10-19/netflix-is-taking-over-hollywood-and-hollywood-isn-t-thrilled

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this looks like it could be decent...



Sounds like it could be one of the best movies this year






yes very interested in that one




this looks like it could be decent...

Spoilerrific fucking trailer but it looks good.


Did i miss the great brainwash?

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