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Is marijuana use an unspoken rule for posting on WATMM?

Guest drukqs

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i dont know if more British police forces are ignoring certain legislation currently, as it seems a few cities recently visited in Inglan were metaphorically rolling in the stuff


its morphed to another dimension in the last few years to people being v v specific about which strain of sativa and/or indica or hybrid is which, you anticipate & expect bs on that front but its gone to almost a wholesale replacement of US style strains, a lot of the old Dutch steadies are almost unheard of now


shatter & butter are everywhere in the south east/London, cant speak for elsewhere but every cunt has a dab there these days, cannabis clubs run semi-openly and there hasnt been the level of busts you might've expected if they'd been compromised

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Recently bought a pen vape for dry, which I ended up giving to a friend.  But what's really quite interesting about it is, if you vape first, then roll up the already vaped bud (yah yah AVB, not just for cooking), holy FUCK, the experience is totally different.  Does this have to do with decarboxylation or whatever, I dunno, but it hits much harder in the stone department and goes deeep.....  Also, just the vaping itself is more flavorful and high is SUPER CLEAN.  But still, I do prefer spliffage.


I still have never used a $127,000 volcano.  I bet the experience is even more...  clean?  Sci-fi feeling?

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Recently bought a pen vape for dry, which I ended up giving to a friend.  But what's really quite interesting about it is, if you vape first, then roll up the already vaped bud (yah yah AVB, not just for cooking), holy FUCK, the experience is totally different.  Does this have to do with decarboxylation or whatever, I dunno, but it hits much harder in the stone department and goes deeep.....  Also, just the vaping itself is more flavorful and high is SUPER CLEAN.  But still, I do prefer spliffage.


I still have never used a $127,000 volcano.  I bet the experience is even more...  clean?  Sci-fi feeling?


Strange, I used to smoke crack and the stuff I'd scrape out of my pipe would be even better than the freshly cooked stuff. Kinda like pre-vaped weed.

Never found out what was going on there, cooking it longer didn't seem to make any difference.

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In UAE, they're currently running this funny PSA campaign on TV about "vaping and e-cigarettes kill"' although Arabs love smoking cigarettes more than pretty much any other population I've seen outside of some areas of Europe. They show one person having to go on a ventilator, a lady gives birth to a mongoloid baby and another guy runs over someone in his car bc he was too busy vaping. If he was on his cell phone, I'd have an easier time believing it, as I've seen two vehicle fatalities where people ran into trees and died bc they weren't watching where the fuck they were going.


Not totally marijuana related, but since the govt is trying to equate e-cigs with drugs, thought it was fitting in this thread. It's like the "just say no" Nancy Reagan years, sans the very special episode of Diff'rent Strokes. Willis went to pot, and never came back!

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hey there....are you stoned?


are there voices in your head? are you scared of wild savage beastmen just lurking outside your window?


is there a mouse in the garden who's just snorted a massive fucking line of a cocaine/steroid mixture and now has the power to smash your doors down and rape you up your arsehole? While you cower under your sweaty duvet.


Oh Tony The Tiger My Dear Winkle  please growl again and find the power to jizz another load over Lip Smacking Sluts Suck Farmers Sons Cock!

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well, when in Rome


gripped a Volcano - solid, easy to use, v v smooth vapour, tastier than expected, cost effective dabbles overall, thought it might be a false economy & hyped flavour/taste profiles but cant believe this took so long


1 bag's worth equals a good pain free walk during & after the exercise which is always preferable to heavy opiates, adjust the quantity to suit your dose, bigger batches & you can go the full Hawkwind if needs must


reduced consumption, optimized dosing, vorsprung durch technics

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stumbled on a bunch of British z-list semi-celebrities doing a shrubbery tour of the US on itv last night, if Christopher Lukewarm Biggins is in it you know its gonna be shit


however, ex pro dart player Bobby George, all fake gold jewelry but who seemed a genuine bloke, toking on national tv, was worth all the other toss & wankers


seeding British baby boomers with the idea that decriminalization can work must be some Land of Smiles plan & a half


let it be

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