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Yeah, if the rest of this extended mix is just an elaboration on 'magic window', I'm done. I liked the ambient part at the start of this, but the silence is getting pretty boring.

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Yeah, if the rest of this extended mix is just an elaboration on 'magic window', I'm done. I liked the ambient part at the start of this, but the silence is getting pretty boring.

I'm sure one of you music wizards will be able to trim that silence out of the track with Audacious or whatever the name of that music software y'all use lol!
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I just can't get into this album at all, it just gets on my nerves


I did at one point try to convince myself it was a whole lot better than it is, but can't do that anymore lol...

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Reckon there was a miscommunication between Four Tet's PR team and the press - Was probably mentioned something like 'it'll be an extended remix of the track played every hour' and that got Chinese whispere to 'OMG an hour long mix !'

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I don't normally post here cos I seem to just end threads with my pointless comments, but I feel the urge to say that I tuned into the four tet remix, and i found it terrible. After some uninteresting ambience, eventually the piano line creeped in, and I thought 'ooh this might get interesting.' Then the track 'sticky drama' starts playing through, seemingly unremixed. After that some clanky percussion?? Then another bout of silence, then a noise for about ten seconds, then finished. FACT mag is all like 'is the silence a cage reference!?' Pfffft. Really now. Basically nothing happened for an hour.

Reckon there was a miscommunication between Four Tet's PR team and the press - Was probably mentioned something like 'it'll be an extended remix of the track played every hour' and that got Chinese whispere to 'OMG an hour long mix !'

I think four tet posted on his twitter that the actual remix was 'almost an hour long'
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Also, how in the hell does OPN have so many obscure tracks on very obscure cassettes? I swear, where the hell am I going to get a good quality version of "Banlieue in 3 Sectors?" The only version I found of it is 16kbps, which is so woefully inadequate that my head would explode but for the track being divine.



Ha, there's where he started, isn't it? He was one of the first (along with Pulse Emitter) to start doing new age/Berlin-school type stuff on noise-focused tape labels, which kind of swayed the direction of the whole underground tape scene for quite a few years, but I suppose being there at the start put him on the radar to get picked up by bigger labels. I'm sure the labels that put out his earliest stuff never imagined he'd end up on Warp.

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I just can't get into this album at all, it just gets on my nerves


I did at one point try to convince myself it was a whole lot better than it is, but can't do that anymore lol...

me too, but each track has amazing parts in them, its just that as a whole I dont really like it.


wish hed do more stuff like lift, no good, animals. hes better at downtempoish and ambient imo.

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The four tet thing was pretty underwealming


It was like four tet sound book ending a 10 minute version of the 0PN song. The Ambient Four Tet bookends were pretty nice but felt pretty unrelated to the 0PN track

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That Drew Daniel writeup is ballz.



Thanks for taking the time to read my enlightening comment.

i thought this bit was particulary poignant:


"when the blast-beats, guitar-synth crunches and guttural Cookie Monster growls kick in on “Sticky Drama,” you suddenly realize that Lopatin has fashioned a kind of unheimlich homage not to r&b but to crabcore: that perfect storm of Hot Topic, MySpace and Guitar Center in which tight pants, pointy hair and knee injury momentarily made a suburban horde squat low for the break and wobble comically sideways en masse."

i love drew daniel and all but come on.

still waiting for an alco review to settle this once and for all
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