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Autechre. NTS Residency. (_O_)


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thanks darreichungsform for the uploads, tt1p sounds even more monstrous then it is allready also i enjoy the pitched down version of acid mwan idle much more then the original.

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That pitched down shit is some dumb shit

agree. i don't understand that at all.


all end has suddenly taken over my life. it's been looping for days in my office with a few of the other ambient ones from the sessions. its growing my plants.



Coming soon: Your favourite book but only 10 words per page.


Have you ever read Mark Danielewski? He does that.. not for whole books but has lots of pages with just a few words and crazy typography

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Yeah I said it... and I did it! 


**sassy Mrs. Pancakes voice** 

You don't know me!




But I'm over it now... I fell asleep listening to Session 1 (at regular speed) - and it set me straight. 


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Yeah I said it... and I did it!


**sassy Mrs. Pancakes voice**

You don't know me!




But I'm over it now... I fell asleep listening to Session 1 (at regular speed) - and it set me straight.


Regular speed? Pfffff you're such a normie!
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Who remember


NTS Sessions when played lived were pitched slightly higher


now the pitch is lower?


I emailed warp and bleep and norman records and called every record store in 100 miles of Manchester


no one will state if the pitch of NTS was higher when originally played? 

Went down to the NTS Studio to chat with everyone going in or out but then I got distracted by graffiti that spelled some words differently than I remember (more on that soon...)


YouTube videos? All pitched down lower than I remember.


Spoke to one friend online who said he remembers it being higher pitched.


Only weeks ago and now all memories are changed it seems!




Love & Light and Have Fun!

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My mom's visiting right now...

Her stupidity is highlighted right now...

Maybe it's activated whatever extra stupid dormant genes I wasn't yet utilizing...


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hello, hypnagogic

best regards

still dumb shit


love & light & have fun!



Not dumb shit actually, it's more of a musical magnifying glass. Can be quite interesting

On the real, I don't disagree with you there. The principle that pitching down an existing recording and uploading it is a valuable service to the public is what I take issue with. For example, how far should these be pitched down to? Why have a separate upload for 50% playback when you could just play the original recording with software/hardware that allows you to change playback speed? Do you just upload gradients of playback speeds and flood the youtube search results with those? What about recordings run through a filter? What about delayed?


These aren't magnifying glasses. A magnifying glass is a tool - you can rotate it, move it in relation to the subject, shift your relative angle in order to explore different aspects of it. These are each just one magnified image. There doesn't seem to be any art to it - there is hardly any decision being made.


Manipulating playback of recordings can be an endless exploration, and I would encourage people interested in this to learn (and teach) how to do this for themselves with the plethora of available tools instead of going to youtube for the entirety of a particular track played at some speed selected by the uploader. It seems ironic that the subject of this hackneyed exercise is the output of the most innovative musicians alive.


I don't know if anyone here remembers the fascinating ulillillia but he had a page explaining how he had collected hundreds, maybe thousands, of recordings of video game music that he had created, all with wildly varying playback speeds. He had thoroughly documented his preferences for particular combinations of playback speeds and soundtracks. Although his choices were pretty lol, it was a lot more interesting than just plugging the latest IDM bangers into ye olde pitch-down preset and throwing them over the fence.

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well said that man.


And yeah, fuck me, remember a 'this is where I'm at with my life now' moment when I realised I was 3hrs into a ulillillia video of him just playing his midi compositions at different speeds.

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Surely that won "Most IDM" that year?


edit: Not the vids themselves, but "getting into the 3rd hour of watching a ulillillia video and realizing that's where you are in life".

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Yes, well said, sweepstakes and I don't really disagree with you there. I still don't think it's a mistake that these uploads are around. For some people it might be a pleasant discovery. Choice of speed was based on the equivalent of an 78RPM record plaxed at 33,5RPM

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On a more serious note tho-

-nah not really. It's friday afternoon and I'm completely alone at work and have NTSS3 fucking CRANKED


I have picked out some gifs to accurately represent my feelings while listening






























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Spi gives a good gifing, if I may say so.

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I'm just a bit irked by the quickness with which everyone wants to dissect/modify/analyze the stuff. Listening to a track at half speed is something you do once you've been sitting with it for months, years, and are trying to see it again in a new way. Cutting it down or making a playlist of your favorites is something you do after you've tried everything else, or after you've again been with it for a bit. This shit just came out, fucking live with it as it is for a little while, eh? If November rolls around and you still think turbile epic casual is too long, well okay, make an edit, or make a playlist without it. Cool, okay. Shit just came out three weeks ago though...amidst 8 hours of other music. Give it some time people, fuck. Let the shit sink in. Session fucking 4 came out literally 8 days ago.


This just isn't just me being an AE fanboy in regards to this either, I take that idea towards pretty much any good music. Again, all opinion of course, more angry old guy rant than anything.

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I'm just a bit irked by the quickness with which everyone wants to dissect/modify/analyze the stuff. Listening to a track at half speed is something you do once you've been sitting with it for months, years, and are trying to see it again in a new way. Cutting it down or making a playlist of your favorites is something you do after you've tried everything else, or after you've again been with it for a bit. This shit just came out, fucking live with it as it is for a little while, eh? If November rolls around and you still think turbile epic casual is too long, well okay, make an edit, or make a playlist without it. Cool, okay. Shit just came out three weeks ago though...amidst 8 hours of other music. Give it some time people, fuck. Let the shit sink in. Session fucking 4 came out literally 8 days ago.


This just isn't just me being an AE fanboy in regards to this either, I take that idea towards pretty much any good music. Again, all opinion of course, more angry old guy rant than anything.

Agree here too, although I have to say there have been instances where something was recently released (not often by Autechre) that was frustratingly close to being great, and some simple sample manipulation (i.e. a gentle remix) would've got it there. My feelings toward Oversteps are well-documented at this point but the ending of Treale would qualify for me  :emotawesomepm9:

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I'm just a bit irked by the quickness with which everyone wants to dissect/modify/analyze the stuff. Listening to a track at half speed is something you do once you've been sitting with it for months, years, and are trying to see it again in a new way. Cutting it down or making a playlist of your favorites is something you do after you've tried everything else, or after you've again been with it for a bit. This shit just came out, fucking live with it as it is for a little while, eh? If November rolls around and you still think turbile epic casual is too long, well okay, make an edit, or make a playlist without it. Cool, okay. Shit just came out three weeks ago though...amidst 8 hours of other music. Give it some time people, fuck. Let the shit sink in. Session fucking 4 came out literally 8 days ago.


This just isn't just me being an AE fanboy in regards to this either, I take that idea towards pretty much any good music. Again, all opinion of course, more angry old guy rant than anything.


well one thing is certain: these sessions keep on giving and giving. i have quite literally listened to nothing else since they've been out (except own shit and some assorted other chre to mix it up a bit) and i discover shitloads of new details every. single. time. ... how they amassed this much quality material over the course of 2 years is just beyond me. (sure, some tunes might have been in the vault for longer and some stuff is derived from the live set, but still...)


that being said: manipulating these tracks in certain ways might seem cheap and pointless but c'mon, it's just some harmless discovery fun, calling it downright stupid or lacking respect is a bit disproportionately disdainful imo. one could be similarly dismissive of listening to a record being scratched as "it's like reading a page then turning one back just to read the same page again, silly!"... dunno.

People know what they like, I don't see anything wrong with that.



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People know what they like, I don't see anything wrong with that.


Right, not saying anyone should or shouldn't do whatever the hell they want. Autechre themselves are very pro-cut up/mod tunes/etc. I've done it before, sampled, made versions of tracks, playlists of favorites, all of that, I just give it some time before I start fucking with it.


edit: that's sorta my main point with the 'rant' I guess: it seems like people's first reactions are "hm, didn't like this the first time I heard it, guess it would be better if I did this or that or if the kick drum was better lol ae can't make the kick drum sound how I want it" when (again, IMO) the reaction should be "weird kick drum/track, but I generally think this artist is doing well otherwise so maybe I need to reassess this track later, try and hear it how they intended rather than how I want it to sound" - very much still old man ranting at the sky here tho guys. IMHO 




I'm just a bit irked by the quickness with which everyone wants to dissect/modify/analyze the stuff. Listening to a track at half speed is something you do once you've been sitting with it for months, years, and are trying to see it again in a new way. Cutting it down or making a playlist of your favorites is something you do after you've tried everything else, or after you've again been with it for a bit. This shit just came out, fucking live with it as it is for a little while, eh? If November rolls around and you still think turbile epic casual is too long, well okay, make an edit, or make a playlist without it. Cool, okay. Shit just came out three weeks ago though...amidst 8 hours of other music. Give it some time people, fuck. Let the shit sink in. Session fucking 4 came out literally 8 days ago.


This just isn't just me being an AE fanboy in regards to this either, I take that idea towards pretty much any good music. Again, all opinion of course, more angry old guy rant than anything.


well one thing is certain: these sessions keep on giving and giving. i have quite literally listened to nothing else since they've been out (except own shit and some assorted other chre to mix it up a bit) and i discover shitloads of new details every. single. time. ... how they amassed this much quality material over the course of 2 years is just beyond me. (sure, some tunes might have been in the vault for longer and some stuff is derived from the live set, but still...)


that being said: manipulating these tracks in certain ways might seem cheap and pointless but c'mon, it's just some harmless discovery fun, calling it downright stupid or lacking respect is a bit disproportionately disdainful imo. one could be similarly dismissive of listening to a record being scratched as "it's like reading a page then turning one back just to read the same page again, silly!"... dunno.


I didn't call it stupid or say it lacked respect (can't speak for the other joking about it ITT by others), I was just stating my personal opinion, really more how I do things and find it odd how differently others approach it. Seems a bit weird to me for various reasons, but as I said, I was mostly just ranting.

Edited by auxien
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People know what they like, I don't see anything wrong with that.

Right, not saying anyone should or shouldn't do whatever the hell they want. Autechre themselves are very pro-cut up/mod tunes/etc. I've done it before, sampled, made versions of tracks, playlists of favorites, all of that, I just give it some time before I start fucking with it.





I'm just a bit irked by the quickness with which everyone wants to dissect/modify/analyze the stuff. Listening to a track at half speed is something you do once you've been sitting with it for months, years, and are trying to see it again in a new way. Cutting it down or making a playlist of your favorites is something you do after you've tried everything else, or after you've again been with it for a bit. This shit just came out, fucking live with it as it is for a little while, eh? If November rolls around and you still think turbile epic casual is too long, well okay, make an edit, or make a playlist without it. Cool, okay. Shit just came out three weeks ago though...amidst 8 hours of other music. Give it some time people, fuck. Let the shit sink in. Session fucking 4 came out literally 8 days ago.


This just isn't just me being an AE fanboy in regards to this either, I take that idea towards pretty much any good music. Again, all opinion of course, more angry old guy rant than anything.

well one thing is certain: these sessions keep on giving and giving. i have quite literally listened to nothing else since they've been out (except own shit and some assorted other chre to mix it up a bit) and i discover shitloads of new details every. single. time. ... how they amassed this much quality material over the course of 2 years is just beyond me. (sure, some tunes might have been in the vault for longer and some stuff is derived from the live set, but still...)


that being said: manipulating these tracks in certain ways might seem cheap and pointless but c'mon, it's just some harmless discovery fun, calling it downright stupid or lacking respect is a bit disproportionately disdainful imo. one could be similarly dismissive of listening to a record being scratched as "it's like reading a page then turning one back just to read the same page again, silly!"... dunno.

I didn't call it stupid or say it lacked respect (can't speak for the other joking about it ITT by others), I was just stating my personal opinion, really more how I do things and find it odd how differently others approach it. Seems a bit weird to me for various reasons, but as I said, I was mostly just ranting.

I agree with auxien. It just shows lack of respect. Are you doing the same thing with other kinds of music? How often do you say „oh a great rock song but shitty lyrics, I will write my own!’. Do you do the same stuff with paintings? ‚Great picture but lacks some green shades, will paint them over’.

The music we have is a complete piece of art. I really doubt that Ae would put out a record with mastering they dont like. If you dont enjoy it, it’s ok, nothing’s wrong with it. Just stick to tracks you fancy and others may grow on you with time.

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