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NOT Coronavirus COVID-19

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probably belongs in the US Elections thread but re: DeSantis and his presidential aspirations…i live in Louisiana and the guy who was here before me was a republican donor so i still get mail addressed to him often…this is showing up today. DeSantis is undeniably trying to get a national presence and beef up his bank.


anyway back to COVID. love having to wear a mask everywhere again and trying to avoid going anywhere even tho i’ve been vaccinated for months. even more do i love seeing random shitheads who are almost certainly not vaccinated in public places without a mask and glaring at me. really just a lovely situation here. the trade off is at least some portion of those shitheads are or will soon be dying alone and in pain so :cisfor:

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So to all the Frenchies that came out in numbers when us foreigners were saying nice things about your capital city:

Can you explain WTF is going on with these demonstrations. They seem to be huge, much larger than similar demonstrations elsewhere in Europe. The proposed measures they're supposedly demonstrating against aren't all that different from what is being proposed elsewhere in Europe either.

Is this just a case of Frenchmen never wasting an opportunity to take to the street even if the cause is borderline ridiculous (dunno, but from what we hear over here the measures seem quite reasonable)?

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1 hour ago, rhmilo said:

So to all the Frenchies that came out in numbers when us foreigners were saying nice things about your capital city:

Can you explain WTF is going on with these demonstrations. They seem to be huge, much larger than similar demonstrations elsewhere in Europe. The proposed measures they're supposedly demonstrating against aren't all that different from what is being proposed elsewhere in Europe either.

Is this just a case of Frenchmen never wasting an opportunity to take to the street even if the cause is borderline ridiculous (dunno, but from what we hear over here the measures seem quite reasonable)?

i know nothing about the situation in other european countries and i don't know much about france either since i don't follow the news. all i know is the french are protesting against the health pass. another aspect of the problem is that many people refuse to be vaccinated because they believe we don't have enough data on the potential harm this "new" technology might cause on the long term. which only shows their ignorance on the subject but whatever. 

then you have to take into account the fact that france is the one of the most vaccine-skeptic countries in the world (a distrust that predates covid), that protesting is a national sport in these parts, that the gilets jaunes crisis was only interrupted by covid. add to the mix all the bullshit on social media and last but not least, all the brainwashing operated in 2020 by didier "hydroxychloroquine" raoult (who's very popular in france) and voilà! yay france!

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - Alabama has seen more than 65,000 COVID-19 doses wasted because health providers couldn’t find enough people to take them before they expired.

State Health Officer Scott Harris gave the numbers to reporters this week.

Harris said it was tragic to see the potentially life-saving doses wasted.

Alabama is one of the least vaccinated states in the country. The state ranks last for the percentage of people fully vaccinated at 34%.



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It seems in the last 72 hours the new Republican platform has crystallized that dirty brown immigrants are responsible for COVID, huh. They have really wrapped all their fraud into an all encompassing xenophobic rhetoric that sounds eerily similar to Nazi propaganda. I hope DeSantis has miscalculated his victory lap, and just comes off more and more like an angry Ken. He has none of the charisma Trump was able to fake on TV, and if a wave of child deaths hits Florida in the coming months, I cannot see DeSantis yelling his way out of it. Will be interesting to see him and Trump turn on each other eventually. 


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Trying to defeat COVID19 by defending boundaries—whether they're between people, or groups of people, or nations of people—is pointless.

The only way to defeat it is to globally defeat it at the cellular level. None of us are safe until all of us are vaccinated, world-wide.

Which is why I get angry when I read about governments holding back vaccine doses for research, or refusing to waive licensing fees for poorer countries. The virus has no personality and no intent towards you. The virus merely replicated and destroys human cells. Yours, mine, anybody's. The virus doesn't care about your politics or your business model or how office closures are hitting your rental income. It will simply kill you, unless you vaccinate almost everybody on the planet.

Here in the UK, the USA, and elsewhere in the developed world, our leaders are acting as if the plague is almost over and we can go back to normal once we hit herd immunity levels of vaccination in our own countries. But the foolishness of this idea will become glaringly obvious in a yfew years when it allows a fourth SARS family pandemic to emerge. Unvaccinated heaps of living cells (be they human or deer cells) are prolific breeding grounds for SARS-NCoV2, the mutation rate is approximately proportional to the number of virus particles in existence, and the probability of a new variant emerging rises as that number increases. Even after we, personally, are vaccinated, the threat will remain. This isn't a war, where there's an enemy who can be coerced into signing articles of surrender.

On inappropriate reactions to COVID19 (Charles Stross)

This is what COVID denialists, people opposed to vaccination, using masks and other precautions do not understand: the virus doesn't care, there's nothing sentient that could care, it's a simple biological replication mechanism doing the only thing that it does - transmitting itself and replicating. It has no intentions, no morals or ethics, no judgement, it doesn't hate or love - there's only the pure inhuman indifference of biological nature running it's course. It's a Terminator T-1000, it will keep coming at you until it's taken out. When it mutates, there's no plan, no thought, no intent - malicious or otherwise - just biology. You can't fight it by saying you don't believe in it. The only way to defeat it is by vaccination - whether you get vaccinated or not, it's all the same for the virus - if you don't, you have only yourself to blame.

Edited by dcom
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managed to get my first AZ jab a few hours ago, in spite of my medical centre making it is as annoying and difficult as they possibly could. have taken some time off work to wait out the effects. can't really feel anything yet.

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21 hours ago, dcom said:

On inappropriate reactions to COVID19 (Charles Stross)

This is what COVID denialists, people opposed to vaccination, using masks and other precautions do not understand: the virus doesn't care, there's nothing sentient that could care, it's a simple biological replication mechanism doing the only thing that it does - transmitting itself and replicating. It has no intentions, no morals or ethics, no judgement, it doesn't hate or love - there's only the pure inhuman indifference of biological nature running it's course. It's a Terminator T-1000, it will keep coming at you until it's taken out. When it mutates, there's no plan, no thought, no intent - malicious or otherwise - just biology. You can't fight it by saying you don't believe in it. The only way to defeat it is by vaccination - whether you get vaccinated or not, it's all the same for the virus - if you don't, you have only yourself to blame.

uhm, this virus is endemic, has been since the day it jumped the shark and hitched a ride out the lab. There’s no “defeating it”, it’s part of the environment. But if y’all wanna destroy your natural immune systems go right fucking ahead, just leave me out of it.

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15 minutes ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

uhm, this virus is endemic, has been since the day it jumped the shark and hitched a ride out the lab. There’s no “defeating it”, it’s part of the environment. But if y’all wanna destroy your natural immune systems go right fucking ahead, just leave me out of it.

Yes, the endemic issue has been discussed already and I've made the same point earlier - we'll just beat the virus into submission, it won't disappear. I love my natural immune system and the fact that it can be made better, faster, and stronger with vaccines.

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can't wait tbh, my natural immune system is being destroyed as we speak. hopefully by next week I'll be so frail that reading internet conspiracy theories will give me a stroke and I just die immediately rather than having to read any more of this horseshit.

Edited by usagi
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1 hour ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

uhm, this virus is endemic, has been since the day it jumped the shark and hitched a ride out the lab. There’s no “defeating it”, it’s part of the environment. But if y’all wanna destroy your natural immune systems go right fucking ahead, just leave me out of it.

Please refresh my memory, but didn't you say earlier on that you weren't an anti-vaxxer? Your argument was that the mRNA vaxxs require more research before they can be safely used on a larger scale, right? "Destroying your natural immune systems" sounds like stereotypical anti-vaxxer garbage. If you're not an anti-vaxxer, stick to your original arguments please. Either that, or where that garbage tinfoil headwear with the misplaced pride which naturally comes along with it.

Edited by Satans Little Helper
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They might be talking about immunity debt due to ongoing non-pharmaceutical interventions though.

For the record I don't think the notion of 'defeating' the virus is particularly useful either. Way too vague, and current vaccines are just a safer way of achieving what would have happened anyway. And if you're trying to emphasize that the virus isn't sentient maybe don't use expressions like "beating it into submission".

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3 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

Please refresh my memory, but didn't you say earlier on that you weren't an anti-vaxxer? Your argument was that the mRNA vaxxs require more research before they can be safely used on a larger scale, right? "Destroying your natural immune systems" sounds like stereotypical anti-vaxxer garbage. If you're not an anti-vaxxer, stick to your original arguments please. Either that, or where that garbage tinfoil headwear with the misplaced pride which naturally comes along with it.

Isnt it funny how many anti-vaxxer begins with ''im not an anti-vaxxer but''

And then proceed into spitting all the anti-vaxxer usual misinformation.


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It amazes and saddens me that a lot of humanity simply forgot the Polio epidemic, and how vaccines were a miracle that saved generations of children from disfiguring paralysis. Ask Mitch McConnell, he hasn’t forgotten.

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1 hour ago, manmower said:

For the record I don't think the notion of 'defeating' the virus is particularly useful either. Way too vague, and current vaccines are just a safer way of achieving what would have happened anyway. And if you're trying to emphasize that the virus isn't sentient maybe don't use expressions like "beating it into submission".

Thank you, I aim to please.

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well aren’t we a pleasant bunch of assholes? if you must know I’ve had all of the standard childhood vaccines, and have stayed (relatively) current with my boosters. My problem isn’t with vaccines; my problem is with THIS vaccine, that’s so fucking leaky they’re already talking about a booster at 6 MONTHS. That ain’t a vaccine, that’s a flu shot, and I am 100% against mandating an annual flu shot. So there you have it fuckers, proceed to being your usual dickheads to anybody that doesn’t agree with you

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36 minutes ago, Claudius t Ansuulim said:

well aren’t we a pleasant bunch of assholes? if you must know I’ve had all of the standard childhood vaccines, and have stayed (relatively) current with my boosters. My problem isn’t with vaccines; my problem is with THIS vaccine, that’s so fucking leaky they’re already talking about a booster at 6 MONTHS. That ain’t a vaccine, that’s a flu shot, and I am 100% against mandating an annual flu shot. So there you have it fuckers, proceed to being your usual dickheads to anybody that doesn’t agree with you

You have the right to criticize the vaccine, sure. You also have the right to disagree.

But we have the right criticize your anti-vaxx stances as well if you spread it. You can't expect people to be just neutral and silent when you say things like ''i dont want my natural immune system to be destroyed by this vaccine'' This is some straight lies. What you want is the right to lie with no consequences and no question asked whatsoever so your misinformed belief stays safe and unquestioned. You can't even begin to fathom the possibility that you are lying. Please take you scepticism and apply it to yourself. Be sceptic of your own assumptions FIRST. And TEST them and have OTHERS test them. 

Are you a doctor? Are you a virologist? Are you an expert in epidemics? No.

So how the hell would you know better than people that are expert at viruses and vaccines? people that have experienced and studied first hand what the virus is and can do and what the vaccine is and can do.

Where did you get that superior training im asking you? Can you take that step and question yourself to that extent? where and how did you get information that can be deemed better and more efficient than what has been provided by highly trained professionals?

Until you do i can't consider you a true sceptic. I can't trust you and you shouldnt trust yourself. I'm really calling your inner sceptic here. Be sceptic of yourself, you may have bad information, realize this. Please entertain this precious sceptic idea that you may be wrong.

Critical thinking goes both way mate. If you can't take that, keep your dangerous misinformation for yourself. There is a pandemic going on and people are dying because of lies and stuff like this.

These lies have real life consequences.

Edited by thefxbip
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