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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Why the fuck is The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker so expensive? Can't find it locally to buy, so I hop online and all the used copies on Amazon and eBay are all $40 plus


What gives...

i was about to find one and prove you wrong, but damn your right! i never knew that. but really, its cause a bunch of people think that just cause it has Zelda in the title they can sell it at ridiculous amounts. don't buy any of them. youll stumble upon it new for around 20 bucks or used around 10 at some store. just keep looking.


Yeah, it's pretty common, although GameCube games are getting more and more scarce at stores...


Yeah the Game Stop's (ugh) near me don't even carry Game Cube games anymore. Luckily I guess my roommate has Wind Waker so I'll just borrow it. Felt like it was going to be a game I want to eventually own though.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Return of the Neo Geo!




Yeah, I've known about this for some time - bit pricey for 90's games you can get for almost any platform.

that and the fact that you can find them for free too.


But not legally free - otherwise that would apply to just about anything, right?

of course illegally! lol. but really, i feel that if a game came out before the ps2 than no matter how many of those i/or anyone else buys they will never give profit to those companies. besides, they're too busy taking my 60 bucks on some piece of crap now than to worry about the 50 cents i jipped out of them to get that SNES rom.
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but really, i feel that if a game came out before the ps2 than no matter how many of those i/or anyone else buys they will never give profit to those companies.


What? If you buy old games on GOG or Steam or wherever the money will go to the publishers, and this is part of their income so they can continue to feed you "crap". Plus, when people buy old games it might encourage publishers to greenlight similar games or make updates for them so they are playable on new systems.


besides, they're too busy taking my 60 bucks on some piece of crap


Breaking News: FiveFingerFrankie is getting whipped by game developers and publishers to buy their crap.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

but really, i feel that if a game came out before the ps2 than no matter how many of those i/or anyone else buys they will never give profit to those companies.


What? If you buy old games on GOG or Steam or wherever the money will go to the publishers, and this is part of their income so they can continue to feed you "crap". Plus, when people buy old games it might encourage publishers to greenlight similar games or make updates for them so they are playable on new systems.


besides, they're too busy taking my 60 bucks on some piece of crap


Breaking News: FiveFingerFrankie is getting whipped by game developers and publishers to buy their crap.

lol that'd be funny if it was true but what i said was a lie. in all honesty, i havent paid for a game in years. i don't give a shit about any major game company. the major companies make WAY to much money as it is. and most indie games are free already, and those that arn't i occasionally buy every now and then on steam (mostly cause they're super cheap and ill always support the small guy). i refuse to spend more than 30 dollars on any game. if i honestly loved the game, then i buy it afterwards.
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Played a few hours of Sleeping Dogs. Presentation and story seem OK but it's lacking innovation and all the games it's trying to imitate did it better. It has dedicated Warp and Ninja Tune radio stations though. Very strange.

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Played a few hours of Sleeping Dogs. Presentation and story seem OK but it's lacking innovation and all the games it's trying to imitate did it better. It has dedicated Warp and Ninja Tune radio stations though. Very strange.


Sleeping Dogs just doesnt interest me at all, it seems like a lot of flash on what would end up being a pretty mediocre game that I'd get bored of. I think if I wanted to play a good crimefighting game I'd go seek out LA Noire, which I've almost purchased a handful of times in the last year but have opted for different games instead,

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but really, i feel that if a game came out before the ps2 than no matter how many of those i/or anyone else buys they will never give profit to those companies.


What? If you buy old games on GOG or Steam or wherever the money will go to the publishers, and this is part of their income so they can continue to feed you "crap". Plus, when people buy old games it might encourage publishers to greenlight similar games or make updates for them so they are playable on new systems.


besides, they're too busy taking my 60 bucks on some piece of crap


Breaking News: FiveFingerFrankie is getting whipped by game developers and publishers to buy their crap.

lol that'd be funny if it was true but what i said was a lie. in all honesty, i havent paid for a game in years. i don't give a shit about any major game company. the major companies make WAY to much money as it is. and most indie games are free already, and those that arn't i occasionally buy every now and then on steam (mostly cause they're super cheap and ill always support the small guy). i refuse to spend more than 30 dollars on any game. if i honestly loved the game, then i buy it afterwards.


That makes no fucking sense at all.

You say that you (occasionally) support "the small guy" who makes indie games - that I understand. But remember, people who make big budget games are "small guys" as well. Just because you work for a company that makes blockbuster games doesn't mean you're a corporate guy wearing a suit and making tons of money. The game companies that are on contract with for instance Activision consist of normal people like you and me who work so they can pay their bills and live a normal life.


Also - fucking lol at you always supporting the small guy... occasionally. That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time. It almost sounds like something from Anchorman:

"60% of the time, it works every time".

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but really, i feel that if a game came out before the ps2 than no matter how many of those i/or anyone else buys they will never give profit to those companies.


What? If you buy old games on GOG or Steam or wherever the money will go to the publishers, and this is part of their income so they can continue to feed you "crap". Plus, when people buy old games it might encourage publishers to greenlight similar games or make updates for them so they are playable on new systems.


besides, they're too busy taking my 60 bucks on some piece of crap


Breaking News: FiveFingerFrankie is getting whipped by game developers and publishers to buy their crap.

lol that'd be funny if it was true but what i said was a lie. in all honesty, i havent paid for a game in years. i don't give a shit about any major game company. the major companies make WAY to much money as it is. and most indie games are free already, and those that arn't i occasionally buy every now and then on steam (mostly cause they're super cheap and ill always support the small guy). i refuse to spend more than 30 dollars on any game. if i honestly loved the game, then i buy it afterwards.


That makes no fucking sense at all.

You say that you (occasionally) support "the small guy" who makes indie games - that I understand. But remember, people who make big budget games are "small guys" as well. Just because you work for a company that makes blockbuster games doesn't mean you're a corporate guy wearing a suit and making tons of money. The game companies that are on contract with for instance Activision consist of normal people like you and me who work so they can pay their bills and live a normal life.


Also - fucking lol at you always supporting the small guy... occasionally. That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time. It almost sounds like something from Anchorman:

"60% of the time, it works every time".

im not so sure about it, is the salary of the average game developer/designer working for a large company a function of copies sold ? i think once the number of sales crosses some margin (covering the costs+ some arbitrary percentage the bosses set) all of the extra goes to the corporate guys wearing suits. the problem is that we don't know what is that margin and it could be different for every company too.


on darksiders 2 - horrible console port, deleted without hesitation after playing it for about 20 minutes.

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It depends on the contract and the game developers will of course make money off of every sold copy. But my point is that not wanting to support big game companies is a bunch of horse shit since it will hurt everyone involved in the game development.

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Anyone considering playing Metal Gear Solid 4 again now that it has the trophy patch and full install feature - if you want to go for the Platinum trophy, consider this: in order to get it, one of the trophies is to collect all the iPod tracks throughout the game, and two of those tracks are dependent on getting the Big Boss emblem - how do you get the Big Boss emblem, you ask?


Successfully complete the game on the Boss Extreme difficulty without dying, instigating no alerts, killing no enemies (including Bosses), using no life recovery items, using no stealth suit or bandanna special items (can possess, but not activate), and with a completion time of less than 5 hours.


Fuck.that. No way in hell I am playing this game 8 times over (80+ hours). Great if you're a hardcore MGS4 fan.

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It depends on the contract and the game developers will of course make money off of every sold copy. But my point is that not wanting to support big game companies is a bunch of horse shit since it will hurt everyone involved in the game development.


definitely. if anything a lot of those companies are nigh-on exploitative to those incredibly talented and passionate people working for the R&D phases of game development. A lesser man would be crushed by the ridiculous hours they have to work to get deadlines done.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

but really, i feel that if a game came out before the ps2 than no matter how many of those i/or anyone else buys they will never give profit to those companies.


What? If you buy old games on GOG or Steam or wherever the money will go to the publishers, and this is part of their income so they can continue to feed you "crap". Plus, when people buy old games it might encourage publishers to greenlight similar games or make updates for them so they are playable on new systems.


besides, they're too busy taking my 60 bucks on some piece of crap


Breaking News: FiveFingerFrankie is getting whipped by game developers and publishers to buy their crap.

lol that'd be funny if it was true but what i said was a lie. in all honesty, i havent paid for a game in years. i don't give a shit about any major game company. the major companies make WAY to much money as it is. and most indie games are free already, and those that arn't i occasionally buy every now and then on steam (mostly cause they're super cheap and ill always support the small guy). i refuse to spend more than 30 dollars on any game. if i honestly loved the game, then i buy it afterwards.

Also - fucking lol at you always supporting the small guy... occasionally. That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time. It almost sounds like something from Anchorman:

"60% of the time, it works every time".

lol, i put that there for you. i knew you'd like that.

but really, are you the only one here that still doesn't know when im blowing shit and being serious? after all the stupid crap ive written already?lol (i guess i should stop that then, but it is funny every now and again). let me rework that sentience i wrote to what i really feel. i dont give a shit about ANY game company. small or big. and probably never will. every time one falls two more pop up in its place. i still stand by the whole if its under $25-30 then ill buy once and awhile and if its a game i played and loved then im willing to go a little higher. simply so that those guys you mention do get something. but if the company goes out of business because me and like a handful of the torrenting community then oh well. (there really arent that many of us to dictate the survival of a game company) ill get the rest for free. end of story, not joking. there. now if you really don't like that, then oh well. cause this is how i feel. and i doubt there is anything that you could say to change my ways.

but i do welcome you to try.


ps. I LOVE YOU SQUEE :emb:

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Anyone considering playing Metal Gear Solid 4 again now that it has the trophy patch and full install feature - if you want to go for the Platinum trophy, consider this: in order to get it, one of the trophies is to collect all the iPod tracks throughout the game, and two of those tracks are dependent on getting the Big Boss emblem - how do you get the Big Boss emblem, you ask?


Successfully complete the game on the Boss Extreme difficulty without dying, instigating no alerts, killing no enemies (including Bosses), using no life recovery items, using no stealth suit or bandanna special items (can possess, but not activate), and with a completion time of less than 5 hours.


Fuck.that. No way in hell I am playing this game 8 times over (80+ hours). Great if you're a hardcore MGS4 fan.



Umm, last page quote:


Congrats on the DS plat. The MGS4 plat is reeeeeaaaaaaallllllyyyy hard. Not only do you need the Big Boss emblem, you need to acquire EVERY SINGLE EMBLEM POSSIBLE! Minimum playthroughs = 8!!! I'm just gonna grab what trophies I can for now. I'll attempt the Big Boss run another time. I want to get back into F:NV soon.

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Anyone considering playing Metal Gear Solid 4 again now that it has the trophy patch and full install feature - if you want to go for the Platinum trophy, consider this: in order to get it, one of the trophies is to collect all the iPod tracks throughout the game, and two of those tracks are dependent on getting the Big Boss emblem - how do you get the Big Boss emblem, you ask?


Successfully complete the game on the Boss Extreme difficulty without dying, instigating no alerts, killing no enemies (including Bosses), using no life recovery items, using no stealth suit or bandanna special items (can possess, but not activate), and with a completion time of less than 5 hours.


Fuck.that. No way in hell I am playing this game 8 times over (80+ hours). Great if you're a hardcore MGS4 fan.



Umm, last page quote:


Congrats on the DS plat. The MGS4 plat is reeeeeaaaaaaallllllyyyy hard. Not only do you need the Big Boss emblem, you need to acquire EVERY SINGLE EMBLEM POSSIBLE! Minimum playthroughs = 8!!! I'm just gonna grab what trophies I can for now. I'll attempt the Big Boss run another time. I want to get back into F:NV soon.


I must have missed that. Still... hell naw!


I never understood the trophy collecting thing. It's too much like a job innit!


It can be fun if the trophies are geared that way - some trophies are just a struggle to do something really hard, and sometimes that can be fun, but in this case, certainly not!


Also, MGS4 is showing it's age - don't get me wrong, it's still a damn beautiful game, but compare the character models in it versus say Uncharted or the upcoming The Last of Us. It does have the 1080P going for it, though, which I never got to appreciate the first time I played though it.

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I fixed my SLI so I can play Sleeping Dogs maxed out and it looks sooo gorgeous.


Here's the track selection of the Warp and Ninja Tune radios. It has an unreleased Clark track!



Ninja Tune Radio

Andreya Triana – Darker Than Blue

Anti Pop Consortium – Volcano (Four Tet Remix – Instrumental Version – Mastered)

Bonobo – Kiara

Bonobo – The Fever

The Cinematic Orchestra – Burn Out

The Cinematic Orchestra – Flite

Coldcut – Sound Mirrors (Beats mix)

Emika – Professional Loving

Emika – Drop the Other

Loka – Safe Self Tester

Hexstatic – East

Lorn – My Drum Machine

Lorn – Soft Room

Raffertie – One Track Mind

Stateless – Ariel – Instrumental

Two Fingers – Jewels and Gems

Two Fingers – Keman Rhythm

Daedelus – Tailor-Made (Floating Points Remix)

Stateless – Miles to Go (Instrumental)

Lotek Hi-Fi – What You See (Instrumental)

WARP Radio

Autechre – Second Scepe

Rustie – After Light

Rustie – Surph

Clark – Alice (Unreleased)

!!! – The Hammer

Plaid – Sömnl

Plaid – Thank

Bibio – Anything New

Bibio – Dwrcan (Eskmo Remix)

Squarepusher – Beep St

Africa Hitech – Lash Out

Harmonic 313 – Dirtbox

LFO – Pysychodelik

Hudson Mohawke – FUSE

Battles – Future

Gonjasufi – Ancestors

The Hundred In The Hands – Dressed In Dresden (Various Remix)

Flying Lotus – GNG BNG

Flying Lotus – Parisian Goldfish




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Guest Shit Attack

am playing a game called Rage its lots of fun + has not much story or anything that gets boring basically you just go about blowing shit up in various different ways, i think hardcore computer game guys didnt like it but i did. the action is very satisfying + it looks nice too. also it had john goodman in it at the start which was nice 8/10


tried to play mass effect 3 having heard it was cool but it was too cheesey for me, the shooting parts were okay but everything else bored me it was like a soap opera with multiple choice questions + some star trek type bullshit . - 3/10


batman arkham city was ok at first but i lost interest quite quickly it was almost like they gave you too much different stuff to do or something. it also got boring quickly - 5/10


gta4 was okay but i still like vice city the best for some reason, i wish they would make the games more cheesy and colourful instead of trying to be realistic. also when im on a killing spree i prefered listening to the 1980s pop hits. dont even remember what tunes were in this one - 6/10


also i had some game where you were an asian girl who runs over buildings doing jumps and stuff sort of like doom but just running + doing jumps dont remember the title of it now but it was pretty cool but i got bored of it quite quick. something like razors edge or something - 6/10

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I never understood the trophy collecting thing. It's too much like a job innit!


It creates a bigger game out of multiple games that you play. Some trophies push you to try things in a game that you wouldn't have thought of to try. But it also gives you a sense of accomplishment. And lets not forget bragging rights. lol.

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La Noire has the worst most pathetic ending of any game ever made. Its a great game but it makes you feel like you wasted 30 hours.


I've heard that, part of the reason I've been reluctant to actually pick it up all this time even though Ive seen it for fairly cheap.


am playing a game called Rage its lots of fun + has not much story or anything that gets boring basically you just go about blowing shit up in various different ways, i think hardcore computer game guys didnt like it but i did. the action is very satisfying + it looks nice too. also it had john goodman in it at the start which was nice 8/10


tried to play mass effect 3 having heard it was cool but it was too cheesey for me, the shooting parts were okay but everything else bored me it was like a soap opera with multiple choice questions + some star trek type bullshit . - 3/10


batman arkham city was ok at first but i lost interest quite quickly it was almost like they gave you too much different stuff to do or something. it also got boring quickly - 5/10


gta4 was okay but i still like vice city the best for some reason, i wish they would make the games more cheesy and colourful instead of trying to be realistic. also when im on a killing spree i prefered listening to the 1980s pop hits. dont even remember what tunes were in this one - 6/10


also i had some game where you were an asian girl who runs over buildings doing jumps and stuff sort of like doom but just running + doing jumps dont remember the title of it now but it was pretty cool but i got bored of it quite quick. something like razors edge or something - 6/10


rates Rage higher than ME3 and Arkham City... not sure if trolling or really shitty taste in video games

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Have you heard about the Planetary Annihilation thing ? It's a RTS project that seems to have nice ideas as well as smooth graphics - an indie studio is working on it via participative financement (they have a Kickstarter page that looks like it's doing very well).

I'm excited about this. Could be really great.

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