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Just played Far Cry 3 to find out what the big deal is.


Couldn't find it.


Seriously, does Ubisoft have some sort of template they use for every fucking game? You can draw so many parrallels to other Ubisoft games. And what the fuck was up with the "insanity is doing the same thing everyday, expecting things to change." line? Is this some sort of concious, self-depricating gag they added to make fun of themselves? Because they have a nack for making the exact same repetitive play-by-numbers shit, over and over again. I have the feeling they spend a lot of time on graphics, on how everything looks, lots of time on crafting details and maps. And when all that is complete, just place a bunch of samey forts and collectibles across the map. Bam, added 30 hours of gameplay. And make everything static, no time for adding physics, because they want to create the illusion of an open world game without actually providing that. And fuck me, did I almost go into a fit of rage when there was a "follow person without being seen" mission. That was about fucking %75 of the missions in AC:Black Flag. Seems they build all their games around AC, because that was a huge hit, so lets template shit around it so everything else becomes huge too! And why do they keep adding multiplayers? Multiplayer games are supposed to be something you can get into for a long time. But why bother spending time doing that with an Ubisoft game when they will release a brand new same game with different but same multiplayer one year later. Seriously, they are churning shit out at this point. Can't believe so many people gobble it up.


I did like taking over those outposts tho. I almost always got the extra unseen XP. But that was about it when it comes to fun. Storywise I had a lot of moments where I went "oh, fuck off". I could go on tho. I expect Far Cry 4 to be the exact same shit of doing the exact same shit over and over again, but "different". I don't expect this shit to change. That would be a bit crazy amirite.

My brother really enjoyed the 2nd and 3rd games, so I ordered the new one for him for Christmas. I actually feel guilty to encourage Ubisoft Montreal by purchasing one of their fully priced games.

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Check out some absolutely atrocious voice acting in the new English dub of FF 15 - http://www.videogamer.com/ps4/final_fantasy_15/news/final_fantasy_xvs_english_voiceover_is_terrible.html

ffx/x-2 were the last ff games i could stomach. really miss rpgs w/o voiceovers

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ffx/x-2 were the last ff games i could stomach. really miss rpgs w/o voiceovers

Yep me too - Though Ni No Kuni does a pretty good job even that sometimes slips into the naffness. Whereas text only RPGs the writing usually seems more palatable.
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ffx/x-2 were the last ff games i could stomach. really miss rpgs w/o voiceovers

Yep me too - Though Ni No Kuni does a pretty good job even that sometimes slips into the naffness. Whereas text only RPGs the writing usually seems more palatable.


listened to ni no in japanese to spare myself. really wish more rpgs were like zelda in regards to voiceover.


only games i've really been able to tolerate were mgs and even those aren't as strong as they used to be.


oh and pat stew in lords of shadow even thought the writing was redonk

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Guest jasondonervan

Destiny is Trailer Park Boys in Space

1) Use handguns
2) Cares about the way they look
3) Known for drinking

1) Un-killable
2) Uses Space "Magic"
3) Is always lighting up

1) Makes a bubbles that can be used as a protective shed.
2) Fight like the Green Bastard (from parts unknown) with punches and Fist of Havoc
3) Basically blind

Fallen=Mr. Lahey
1) Fell from glory
2) Get substance from a processed liquid
3) Fascinated with giant orbs

Vex= Randy
1) Annoying
2) Gut is weak spot
3)Try to control everything
4) Don't wear shirts

1) Try to invade but fail
2) Try to start fights
3) Jerks

1) Look like Cavemen
2) Smells
3) Theme sounds like caveman music

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oh, so i'm still relatively new to ps4, but do the fans usually run full bore when playing modern games? it's super quiet playing boi, or sportfriends or similar. but modern stuff seems to send it over the edge after a few minutes. it's in a pretty standard entertainment center with and inch or so of space in every direction and a hole in the back for wires.

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oh, so i'm still relatively new to ps4, but do the fans usually run full bore when playing modern games? it's super quiet playing boi, or sportfriends or similar. but modern stuff seems to send it over the edge after a few minutes. it's in a pretty standard entertainment center with and inch or so of space in every direction and a hole in the back for wires.

I've heard it a few times, but nothing worth noting - you might want to make sure it has at least several inches of space on the front and sides, and ideally an open back versus a hole for ventilation (since that's where most of the hot air is blown out).

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I'm really not that much of a gamer, but this weekend I tried a couple of games. First of all was Half Life: Deathmatch. No complaints there. Still brilliant. Now, with my new laptop I can finally play Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3, and after two months of owning them I haven't played more than two hour each, but as far as I can judge they are brilliant. More of a SC fan though, so I'm getting that done first.

After that I was giving NFS: Hot Pursuit a shot: bought it from Steam for close to nothing a while ago because sometimes I just want to have a quick race game where I can drive like an idiot for an hour and be done with it. It might be me and my lack of knowledge of modern games, but I think this was the most annoying game I've ever played. My entire prejudice about modern gaming bundled in one shitty game.


First you have to set up some account, turned out I already had one, didn't remember password, didn't receive a reset mail after waiting for an hour, made another account, had to enter the keycode, keycode already in use with another account... Yada yada yada, no online account for me. I'm probably better off that way.

Then the entire menu only works with the up and down arrow, which takes loads of work and is completely rubbish because they didn't built a keyboard with this laptop for nothing.

After that you get countless intros / videos that you can't skip. Just impossible. More precious time down the drain. But it doesn't end there. Now all the other bullshit around it comes about: achievements, more intros and advertising for the cars you can't skip, etc. Just when I think I can finally just play, somebody decided that the controls should be completely different then any other (racing) game, so first I have to reset that. Now I can finally start having fun...

...That is, if endless explanation is your idea of fun. This is like the Christopher Nolan of games. After so many years of NFS they suddenly have to PAUSE the entire game to show you there is a cop car coming? With the message that you should avoid it?! C'mon, what were they thinking? And why do you receive points if you take any place that isn't last? How is that an achievement? And then there's the horrible music...

Still, like a soldier I carried on playing, unlocking more car commercials everytime I won. And I won every 10 races I played because it was dead easy as well and just quit. Never again. Back to Super Turrican II.

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played some new dragon age origins, and it's just some some more consolized bullshit. gps trackers on everything, medieval radars, highlighted items, absolutely fucking retarded interface and controls for pc, dull combat. i just can't see myself enjoying collecting shit to upgrade shit for hours, there are better ways to inflate gameplay hours. give us a fucking proper high budget rpg already, not a story with a lame excuse for gameplay.


back to gothic 3 it's clunky as fuck and outdated but at least it's challenging, you actually need to explore and think ahead...the world feels natural.

Edited by eugene
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After that you get countless intros / videos that you can't skip. Just impossible.


this just reminded me of those "worst video game" ideas from ages ago, namely the one about having a WW2 game where every time you kill an enemy there's an unskippable cutscene of his funeral.


edit: lol, even worse would be if you were playing Left 4 Dead and every time you killed a zombie there was a 30-min flashback to their past human lives.

Edited by usagi
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Just played Far Cry 3 to find out what the big deal is.


Couldn't find it.


Seriously, does Ubisoft have some sort of template they use for every fucking game? You can draw so many parrallels to other Ubisoft games. And what the fuck was up with the "insanity is doing the same thing everyday, expecting things to change." line? Is this some sort of concious, self-depricating gag they added to make fun of themselves? Because they have a nack for making the exact same repetitive play-by-numbers shit, over and over again. I have the feeling they spend a lot of time on graphics, on how everything looks, lots of time on crafting details and maps. And when all that is complete, just place a bunch of samey forts and collectibles across the map. Bam, added 30 hours of gameplay. And make everything static, no time for adding physics, because they want to create the illusion of an open world game without actually providing that. And fuck me, did I almost go into a fit of rage when there was a "follow person without being seen" mission. That was about fucking %75 of the missions in AC:Black Flag. Seems they build all their games around AC, because that was a huge hit, so lets template shit around it so everything else becomes huge too! And why do they keep adding multiplayers? Multiplayer games are supposed to be something you can get into for a long time. But why bother spending time doing that with an Ubisoft game when they will release a brand new same game with different but same multiplayer one year later. Seriously, they are churning shit out at this point. Can't believe so many people gobble it up.


I did like taking over those outposts tho. I almost always got the extra unseen XP. But that was about it when it comes to fun. Storywise I had a lot of moments where I went "oh, fuck off". I could go on tho. I expect Far Cry 4 to be the exact same shit of doing the exact same shit over and over again, but "different". I don't expect this shit to change. That would be a bit crazy amirite.


Yeah, the story was pretty horrible. I had a good time playing the game, but the thing that kept me going was stealthily overtaking those outposts.

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After that you get countless intros / videos that you can't skip. Just impossible.


this just reminded me of those "worst video game" ideas from ages ago, namely the one about having a WW2 game where every time you kill an enemy there's an unskippable cutscene of his funeral.


edit: lol, even worse would be if you were playing Left 4 Dead and every time you killed a zombie there was a 30-min flashback to their past human lives.


LOL! Reminds me of The Sorrow's bossfight in MGS3. First time was the worst time.

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Still making my way through Dragon Age: Inquisition , haven't had a chance to play the last week cause of work though...

I think next year is gonna be awesome for gaming, some good titles on the horizon... Arkham Knight, Silent Hills, The Order: 1886, The Witcher III, The Division etc.

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Check out some absolutely atrocious voice acting in the new English dub of FF 15 - http://www.videogamer.com/ps4/final_fantasy_15/news/final_fantasy_xvs_english_voiceover_is_terrible.html


Think about it : every time there's a shitty english voiceover in a game, the french version will be shittier :cisfor:

Also --> I heard rumors that the next Steam sales begin...tomorrow. My bluecard is ready to get raped.

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itching to buy elite dangerous, but what i learned in the last few years of following metacritic is that the user reviews aggregation for games is extremely valuable and reliable, and it's not doing particularly great for a full price game atm. http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/elite-dangerous/user-reviews?page=2


what say ye to the criticisms jason? this one for example:


DISCLAIMER: This is an objective review. Everyone giving the game 10/10 is lying to themselves, and you. That said, if you own, or are looking to own, an Oculus Rift, then this game is a must buy. The game is beautiful. It makes for a perfect Oculus Rift title thanks to it's stunning visuals, immense sense of scale and beautiful audio.

tl;dr - Current state of the game: Grind credits to buy bigger ships so that you can grind credits better. Graphics & Gameplay has been improved over the original Elite (1984), but content has stayed the same (unless you count the 400 billion empty, lifeless, procedural star systems).

Elite Dangerous will be a great game in another year or two. I have little doubt of that. However, as of the writing of this review, Elite is almost entirely unplayable. The foundations for a great game are all there, but there's little to keep players interested.

Mining, exploration, combat and trading are the only activities currently open to players. You can either do any of these activities on your own, or you can accept a generic mission and do them for an npc you'll never meet or interact with. With exception to combat, all these systems are basic and repetitive.

While there is a dynamic economy in the game, trading is hardly complicated when compared to that of games like X3 or EVE. You buy low, and you sell high. The only excitement comes in the form of random pirate and police attacks. You can observe changes in the economy, but, unless you enjoy watching numbers go up and down, I doubt you'll find this exciting.

Exploration involves flying to new systems and pointing yourself at 'undiscovered' celestial objects & stations. You won't be stumbling into any ship graveyards or sentient nebulae. There are no surprises here and, unless you're an astronomer looking to observe binary stars & black holes, you probably won't find this very exciting either.

Mining is even simpler. You find asteroids and you shoot at them. Maybe you'll get attacked by a pirate, maybe you won't. Combat, on the other hand, feels great and intuitive. The game's audio and HUD are highly immersive and really shine in combat. Unfortunately you'll most often find yourself fighting against AI due to the whole 400 billion star systems thing.

There is no concrete system that promotes team-play, and you'll probably make more money fighting NPC's rather than players. The games selection of ships is also rather limited when compared to other titles (and they all look like geometric shapes).

The biggest problem with the game right now is the fact that there is no end-game. There's nothing to strive for. You may set personal goals, like visiting a distant system or getting a certain ship, but, at the heart of it, everything you do ends with you making credits in order to make credits better.

The living world is entirely a novelty, and will almost never directly impact you. You may have to go to another system to buy cheap goods, or you might note the presence of more police ships, but this will never make a significant impact on the way you play the game. You will never feel like you're doing something important. There is a giant disconnect between the world of the NPC's and the world of the players.

There is a giant intergalactic war being waged, but unless you force yourself to care it's really of no consequence to you. You can't interact with NPC's, so there's very little to connect you to the troubles of the poor populace of miners living on some rock. You might visit a planet with billions of inhabitants, but the space around it will feel just as empty and lifeless as the distant reaches of the galaxy.

So, all of this leaves you to motivate yourself. Sure, you can try to join one of the galactic empires and lead them to victory, but what's the point? No NPC will thank you, unless it comes in the form of a giant wall of text available as a generic contract in a space station. You won't get a limited edition ship, nor will you get the joy of watching or participating in any giant cinematic battles. There's no sense of urgency or need to drive you forward.

All you have to do, is to make credits so that you can get upgrades simply for the sake of getting upgrades. The foundations for a great game are all there, but to call this release ready is a joke. I highly advice new players stay away from Elite until more content is added. I've honestly had more fun playing the Star Citizen alpha than I have playing the release-candidate version of Elite.

To put it into contrast, imagine an X3 with better graphics and combat. Now imagine that you can't control more than one ship. That NPC's don't have a voice and communicate through text. That there is no single player story. That all space stations serve only one purpose. That you never see any other ships unless you're in combat or docking. That you can't own space stations. That exploration only leads to you finding floating credits. And, well, the list goes on...

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currently im replaying skyrim with a truckload of graphics mods and it's simply jawdroppoingly gorgeous, and when the beautiful skyrim music kicks in it's just an incredible experience. i still have the same gripes with it that i did before (like every quest item having a gps tracker and fast travel) but it's not completely full retard like the current bioware bullshit excuse for rpg gaming, at least it feels like you're in an actual world.


hail pc, death to console gaming.

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Guest transmisiones ferox

console gaming is far from dead, although some think this will be the last generation for them, but it should be good tho,


but yeah skyrim is really awful on consoles, especially on ps3...

Edited by arvy Ictal
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