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documentary about how the ed snowden leak came out- whilst it's quite remarkable what this guy risked to get this info out, the film seems to be acknowledging and encouraging people to both react to the leak and (perhaps) more whistleblowers to come out. so why did i still end up feel like everyone involved was being played blind as defectors?

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saw 'the double' the other night. It was ok, but really dragged out the story at the start, I'm not sure Americans would be into this.. seemed very British to me.




the double was probably my fav movie from last year. sure the beginning does drag a little but from 1/4 on it's really great and i loved the score


my old lady could barely finish it though ;\

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Vampire's Kiss. Every scene was gold


Nic Cage/10


I honestly think this is one of Nic's best.


it is, mainly because it's also one of the best surreal dark comedies ever made.


I don't think the director intended it to be a dark comedy (I think he had no idea what he was doing) but it turned into this giant WTF with Nicolas Cage as the actor.


this commentary says it all



interesting because the writer, joseph minion, also wrote 'after hours' which is the only good scorsese comedy (i think kings of comedy was considered a terrible movie). also one of the producers (besides the writers at the time girlfriend) was barry shils who lives just a few blocks away from me :)


King of Comedy isn't a comedy.

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IMO, the perfect Nic Cage trilogy is:


Valley Girl (when he was still Nicolas Coppola)

Vampire's Kiss

Wild at Heart


These are where he approached acting godhood, even VG which gives a perfect recreation of 80s California.

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IMO, the perfect Nic Cage trilogy is:



Raising Arizona



Not really, but I wanted to make one as well

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Im not like a normal person in the sense that I have to have a story for something to be interesting. Concepts are just as interesting to me as stories are. Where, to normal people, stories are more interesting," he explains. "So thats an example of what I mean. I can be like, 'fuck, I love this ring, I love all the visual effects related to it, I love these images and how theyre juxtaposed with one another.'

I'm so happy this guy is doing the new Alien film.

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Well of course it's a terribly cheesy hollywood cringefest, filled with shallow cliches. But I kinda expected it to be bad, then I enjoyed watching it. By the way, I didn't like district 9.

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I liked the part where the boss is like, 'get your ass in that irradiated room or you're fired'


I also like the Australian bad guy, he was pretty bad ass. And the shiny hover car.


Of course I watched 'The Keep'



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I liked the part where the boss is like, 'get your ass in that irradiated room or you're fired'


I also like the Australian bad guy, he was pretty bad ass. And the shiny hover car.


Of course I watched 'The Keep'




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watched Elysium last nite,

such a shite.


Hey that rhymes.


So the guy can't make films basically. the FX & set design are kinda unique , tho even there he seems to be a total one trick pony.

he would be a better fit for the video game industry, like be art director for a halo game or something like that.

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"...I feel like I fucked it up," the director candidly told Uproxx. "I feel like ultimately the story is not the right story. I still think the satirical idea of a ring filled with rich people hovering above the impoverished Earth is an awesome idea. I love it so much, I almost want to go back and do it correctly. But I just think the script wasn’t… I just didn’t make a good enough film is ultimately what it is. I feel like I executed all of the stuff that could be executed, like costume and set design and special effects very well. But ultimately it was all resting on a somewhat not totally formed skeletal system, so the script just wasn’t there…"

hah, he pretty much nails it.

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Mr Turner 5/10

i know it's a 9/10 even before watching the film, so you're wrong.


as predicted it's an easy 9/10er, so far away from typical hollywood biopics that it kicks you off your balance. i mean you pretty much know it's gonna be great when in one of the first scenes turner grabs his ugly servant's tit and then switches to her `gina. all through her clothes, and then it cuts. the typical leigh's eye and interest in the process and the very naturalistic direction that i always liked is there but with addition we get absolutely fucking gorgeous production design, photography and music that i've never seen in a leigh film. the british victorian fagginess is also very amusing, though some of went over my head i admit.

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Guest bitroast

elysium and the double were both mediocre films imo.

all focus on style with no substance. elysium in particular was just, cluttered and impossible to pinpoint a concise tone from it (is this particular scene a comedy or an action film?? why is that actress so silly?? whats going on here??).

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Well of course it's a terribly cheesy hollywood cringefest, filled with shallow cliches. But I kinda expected it to be bad, then I enjoyed watching it. By the way, I didn't like district 9.


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elysium and the double were both mediocre films imo.

all focus on style with no substance. elysium in particular was just, cluttered and impossible to pinpoint a concise tone from it (is this particular scene a comedy or an action film?? why is that actress so silly?? whats going on here??).

given the double's source material(a dostoevsky short story that doesn't really make sense) i'd say he did a great job. i'm a sucker for artsy movies about loser dudes tho(punch drunk love, buffalo 66, etc.)


and calling jodie foster that actress. come on ;P


she was super silly tho

The guy must has wet dreams directing his own sulaco cargo loader battle mecha porn

district 9 was such a good movie tho


*edit or at least it seemed that way when i saw it in theatres back when

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