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Watched all three Cube films back to back - only time it went low budget was the ending of the final film in the forest. Apart from that mind expanding stuff from a film recorded on a tiny one room film set.



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dredd 3d


not as good 3d as at the cinema, but still one of my favourite straight up action movies from the last decade atleast.

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victoria - amazing technical feat, stupid characters, good acting, took them three goes to get it right. great film.


the big short - pretty amusing and clever, quite good.

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You need to say what kind of 3D you watched it in for the reader to be able to make the comparison between that and the cinema. This basically means stating the model number of the TV. Dredd was the second film I watched when I got my TV and remember it being pretty cool with those slowed down sequences, and all the shattered glass flying around and the bass.

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i dunno, when i saw it at the cinema, the water bubbles and light particles and what not in those slowed down sequences popped right out in front of my face, like i could touch them. that didn't happen when i watched it on my 3d tv (55"). i tried both side by side 3d and top to bottom too, but nope. still pretty good, but not cinema good.

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h8ful eight - luts of twists and turns after a kinda slow start. good tarantino movie. only thing missing was the "and they lived merrily ever after" ending.


6 out of eight

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On a Mann binge - first Manhunter, then Thief and next is his latest Blackhat. Thief at times mesmerising but then all his films deal with capitalism and the quest for the american dream don't they? Thief does have the best gas powered flamethrower in a film ever though defo. The Tangerine Dream soundtrack for Thief is awful. New age done with no imagination and bad guitar overlays. Froese and the lads were getting in on the high life with a Hollywood pay cheque by this time I reckon and it shows. Infact let's just call it Tangerine Dream - Thieves.





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unwatchable. with a camera attached to a frenzy puppy, a voice over attempts to narrate a film about guys reading mortgage bonds. it's also got some really annoying editing.


didn't finish. would not recommend

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3096 Days - Apparently based off the true story of a kidnapping. Very wooden acting and dull writing. Mostly just scenes of abuse. Not fun to watch for any reason.


Spirited Away - Rewatched over the holidays. I remember it being better but still gorgeous to look at, lovely music, lovely story. In my older years I'm just realising how jarring some of the character introductions or plot points are at odd points in the movie.


Life of Brian - Also rewatched. Still as funny as I remember it being. No way in hell you could release this movie nowadays.

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Bridge of spies


Absolutely fantastic slow-paced, dialogue driven and intriguing spy film. Real throwback to 50's spy films, felt extremely authentic. Great performance by Tom Hanks and his counterparts.

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unwatchable. with a camera attached to a frenzy puppy, a voice over attempts to narrate a film about guys reading mortgage bonds. it's also got some really annoying editing.


didn't finish. would not recommend


plus carrell :facepalm:

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everyone in the film is pretty annoying (although i didn't get far enough to find out if gosling and pitt are annoying) but carrell plays the most obnoxious character of all time.

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The Lobster - doesnt it fuck with you on some level? uncomfortable viewing & funny and fuckin strange, even after a few days it stays with you. Quality. Olivia Peep Show does cold & cruel better than she does chipmunk cute


Hateful Eight - looks good, Jennifer whathserface is fun, but preferred Django, the 1 room dialog doesnt really carry enough heft


Where Eagles Dare - "Broadsword calling Danny Boy.....", Richard Burton & Clint go at it with half the 3rd Reich in 1 of the best war movies of all time. Its like a snowy Zulu in lots of ways and still rocks. Nazis getting slaughtered every 5-10mins, whats not to like

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The Green Inferno (2015) a hilarious comedy about some dumb SJWs/activists who pull a Greenpeace like media stunt in Amazonian jungle ... they wanted to save the rain forests ... they wanted to help the natives. --- the activists find out out that the natives are willing to embrace diversity .... in nutrition ...



should be mandatory viewing for college girls with wrong headed ideas, might help them to spot an asshole behind the shining armour of an activist leader




Knock Knock (2015) - you are an architect and a former DJ who still can do harmonic mixing on the fly, you are putting finishing touches on your project in your beautiful home while your wife and kids are away ... then you hear knock knock and there are two (kind of hot ...) girls outside, lost and with dead phones - should you be a good, hospitable person and try to to help them or should you just let the little sluts rot in the rain outside? watch this movie and find out!




hard to watch but couple of excellent jokes will lift your spirits in the end. '




as companion piece to Knock Knock, i watched Hard Candy .... almost had to quit very early in the movie but I'm glad that I persisted ... a thought provoking movie with some out there dark humour that lighten up the mood .. still hard to recommend this as a movie to see on your first date with a nice girl ....

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Cloverfield, for the first time. hey, that was alright.



there's no way you survive a chopper crash from that high, though.


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