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david brent: life on the road - simply unwatchable, i lasted only 10 minutes. it's just really sad and depressing to see someone drop from genius to utter wack.


what are you talking about? the original Office is the only thing he's ever made ever, I don't know about any other things

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Arrival was really good. Well done, though it lost some steam about halfway in. Some really good music, gorgeous visuals, solid acting and script. Not transcendent or groundbreaking or anything, just good solid sci-fi. 7+1/10 legs

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david brent: life on the road - simply unwatchable, i lasted only 10 minutes. it's just really sad and depressing to see someone drop from genius to utter wack.


what are you talking about? the original Office is the only thing he's ever made ever, I don't know about any other things



not even that mate

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Snowden - nobody makes you paranoid about the US government like Oliver Stone.  It was mostly good, but descended into corniness at the very end, and showing Snowden doing bad acting as himself didn't help.

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david brent: life on the road - simply unwatchable, i lasted only 10 minutes. it's just really sad and depressing to see someone drop from genius to utter wack.

what are you talking about? the original Office is the only thing he's ever made ever, I don't know about any other things

He's kind of annoying yeah but he also brought us good stuff like Extras and Karl Pilkington.

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david brent: life on the road - simply unwatchable, i lasted only 10 minutes. it's just really sad and depressing to see someone drop from genius to utter wack.

what are you talking about? the original Office is the only thing he's ever made ever, I don't know about any other things

He's kind of annoying yeah but he also brought us good stuff like Extras and Karl Pilkington.



Yeah I was obviously half-joking there. He's cool, I like all of his stand-ups and the Karl Pilkington interviews but most of the movies and series he's been in recent years are questionable.

In any case, The Office is the best comedy to ever exist and I won't accept the existence of any other Offices that aren't that one.

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Don't Breathe


fun for what it is and rather ridiculous. But felt quite stunted, like how hard can it be to leave the house? Oh it's quite hard apparently because suddenly! blind guy!

Still enjoyable but it's no It Follows.


not It Follows / 10

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interesting documentary about the ghetto brothers, a notorious south bronx gang made up of puerto rican and black members that attempt to resolve a war between rival gangs in the area. most of the archival footage is from an amazing 70s made-for-television documentary called ain't gonna eat my mind that shows the gangs (and south bronx) as it was it was while this one focuses on surviving members now recounting events of their youth. events i'm fully down with


nine members of the savage skulls out of ten black spades hoods

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Hell or High Water 



AKA No Country for Old Men Part II. I couldn't believe just how derivative and unoriginal it was.


I recently watched Edge of Tomorrow, the aliens reminded me of a Crysis game which was a big letdown, wanted to see more fighting at the beach and more fighting in general but it was pretty entertaining, dunno why it didn't make bank.

Edited by vasio
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Does anyone know of any ancient music history documentaries? like about the invention of polyphony for example and all that kinda stuff

There's a British dude who does music history/theory stuff for BBC

I forget his name, but he did an episode about the birth of polyphony

Forget his name, sorry

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Does anyone know of any ancient music history documentaries? like about the invention of polyphony for example and all that kinda stuff


there's a course at Kadenze about that... not technically historic but might hint some stuff like that

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Guest bitroast


isn't he the guy who did music for Red Dwarf?


Looks like he wrote the themes for Blackadder and Mr Bean too

Oh and Bend It Like Beckham: the Musical



needing a WATMM Howard Goodall Subforum right about now

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Did this ever come up here? There was a story revolving around this:


Basically, his account has been taken down now, but a guy discovered something hidden in this part of the track that no one knew about except Goodall for 20 years, who confirmed it via twitter. The guy put up a bass version to make it more clear, once you hear it you can't unhear it. Can anyone notice what is it is?



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Watched I Am A Hero, another Asian zombie film from this year. Based on a manga I know nothing about, so can't compare and say the usual 'nowhere near as weird, they've excluded all the interesting stuff!'

I probably preferred it to Train To Busan because my expectations were lower and it doesn't look impressive when you skip through it. It's got a better script, and feels like it could go anywhere even if it essentially follows the same path as every other zombie film. It doesn't take itself seriously at all, it has a laid back televisual style which gives it a charm but works against it being truly engaging. It's in the mould of Zombieland but also plays out like an ordinary episode of The Walking Dead. Like Zombieland it finds humour in the different types of zombies, so you've got the ordinary ones like the office worker waiting for the train or the consumer trying to walk into a clothes shop, but also a high jumper athlete. It feels like a videogame at times. He's like a Dead Rising boss.

The cinematography is so bland and soft and the use of CGI in parts so awful, but it's impressive in other ways, the way the zombies move, the brilliant gore, (it's very gory), or the -what feels like-long takes of the lead character as he makes his way out into the streets, surrounded by chaos, which are scenes I never get bored of in any disaster film. I think some might find it underwhelming or unsatisfying, it seems like the director and cinematographer are treating it as another episode in a TV show while the effects crew are doing very cool things. It humbly ambles along in its light PG-13 kind of way, then might do something gruesome and vicious that barely registers.

Just looked, and it's from the director of Gantz and the cinematographer has done nothing except as a camera operator on a few things. The other manga adaptations I've seen like Parasite and Attack On Titan take themselves so seriously, all dark and moody and quite dull. Especially in Parasite's case I thought; this looks pretty and cool, but could you be more fun too. There are funny ideas in I Am A Hero but maybe not the execution or balance of tone. It's enjoyable enough.

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