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Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) by Jim Jarmusch


Vampire mood piece with TIlda Swinton, Tom Hiddleston, and John Hurt, with scenes split between Tangiers and Detroit. Decent soundtrack (the film has a heavy emphasis on music) and cinematography, although nothing standout, and as said, there's no character development or real plot to speak of, so it's all about the night atmos. Free on Amazon Prime UK.




Yet to see any other of Jarmusch's works, Dead Man and Stranger than Paradise are also on Amazon, and seem to be the go-to recs for his stuff.

Edited by ManjuShri
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managed to catch the second of last showing of IT at maidenhead cinema 


well the book was a major event for me when I read it at 15, in fact I don't think I've ever had so many emotions running through my veins before or since when reading a novel, I may of finished the last fifth of the book in one run


quite liked the juxtaposition between having the coming of age and light hearted scary moments and the quite trippy dark moments, though I agreed with one critic which I read afterwards who said the more you see of Pennywise the less scary he became


easy 8/10


Also I wish I could cycle my bike around town with such freedom (without a load of cunts stacked up in cars drilling into my brain)

Edited by beerwolf
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but I want to know Leatherface's politics so I don't mistakenly lend my enjoyment to a possible fascist figure and thus legitimise neoimperialist cultural hegemony.

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Watched Kill List again (great 4th date film). It's one I just really love watching, there's nothing perfect about it but I just love how it plays out I guess 8/10


Yeah good film, wasn't so keen the first time I watched that (let down by ultra high expectations possibly) the second time it was much better 

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Watched Kill List again (great 4th date film). It's one I just really love watching, there's nothing perfect about it but I just love how it plays out I guess 8/10


Yeah good film, wasn't so keen the first time I watched that (let down by ultra high expectations possibly) the second time it was much better 



Kill List is brilliant. Recently watched A Field in England (same director, Ben Wheatley). Some powerful moments in there, but overall, not a flick I was overly impressed by. May give it a re-watch at some point.

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A Field in England is great too. He went on a great run when you include Sightseers. High-rise was a disappointment but I'm hoping for a return to form with, err, whatever that gun one is called.

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Wheatley's down terrace just might be my favourite of his films. Kill List and sightseers are brilliant. Still haven't seen field. Had to switch high rise off 30 or 40 minutes in.


high rise was such a let down

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I hear the gun one is even worse. Down Terrace through A Field was one of the best filmmaking runs since Refn's imo. But then you give the man a budget and studio backing and we get hot garbage. 

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I really enjoyed that new baumbach film on netflix with hoffman and stiller and sandler. Hard not to like a film that can make you care about terrible people. Pretty funny. Might have to be middle aged i guess. Which i am. Plus Hoffman was pretty great.

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