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Tess (1979) - Maybe not my favorite Polanski joint, but goddamn if it ain't nice to look at, man. Plus I could watch Natassja Kinski eat strawberries forever. 


Always Shine - This fell apart at the end for me, but I thought Mackenzie Davis was great in it. She is almost definitely gonna be wasted in the new Blade Runner. 


I Spit on Your Grave (2010) - Slick remakes of 70s exploitation flix are a terrible idea. The best thing about this movie is that the lead actress brought her father to the premiere. 

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Everest. this was the most physically-discomforting movie I've seen in quite a while. loved it though. mountaineering is 'ardcore ennit.

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anyone see spiderman?


ive been enjoying the marvel studios stuff, especially lately. they're getting really good at doing action sequences that don't rely on shaky cam, camera cuts and narrow shots. ms seems to be developing systems for special effects sequences that allow directors to storyboard whatever they want and have it come out good. they do character action with cgi versions of the characters and blend it pretty seemlessly with footage. in the last few movies it stepped up. captain america winter soldier had pretty crap action but civil war was a lot better. but i've always enjoyed decent action sequences and special effects, and i used to like comic books.


would like to see them nail venom and carnage. the tobey mcquire venom movie was pretty offensive


i'm glad marvel is doing the studios thing, and dumping money rather than doing an cheap cash grab, like other comic book movies.

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re-watched Dreams That Money Can Buy after an enforced Twin Peaks hiatus & DL's stated love for the makers


shows that you dont always appreciate things more fully as a youth, the Marcel Duchamp/John Cage "Disc thingys" & the Max Ernst sections take some beating, but the former is almost an intermezzo in among these conjured visions


Blue Velvet lighting/10




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i saw:

john wick 2


a cure for welness



and i think they are all super decent to very good! logan is the best x-meng movie i saw by far


i realy wanna watch alien covenant but even one of my best mates who has an alien tattoo says it's kinda meh so i'm scared :sad:

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Everest. this was the most physically-discomforting movie I've seen in quite a while. loved it though. mountaineering is 'ardcore ennit.

I wanna watch it - but mostly because of Jake Gyllenhaal.

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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

2 DVDs of intrigue and jargon. But super acting, screenplay and dramatization by everyone involved. Enjoyed thoroughly from start to finish. I was a big fan of spy genre when I was a kid.

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Everest. this was the most physically-discomforting movie I've seen in quite a while. loved it though. mountaineering is 'ardcore ennit.

I wanna watch it - but mostly because of Jake Gyllenhaal.



After watching this I think it's worth watching Sherpa - it's a documentary from 2015



yeah, Sherpa is next on my list. their perspective is often ignored.

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Everest is good, Embrace of the Serpent is better. Sorry Eugene.


I watched Everest in 3D and didn't hate the experience.

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Phenomena 3\5

Not Argento's finest but I have admiration for it in his craftsmanship and throw everything but the kitchen sink attitude. A razor wielding chimp and motorhead have never been so in sync.

Arrow are doing such a good job with these 4k transfers criterion for their selective pomposity can go smoke a pole.

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anyone see spiderman?


ive been enjoying the marvel studios stuff, especially lately. they're getting really good at doing action sequences that don't rely on shaky cam, camera cuts and narrow shots. ms seems to be developing systems for special effects sequences that allow directors to storyboard whatever they want and have it come out good. they do character action with cgi versions of the characters and blend it pretty seemlessly with footage. in the last few movies it stepped up. captain america winter soldier had pretty crap action but civil war was a lot better. but i've always enjoyed decent action sequences and special effects, and i used to like comic books.


would like to see them nail venom and carnage. the tobey mcquire venom movie was pretty offensive


i'm glad marvel is doing the studios thing, and dumping money rather than doing an cheap cash grab, like other comic book movies.


Just saw the new Spiderman.  It was good.  I'd give it like an 83 out of 100.  The effects were pretty great, I really thought i was there with them.  The new spidey-kid is quite annoying at first but you grow to love him.  And Michael Keaton was fucking great.

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Maybe I was just in the mood to be swept away, but I went along with this ride and enjoyed every moment - good sci-fi Alien'esc fun, proper pop-corn flick! Nothing wrong with that...most of the time :cisfor:

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Logan in 4k HDR. Geriatric Wolverine esque killing alcoholic doesnt drink enough booze so descends into the mouth of madness where children killers and Professor X unite in a stand of otherness. LetsCGItheshitoutofthis/10

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The Blob (1988) - As gruesome remakes of 50s sci-fi goes, this is probably better than Abel Ferrara's Body Snatchers, but far, far worse than The Fly or The Thing. I guess it's dated enough to be enjoyed as a kitschy artifact though.

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^^^ that's a good one. i love the beginning with kevin 'the local rebel' dillion establishing his character as someone dangerous trying to jump over a dodgy bridge



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Baby Driver - Party/10


is this good? it looks pretty derivative and annoying. I think I stopped enjoying Edgar Wright pretty much immediately after, or possibly half-way through watching, Hot Fuzz.

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WOW, this movie has its heart in the right place. About an Irish duo that perform a magic ritual (apparently one that Aleister Crowley attempted, but failed at). The third act kind of confuses its ass for its elbow, but it was definitely worth the rental. 

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