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Daft Punk - Random Access Memories


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Guest Hanratty

well, I've had this on a lot this week, and even the songs that I didn't love much at first have grown on me: Beyond, Motherboard, The Game of Love, etc. The whole thing's close to perfect.

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Listened to it again today, it's never going to grow on me as an album but I still really like "Touch" and "Doing It Right" which are the only tracks I find myself repeating. I still find that track "Within" absolutely ridiculous, like it's amazing the way The Room is amazing. I don't think it helps that Chilly Gonzales looks kinda like Cosmo Kramer.

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It seems like a clear case of buyer's remorse; as triachus said, they invested so much energy in making that "cover story" that they were much more likely to talk themselves into liking the album, no matter how lame it turned out.


That's the optimistic interpretation. My preferred, pessimistic interpretation: pitchfork is fucking corrupt and their lining their pockets with money from Big Record Label. This interpretation is consistent with that Justin Timberlake garnering a "Best New Music" title.


There's no way that "RAM" is better than "Silver Wilkinson". FUCK PITCHFORK.

Its works like this: You write a positive review and hope they will buy ads from you in the future which leads to more positive reviews. Of course you pick bands that are most likely have the money to buy from you.

Edited by o00o
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I have tried and tried to avoid comparing Tomorrow's Harvest with Random Access Memories, it seems so petty and cynical, but I must. They are both 70s inspired. The expectations of both BoC and DP artists were substantial, as are their reputations as producers. They both come 8 years after what are generally considered their weakest albums.


And the end result? Daft Punk made an inessential and comically over-hyped album. A good album (objectively, imo) but a completely forgettable one. Boards of Canada on the other hand have made a landmark album, one that at the very least reaches the critical level of their iconic releases MHTRTC and Geogaddi.


I won't and can't say that their backgrounds more than anything made the difference, but their circumstances are starkly different: Daft Punk had substantial marketing and promotional effort put in their release, Boards of Canada pulled off what might be the most cryptic promotional campaign in music history. Daft Punk's release warranted primetime commercials on major networks, Boards of Canada put out 6 nondescript vinyl records. Daft Punk does a cover story on Pitchfork, BoC does an email interview with Guardian. Daft Punk has stayed busy doing Hollywood soundtracks and maintained connections in fashion and celebrity circles, Boards of Canada recorded their album after travelling and spending time with family members. Daft Punk recorded with major label producers and musicians and Boards of Canada secluded themselves in a rural studio. It's very ironic that the album inspired by bleakness and nihilism is more soulful and human than the one aiming to "bring life into music." If the Daft Punk album ends up getting more positive reviews, it will only emphasize how much money and misinformation influences everything...and I could care less about that reality and they probably aren't even aware of it.

Edited by joshuatx
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part of the reason it's always been hard for me to judge Daft Punk fairly is that their success has always seemed paid for by corporations and not from hard work and good music. It's extremely difficult for me to take a musical act like this at face value unless their music is really fucking good, and since Daft Punk's stuff is not very interesting even by French electronic music standards I just can't hack giving it a good mental fight to try and overcome the enormous amount of PR money funneled into their image. They to me will always just be the equivalent of an overly glorified 90s Vegas act.

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Daft Punk's stuff is not very interesting even by French electronic music standards

Who are you comparing them to here? Genuine question, I don't know that much French electronic music (outside of the very popular stuff).

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Daft Punk's stuff is not very interesting even by French electronic music standards

Who are you comparing them to here? Genuine question, I don't know that much French electronic music (outside of the very popular stuff).
Mr. Oizo
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I have tried and tried to avoid comparing Tomorrow's Harvest with Random Access Memories, it seems so petty and cynical, but I must. They are both 70s inspired. The expectations of both BoC and DP artists were substantial, as are their reputations as producers. They both come 8 years after what are generally considered their weakest albums.


And the end result? Daft Punk made an inessential and comically over-hyped album. A good album (objectively, imo) but a completely forgettable one. Boards of Canada on the other hand have made a landmark album, one that at the very least reaches the critical level of their iconic releases MHTRTC and Geogaddi.


I won't and can't say that their backgrounds more than anything made the difference, but their circumstances are starkly different: Daft Punk had substantial marketing and promotional effort put in their release, Boards of Canada pulled off what might be the most cryptic promotional campaign in music history. Daft Punk's release warranted primetime commercials on major networks, Boards of Canada put out 6 nondescript vinyl records. Daft Punk does a cover story on Pitchfork, BoC does an email interview with Guardian. Daft Punk has stayed busy doing Hollywood soundtracks and maintained connections in fashion and celebrity circles, Boards of Canada recorded their album after travelling and spending time with family members. Daft Punk recorded with major label producers and musicians and Boards of Canada secluded themselves in a rural studio. It's very ironic that the album inspired by bleakness and nihilism is more soulful and human than the one aiming to "bring life into music." If the Daft Punk album ends up getting more positive reviews, it will only emphasize how much money and misinformation influences everything...and I could care less about that reality and they probably aren't even aware of it.

beautiful post

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