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Definitely agree about the album rewarding repeated listens. Every time I'm hearing more and more detail. Fantastic record.

Edited by njk84
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Someone got pretty close to 'translating' it. From what I remember, it sounded like a CCAI-esque track hidden behind a wall of static.

Yup, and someone else on here did a pretty good noise reduction on the rip we already had. I think it was a piano track, definitely CCAI-style!

Been outta the loop I guess. Anyone gotta link? Would love to hear.

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Someone got pretty close to 'translating' it. From what I remember, it sounded like a CCAI-esque track hidden behind a wall of static.

Yup, and someone else on here did a pretty good noise reduction on the rip we already had. I think it was a piano track, definitely CCAI-style!

Been outta the loop I guess. Anyone gotta link? Would love to hear.





i was expecting lots of discussion around this hidden track, even if it is inaudible etc.. hmm

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Has anyone managed to "play" that limited edition track that came with the super deluxe vinyl lottery box?

Would this thing do it?


here more info : http://traubeck.com/years/ & vinyl : http://www.ordia-muszc.com/shop/releaseinfo.php?item=ARM001

Edited by Anchio Arch io Son Pittore
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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember someone complaining about this album being crushed to death (or whatever) and I was analysing some tracks today as a mixing reference... So I pulled Xmas_Eve into my DAW and had a look at it. The waveform looks like it has been slammed, but as I expected the dynamic range is not too bad - I was getting 10-12 dB RMS on that song, which is quite good and not too different from other tracks that I thought sounded good also.

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when syro were released, i listened it every day like 3 moths through. and not just one time, many times in a day. there were times when i got home from work, i would listen syro to the end of the day. when i would go to sleep. i was preatty obsessed of it. i even talked to my fellow workers of: that how i found a new layer from a track or some hidden trick. and they didn't have any idea what i was talking about. haha i just needed to talk about it with somebody.


and now i'm back on syro. gotta say, it's a good album. could it be even better than last times.


I loaned my mom my cd & had to ask for it back


said she liked track 2 best. I said I like that one too & our bond was strengthened

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I'm still putting this album on regularly and having my mind blown.

I can't remember listening to an album so many times without getting at least the slightest bit burnt out on it.

Completely brilliant and mesmerizing.

I think it also has to be my #1 driving album. Especially cross-town. My car has a pretty decent stock stereo and I keep the bass cranked up significantly. It's quite lush in there.


Edited by J3FF3R00
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Pretty great work and as said before still not the slightest burnt out (though I'm careful not to hammer my favorite tracks). Still looking forward to my next Syro sesh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

edit: i am an idiot, LRN TO POST IN THE RIGHT THREAD XF


(syro is still amazing tho)

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Looks like Syro is finally on YouTube, courtesy of their automated music streaming thing...



It says "This video is not available" for the other tracks. Why?


That automated music streaming thing for YouTube isn't available (yet) for a lot of countries. Only the UK and US already have it I think? And wasn't it supposed to have it behind a YouTube subscription paywall too in the end?

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i think the real track list is


Minipops 67,
XMAS_EVET10 (thanaton3 mix)
produk 29
4 bit 9d api+e+6
CIRCLONT6A (syrobonkus mix)
fz pseudotimestretch+e+3
CIRCLONT14 (shrymoming mix)
syro u473t8+e (piezoluminescence mix)
PAPAT4 (pineal mix)
s950tx16wasr10 (earth portal mix)
s950tx16wasr10 (earth portal mix),

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Finally got some really nice headphones over the weekend and listening to Syro were amongst the inaugural items played. The album is a revelation and it was great to hear bits I hadn't noticed before.

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After a few months I'm still listening to Syro, what a great album. With every listen I hear sounds I hadn't noticed.

Think my fav tracks must be:

CIRCLONT14 (shrymoming mix),
syro u473t8+e (piezoluminescence mix)

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Looking back to the listening party I thought that being able to listen to a new Aphex Twin before it came out was the greatest thing ever. Now less than a year later there are like 12 new Aphex Twin albums.

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