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Guest bitroast

Checking out music with the high hopes n expectations of it being revolutionary and it changing your perception of music forever is probably never gonna swing too well in your favour..

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Man, i get pretty psyched up reading about how revolutionary people think OPN is, but any time I put on one of his albums I'm left pretty unsatisfied. I'm always keeping an ear open for these new set of parameters I keep hearing about, but I never hear it. Maybe this time the glory will present itself. *will report back in 3-5 days time*

If you haven't checked out Commissions II yet, I highly, hiiiiighly recommend it! The Bullet Hell Abstraction tracks are otherworldly and Suite for Magnetic Rose is stunningly beautiful.

Unless of course, you've already given it a listen and weren't too keen on it, though I have a feeling this album is going to be one hell of an incredible masterpiece. I like what I'm hearing in the trailer and all the talk about death metal guitars haha



Also check out his XLR8R podcast which spins Autechre straight into Yeezy and pulls it off flawlessly.

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as long as he's able to maintain the balance of "sincere effort to examine & deconstruct weird pop culture ephemera without descending into jokey irony" and "yeah guys i know how goofy this stuff looks, just enjoy the tunes dudes" i'm cool with it


Quite. You either get this or you don't.


But it isn't a big deal, anyway. Don't force yourself to like things.

Edited by Lascaille
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if he did that it would still be ballsy because i doubt many people would like it



Judging by the thread for the album no-one on WATMM liked R + 7 so ballsy must be his modus operandi


R+7 threat has allready 59 pages with 76000 views other subforums are crying now

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i still adore r + 7. best new thing on warp in fuckin ages. one of the few records of the last few years that hasnt faded. There was an honesty in his irony on there - I'm worried this one will be a little too try hard-y. Big shoes to fill etc etc.

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i still adore r + 7. best new thing on warp in fuckin ages. one of the few records of the last few years that hasnt faded. There was an honesty in his irony on there - I'm worried this one will be a little too try hard-y. Big shoes to fill etc etc.

True. Now bring on the new noise before leaks ruin the flow!! R Plus Seven is constantly played at home, nonstop for years now, I believe it is impossible for it to be topped in my mind, I hope the new album is radically different, or the EXACT same. ‘Ufabulum’ was a special favourite of mine on repeat repeat but I have only listened to ‘Damogen Furies’ once...

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is this what i think it is? flame chord progression at 2:07:




apologies if jazz (like excerpt from live recording)

If this is the new album, then I'm going to be quite disappointed.



yeah i have no idea what this is, only it kinda sounds like opn + i hear 'flame' + at first sight the twitter account it came from looks like an opn sockpuppet. can't be bothered joining twitter to message user.

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I doubt that the account is actually owned by Daniel, since none of his other accounts are following it. That's a pretty good sign that it's just something made by a guy who wants to fool people.

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