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The Big Star Wars Thread *SPOILERS ABOUND*


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I liked the cut of Yoda's jib this time.


the “there is nothing in there that she does not already have” followed by seeing the books on the Falcon at the end was fucking classic


It really wasn't too cringey with the SJW shit even though the chubby asian chick was a member of space-PETA and Laura Dern was a literal tumblrina.

what the fuck?

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i dunno, i thought it was entertaining and easily a worthy entry into the series.


i think the best argument against it is it didn't really advance any storyline or reveal anything too interesting.  we've grown accustomed to watching something for 2 hours and basically treading water for the sake of "character development."


but with that aside, i thought it looked very nice; Finn was underused but, as always, awesome; luke being told he was too uptight was great; and whenever the idea that corporations are making money selling weapons to the bad guys AND good guys gets into the mainstream, i'm into it.

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Saw it last night, and yeah sure, you could argue it didn't break any ground or develop anything entirely new in the story, but... it was a really fun Star Wars film, presented it's chapter of the saga well and is definitely a good addition to the series...


Also you should have been able to see from a mile away that... 

The "double twist" with Kylo rebelling against the empire, by killing Snoke only to just become more driven with the First Order and his drive against luke... his struggles with light/dark were totally hinted at and setup in Force Awakens, and throughout this movie, still I enjoyed watching it happen.



I'd say I enjoyed it a little more than Force Awakens, but of course you have to have the previous to have this one.


Also RIP Carrie Fisher, she still looked great in this one.

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TFA has crossed the 1 billion dollar mark domestically. Opens in China 5 January. I bet this becomes the highest-grossing movie of all time just based on the reaction and press it has gotten up to and since release.

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TFA has crossed the 1 billion dollar mark domestically. Opens in China 5 January. I bet this becomes the highest-grossing movie of all time just based on the reaction and press it has gotten up to and since release.


wut? the last jedi or the force awakens? last jedi made half that domestically. they'll be lucky if it makes 100 million in china, and will probably end the run with 1.5-1.6 billion. that is not the highest grossing movie ever.

Edited by zaphod
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TFA has crossed the 1 billion dollar mark domestically. Opens in China 5 January. I bet this becomes the highest-grossing movie of all time just based on the reaction and press it has gotten up to and since release.


wut? the last jedi or the force awakens? last jedi made half that domestically. they'll be lucky if it makes 100 million in china, and will probably end the run with 1.5-1.6 billion. that is not the highest grossing movie ever.


Sorry, meant TLJ - and it has crossed 1 billion worldwide, but has yet to open in China - got my facts scrambled.

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Never thought I'd touch this thread until today, now that I've finally seen it. I successfully made it thru the whole movie without having to leave the theater to go urinate.

At this rate I wonder if any of the original cast will appear in Ep. IX.

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why do they measure movies in money? The price of tix goes up every year. Is it too logical to measure tickets sold?

Many websites adjust for inflation.


Tickets sold would make sense in general I think though, unless I'm missing something?


Probably just a type of sensationalism, every film is THE HIGHEST GROSSING FILM EVER!


edit: weird mr Joyrex I'm using Edge in this thread and spacebar works here, first thread so far. Just checked other threads and spacebar still doesn't work in them.

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Millennium Falcon looks like R2-D2 now? Just the info I was waiting for!

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The Solo version of the Faclon will be an earlier paint job, similar to Slave I, and deployed forward mandibles for the first time



dude. They only “deployed the forward mandibles” so they can sell more. It’s not about anything relating to Star Wars

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When I was a child and I watched Star Wars it wasn’t the mystery of the force, John Williams score or the imaginative world than drew me in. It was the millennium falcon’s forward mandibles.

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