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RIP Salvatorin

hello spiral

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This really hit me. Always really liked his posts and talking to him in chat. Also, his productions were ahead of the curve, like making OPN level stuff before OPN made it.


While it was sad and a weird thing when Sophie died, this feels very personal and is hurting deep.

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Definitely a staple around here. I'd noticed his presence was lacking, though I don't have much else to add.

What an awful thing to happen. Rest in peace, Salvatorin.

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8 hours ago, Cryptowen said:

Never got to know him super well, but I remember being struck by his posts when I first joined WATMM. He stood out as someone who really seemed to get music, who approached it in a far more adventurous way than the average person. He also would send me messages from time to time to ask me about my music or things I had posted, which is the kind of genuine human interaction that's all too rare online (or irl for that matter). looking over my inbox now, i see that we actually had multiple lengthly private conversations over the last decade, swapping stories about music making, travels, life in general.

RIP Salv

Yeah when I joined you and Salv were closer to my age than most other people. I remember spending a lot of time looking at Salv's art and your art in the Share Your Artwork threads and it really influencing my own styles & resonating with me.

Salvatorin was so creative, it was inspiring just to see it

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29 minutes ago, ganus said:

Yeah when I joined you and Salv were closer to my age than most other people. I remember spending a lot of time looking at Salv's art and your art in the Share Your Artwork threads and it really influencing my own styles & resonating with me.

Honestly those days were peak millenial youth culture for me. That felt like the proper expression of all the weird, chaotic energy I felt in my 20s (still 22 days left of them): having lengthy conversations on an internet forum with people I'd never met in real life, who I knew little about, who lived on completely different parts of the planet. Gathering together for brief moments in a virtual space to share in the excitement of realizing that our generation did have a distinct cultural voice, real emotions to express, and an aesthetic vision that wasn't just a replica of things that had come before. tbh most of my irl friend groups felt like bad imitations of the kind of free-spirited dialogues that took place online

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Yeah Owen, we’ve had formative experiences here. 10 years ago was an amazing time to be posting. Things feel really different now but I also believe there is a groundswell back to the authenticity that may have diminished somewhat since the trump era.

I’m definitely reeling from this and feel weird because there’s no one I can talk to irl about it.

i feel like we need to be more honest with each other and try to really take care of one another, and put that far above trying to seem cool on the internet. Doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice whatever permutations of humor grow here and on discord. 

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holy shit RIP... I've always drifted in and out here and don't know anyone all that well anymore but this just makes me realize how much I care about this community, it hurts knowing someone who was a big part of it is gone. thanks for sharing his work too, it's great stuff and a nice way to pay respects.

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shit, wasn't even 30, sad. i remember having some weird late night convos/interactions with the guy in chatmm/discord over the past X amount of yrs, and his posts here. strangely i can't actually remember them, but just the impression that i had that he might be one of those wacky lsd chemists out of an indie movie. the ones who seemed to live in an entirely different world and you wonder what living there for just a day would be like and if you could handle it. easily one of the most interesting guys around. RIP salv

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3 hours ago, sheatheman said:

i feel like we need to be more honest with each other and try to really take care of one another, and put that far above trying to seem cool on the internet. Doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice whatever permutations of humor grow here and on discord. 

yes. though I fear you'll never be able to convince a faceless, changing collective of anonymous internet people of this for too long before shitty dynamics resurface. it's only forming real human connections, putting faces to names, that helps remind you of this. or when someone who embodied that more human aspect of connecting from a distance passes away. personally I think that's what stood out about Salv.

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Damn it this is horrible news. Not much to add that hasn't already been said by everybody else but Salv seemed like such an effervescent personality and it really shined through even on a messageboard where personality is usually stripped away. Seemed like a really beautiful soul.

RIP Phil.

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Just want to add something I think is important to this thread, without taking away from tributes and grieving.  I also don't want to assume or claim to know Phil's particular situation.  But I have read that in the last year (may 2019-may 2020) in America marked the highest number of overdose deaths ever recorded.  That is a scary statistic.  I just want any watmmers who are dealing with substance abuse disorders of any kind to know that you are not alone.  I'm no expert here but just want to say that online community can be one avenue to seek help, in addition to your irl community and other treatment option.  Its not a bad idea to reach out to people here (i'd be happy to just talk/chat ) so together we can prevent future tragedies.


Big up (a hello) to the people whove been posting photos and music!

Edited by markedone
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Sad to hear. Didn't really know him but his positive presence would definitely stand out to me whenever scrolling through threads. Seemed like a really creative and imaginative person, RIP.


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