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So what would everyone cut from the film to make it less arse numbingly long? Be brutal.


I think I'd probably ditch most/all of the romantic holo-girl subplot. The tech didn't really feel like it fit with the rest of the world they'd created, and of all the future-gubbins portrayed in the film I feel that's what we'll be lolling when (if) we get to 2049 (not that that really matters).


"holo-girl subplot" she's a main character and one of the most important scenes in the entire movie is K's realization with the advertisement coming right after Deckard's "realization" (seeing a fake Rachel) with Wallace.


The movie would be way worse without Joifu


It's bringing in another dimension of artificiality of consciousness

Blade Runner 1982 = Humans vs. Replicants

Blade Runner 2049 = Humans vs. Replicants vs. Holographs (computer simulations)


It was great and if they didn't have the hologram aspect this movie would have suffered a lot and brought nothing actually new to the table except the twists.

Edited by Zeffolia
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Yeah indeed, i didnt bite in the whole holographic girlfriend, it was pretty superficial, could have been way more interesting (like proper dialogues & characters), and the VR threesome was vulgar & laughable ( i stil dont understand why the darryl hannah redux had to have sex with K in order to hide a "bug" in his jacket). i dont say it to sound like a dick but i do really think 2049 was mostly crap. the only scenes i liked were the opening one & the attack on K's flying peugeot during the madmax section... visually its great but i dont call it a proper movie, mostly an hollywood franchise bullshit redux of a masterpiece. cant think of the worst moments in the movie : the VR threesome, the vegas moment ( :facepalm:), the hunger games moment (armies of replicants ready for a revolution, no less, coming out of nowhere at the last ten minutes), the endless ninja fighting at the end or the whole freewheeling jared leto. NEXT ! 

nothing to do with replicants but i love Good time (awesome to hear OPN @the big screen) 

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I agree with sweepstakes  that Joi is absolutely essential to the film. She's the only thing driving the first half forward beyond K's simple duty. If she'd not been there, everyone would be complaining how boring K was and the film would've suffered immensely. She had her own nice arc that was put in perspective of course with her death, she really pushed K's arc forward or even drove it for much of the film, and she imo provided the film with another layer of 'other' that this one lacked versus the original. In BR, the replicant is the other that humans are confronting and using as a foil to learn what it means to be human: Joi serves much of that same role in BR2049, directly for K and other replicants, but also for the viewer: of course YMMV but that was a huge plus of the film for me.


If anything could've been cut it would be the replicant revolution stuff. I think its existence was important, but the actual scene/s that involved it fell a bit flat to me and actually took away from the mystery and implications that would've been better left in the shadows. But that would've only cut a few minutes from the run time so really not that big of a deal. Also, I liked Robin Wright's character and her acting, but I think her scenes with Gosling weren't near as strong as they should've been for as much time as we spent on them. That master/slave relationship of abuse that was touched upon was great, but I think the script or directing there wasn't as strong as it could've been and we could've shaved some time there.


Also that K and Deckard scene with the holographic Elvis seemed too long. It was a cool scene but it would've been much more effective at half the runtime.


I've only seen it the once though so I'm sure on subsequent viewings I'll have much more backseat directing/editing suggestions.

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You naughty lot just love it because you want to bang genetically engineered prossies while your holographic gf lays on top

If my holographic gf looks like this yes. Yes. Don't even need the 'real' girl there.  :cerious:







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the criticism of this film is a joke,what the fuck do you people want!,everyone is an academy award winning critic nowadays,how many movies have you people made?this is one of the best sequels ever,up their with godfather 2 and empire strikes back in my humble opinion,how many films were slated upon cinematic release ,but were lauded upon repeated viewings,like 2001 and the original blade runner

Edited by sunshine recorder
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the criticism of this film is a joke,what the fuck do you people want!,everyone is an academy award winning critic nowadays,how many movies have you people made?this is one of the best sequels ever,up their with godfather 2 and empire strikes back in my humble opinion

Opinions are like arseholes etc etc. Don't let the bastards get you down but more importantly don't become one of them.
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the criticism of this film is a joke,what the fuck do you people want!,everyone is an academy award winning critic nowadays,how many movies have you people made?this is one of the best sequels ever,up their with godfather 2 and empire strikes back in my humble opinion

Opinions are like arseholes etc etc. Don't let the bastards get you down but more importantly don't become one of them.


i know mate,it just winds me up(probably the point) ,this was such a daunting task to take on by villeneuve,and once again he,s done the business good style  and it needs to be recognized in this day and age of mediocrity,this movie/arrival/and sicario prove its no fluke

Edited by sunshine recorder
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and enemy



the criticism of this film is a joke,what the fuck do you people want!,everyone is an academy award winning critic nowadays,how many movies have you people made?this is one of the best sequels ever,up their with godfather 2 and empire strikes back in my humble opinion

Opinions are like arseholes etc etc. Don't let the bastards get you down but more importantly don't become one of them.


i know mate,it just winds me up(probably the point) ,this was such a daunting task to take on by villeneuve,and once again he,s done the business good style  and it needs to be recognized in this day and age of mediocrity,this movie/arrival/and sicario prove its no fluke


and enemy

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I only really have minor nitpicks with this movie, it's amazing most of the time. I've only seen it once though so I'm not even sure about those. Nitpicks include the length of some scenes, the set and wardrope choices in certain scenes, some of the screeching machine like sounds could have been omitted.


I loved the intensity of it, the lingering shots, pacing. My favorite part is actually the ride to LAPD in the beginning of the film. The percussion and panning shots were so damn intense.

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haven't looked in on this thread in ages. only saw the movie last monday. enjoyed it.  cast is good. plot decent enough. wishing it wasn't so wrapped up neat and stuff. a little more open and unresolved like a PK Dick story would've been nice but not much to complain about really. 


there were some sound FX i've heard before.. that big swarm of wobbles is something used in the tv show of Hannibal quite extensively.. maybe it's from a sound library but not so sure because all of hannibal sound design and score is impeccable as is the cinematography.. anyway.. blade runner was nice. there was no one else in the theater when i saw it at 11:10 am on a monday morning :)  i quite like seeing films that way.. all alone in a big ass room. 

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Just seen the film some hours ago...

I'm quite impressed by most of what I saw. I liked the pacing, music fits very well, except for the Vangelis reprise in the last part where K lays on the stairs... it sounded very digital... the tempo didn't quite work I guess. Otherwise music was horror (in a most flattering way) and I loved it. Because, that was a horror movie, for me. What a sad, washed, cold world...pure horror. And it was beautifully presented. So beautifully in fact, that I was torn between nihilistic sadness and artistic awe. Jared Leto was actually ok, even Gosling was a good replicant (he is irl) and his blank expressions were mostly fitting. The whole thing could be longer for the sake of scene continuity... It wasn't obvious how K chose where he would go next in his investigation - he simply appeared in the next scene - and Luv was on his tail, because that's how this works... so a minus score for editing or script laziness I guess.

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