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Lars von Trier - The Nymphomaniac


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damn that cinemablend preview gives too much away about the plot


looks okay I guess


another non-fan of Charlotte Gainsborough (sp?). She's ugly but I also think she's not that good of an actress. She enunciates lines in a very actorly fashion, not natural.


I think Breaking the Waves was probably his definitive work re: human sexuality. Antichrist was good pulpy fun but didn't hit the gut. Curious if this ends up better.


I just realized it's probably impossible for me to get excited about any artsy film regarding sexuality. Antichrist was cool because of the weird surreal horror angle, but a dogme film about ppl having (even sadomasochistic) sex? Meh. Like the posters tho.

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lol at the idea of it being an 'accident'. People who work in these mega theatre chains are fucking bored kids with barely any supervision or management looking over their shoulder, obviously on purpose.

I had the pleasure of viewing the premiere of Jurassic Park 3 in a packed theatre in hayward california, my friend worked there at the time and used to keep a bong in his work locker and smoke weed with the managers in the projection room. this night he was literally the only person working the projection room for the entire theatre, so before Jurassic Park 3 he played a 7 minute long plunderphonic non sensical movie trailer he made, people were confused, turning back to look at the booth, just a whole audience completely baffled by what was going on. Surprisingly not a single person complained or mentioned it after the movie even though it was filled with several redband trailer 'fucks' randomly spliced in.

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i like von trier. he's done some really good work, but then there are times when he's trolling and i think this is one of those times. i know that stunt he did at cannes that got him banned irked him, even though he acted like he didn't care (and understood why they banned him)- but i honestly think this is his reply to cannes

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I think the guy is kind of like an immature teenager at this point, trying to be some kind of edgy shock-jock alpha male type. And I think making this kind of movie says something about you... not what he thinks it says... but I'll still watch it because I can't not look at blowjobs on trains and reckless exploitative sex lol


Melancholia was kind of the nail in the coffin of his artistic integrity for me.

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ouch, i do find her genuinely hot though, i wouldn't describe her as conventionally attractive


If you're going to see this one in a theater, please go and sit in the back in the corner. Away from the rest of us. And don't forget to take your own box of

doos-van-papieren-zakdoekjes-7933890.jpg with you.

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I'm expecting this film to start out pretty depressing, provide us with many weird boners while making things progressively more miserable for the lead along the way. In the end we will want to kill ourselves for being aroused. Snot and tears and hate of all things. Yeah, I'm not even sure why I want to go through this, but I do.

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ouch, i do find her genuinely hot though, i wouldn't describe her as conventionally attractive


I'd expect lots of scratches and bite marks afterwards, but I'd be kind of proud of them, too.

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