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leo and company go out fur hunting in the middle of (snowy) nowhere before being attacked by native americans, and getting brutally mauled by a bear. then things get worse when

he's left by his bros



i recommend growing a huge beard before watching this movie (if you're a woman, don't shave your legs).


9 grizzly bear attacks out of 10

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Angel Heart. a bit helter-skelter at trying to piece together the various elements of the mystery but a great movie, best horror I've seen in a while.

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revenant - dicaprio and hardy / 10 - very believable woods, believable period piece stuff, cool setting. that stuff was all awesome with the excellent cinematography. story and acting were not great


hateful eight - not pulp fiction / 10 - some great scenes, could have been a great western if the story didn't get lazy


joy - go in with low expectations and it's alright to good / 10. untraditional approach to a movie that worked

Edited by very honest
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American Ultra - 8/10 Bourne Identity as a stoner comedy. Good cast, Eisenberg kicking peoples' asses was funny, Kristen Stewart was watchable, Walter Coggins & Topher Grace very entertaining. But who lights a joint with a butane torch? You're losing 2-3 hits off that roach, lol

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Revenant was pretty good. Appreciate the effort that went into making it. Agree the story wasn't great. Read that the true story wasn't a guy getting revenge for his kid...it was a guy who wants to track down another man for stealing his gun.



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I don't think there was anything wrong with the story, it was simple and effective. Weird that anyone would say the acting was poor as well, I thought it was top notch all round. Film of the year by far for me.

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sicario - 10/10


Need to see this. have only heard great things.


i had some bad things to say about it on bdb, it got spoilers though:


sicario - i've now seen four of his last films and every single of them was utter shit. every single time i questioned myself and thought "hmm, maybe i'm wrong about him and the critics are right" and endured yet another one of his horribly written, utterly contrived and overwrought cinematic excrements. it's like he simply doesn't get what cinema is supposed to be. he somehow gets to hire good actors, cinematographers, composers etc, but simply doesn't know what the fuck to do with them as they get lost in his stupid direction and idiotic writing (not his duties, but still).

what is the point of a 15 minute segment of a motorcade going into one direction and then back? that gorgeous but yet again completely pointless shot of marines going into the sunset, it's just laughably stupid, really something a cinematography freshman would proud himself on, why was it even used in that particular instance? the horribly conceived exposition with regards to del toro's character's motives before he goes rambo on the final boss, which is guarded by a whooping 5 people. and emily blunt's job is to just act totally appalled and bewildered at how morally/legally problematic this whole ordeal is without expressing anything else during the whole film, as if her character lives in some alternate reality where everything proceeds exactly by the books. the stupid traffic-esque intervention of "but look at how the other side is experiencing it". the whole thing just reeks of self importance and utter banality when it comes to its message or opinion or whatever it even is. "oh look how horrible it all is (all while sort of glorifying and feeding off this violence for cinematic purposes) and how america is probably bad too".

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Steve Jobs (the 2015 Danny Boyle film). I couldn't finish it / thought it was really bad, and this is coming from a huge Danny Boyle fan.


I hoped to learn more about the real people it portrayed, but the portrayals felt so one-dimensional / caricatured, the way it kept hitting you over the head with the same blunt messages; Jobs being an asshole, Woz being the techy guy who doesnt get Jobs' design obsessions.

It was getting better in the second half but I eventually got tired and didnt finish it. To those who have seen it should I finish?

Edited by Marked x 0ne
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sicario - 10/10


Need to see this. have only heard great things.

i had some bad things to say about it on bdb, it got spoilers though:


sicario - i've now seen four of his last films and every single of them was utter shit. every single time i questioned myself and thought "hmm, maybe i'm wrong about him and the critics are right" and endured yet another one of his horribly written, utterly contrived and overwrought cinematic excrements. it's like he simply doesn't get what cinema is supposed to be. he somehow gets to hire good actors, cinematographers, composers etc, but simply doesn't know what the fuck to do with them as they get lost in his stupid direction and idiotic writing (not his duties, but still).

what is the point of a 15 minute segment of a motorcade going into one direction and then back? that gorgeous but yet again completely pointless shot of marines going into the sunset, it's just laughably stupid, really something a cinematography freshman would proud himself on, why was it even used in that particular instance? the horribly conceived exposition with regards to del toro's character's motives before he goes rambo on the final boss, which is guarded by a whooping 5 people. and emily blunt's job is to just act totally appalled and bewildered at how morally/legally problematic this whole ordeal is without expressing anything else during the whole film, as if her character lives in some alternate reality where everything proceeds exactly by the books. the stupid traffic-esque intervention of "but look at how the other side is experiencing it". the whole thing just reeks of self importance and utter banality when it comes to its message or opinion or whatever it even is. "oh look how horrible it all is (all while sort of glorifying and feeding off this violence for cinematic purposes) and how america is probably bad too".

They should have made the film about fast and furious (gun running to Mexican drug lords by the US government), no one gets punished in the end, there's lots of violence and moral ambiguity, plus the US is the bad guy, so everyone gets something to enjoy.


Shame they don't make proper action flicks anymore, well except for international spies, the only people left allowed to run around racking up bodycount.

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Stuff happens, satiates my male brain. Standing around talking reading pointless emotion and interpersonal relationship based dialogue that is only incidental to the thin plot, seems to rule the day these days. That and close up shots, cause then they don't have to build and dress full sets. The new Star Wars film would be classed as action/adventure fenton and adventure is just another word for action, stuff happens, so I would say that you don't mind action films.


If this is incorrect and you like something else entirely, my apologies.

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