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I tried watching Rio 70 but I couldn't take it in the long run. It works very well as a two minute music video though. Enjoy!


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Yeah I loved it, saw it in the cinema. I even liked the fact it was a little bit too long, all arthouse films should be.

That dancing alone in the woods to electronic music part is still my No.1 contender for Most IDM scene in a film.

Still need to see Dogtooth.




Dogtooth on youtube streaming at 720p.

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hated Dogtooth. Really liked the Lobster until the last third. They didn't develop the ideas to the max and it fizzled out..


Before I wake - 8/10


If you thought Conjuring 2 was scary well hot dang, put this on with the lights out and the volume up.

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Excalibur (1981) - post-Brexit wonder of an even older Britain before the English got a foothold & ruined it. Props to John Boorman doe for blending ripping yarn with kitsch period cliches, better than i remembered it. Nicol Williamson IS Merlin (find the version of Macbeth with him in the lead too for a quality adaptation) & Helen Mirren defines edible malevolence



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If you thought Conjuring 2 was scary well hot dang, put this on with the lights out, your trousers down and the volume up.


I am ready!



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Green Room - pretty well done for its budget. I liked how it incorporated elements of different genres; violent indie flicks, survival horror, revenge flicks. The dialogue seemed very mumbly for the first half, I had trouble understanding them. The ending was kind of meh.

RIP Anton.

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Beyond the Black Rainbow - YES/10

finally, eh.

It was gorgeous but that's about all it had going for it, innit
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police lieutenant, laurel hester (julianne moore) is fighting a local new jersey town of freeholders to secure her pension funds go to married partner stacie (ellen page) after she is diagnosed with terminal cancer.


interesting story but not very well done. there are some dodgy casting choices (like steve carrell as some kind of gay jewish equality advocate and whoever played hester's sister). anyway, this is more made-for-television standard fair


six out of ten breathing tubes

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Watched this this afternoon at the filmhouse on a screen not much bigger than my TV. For the most part it's ace, I have a few squabbles with the ending but the intensity and pacing draws you in... you cocksuckaz can't afford not to check it out.


Also read tonight it's being developed for a series like Gommorah! These guys don't waste their time.

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police lieutenant, laurel hester (julianne moore) is fighting a local new jersey town of freeholders to secure her pension funds go to married partner stacie (ellen page) after she is diagnosed with terminal cancer.


interesting story but not very well done. there are some dodgy casting choices (like steve carrell as some kind of gay jewish equality advocate and whoever played hester's sister). anyway, this is more made-for-television standard fair


six out of ten breathing tubes


It sounds awful. I'll watch it anyway just to see what Michael Shannon's doing. Also, that poster threw me somewhat, I didn't see Ellen Page I saw a shaved Haley Joel Osment.

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I dunno, you might enjoy it more than I did. Patrick Stewart was cool. it was well-crafted overall, but there were some odd gaps and it just didn't really have anything to say.


edit: other than nazi punks fuck off, I guess

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Just watched District 9 again. Must have been at least three years since I last watched it.

Still find it to be an underappreciated film and probably Blomkamp's best of the three full-length films he's directed in the last seven years. Whether or not a sequel will ever be made remains to be seen, but it's begging for one. I've already come up with my own ideas for a sequel story, but don't want to burden anybody here with details.

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